cekit / behave-test-steps

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Add method to copy file to container #19

Closed kabir closed 5 years ago

kabir commented 5 years ago

Also fix:

kabir commented 5 years ago

@luck3y @goldmann I think I have everything I need in here now to do something like

  Scenario: Sample test
    When container is started with command bash
       | variable                  | value            |
       | DB_SERVICE_PREFIX_MAPPING | test-mysql=TEST |
       | TEST_DATABASE             | kitchensink      |
       | TEST_USERNAME             | marek            |
       | TEST_PASSWORD             | hardtoguess      |
       | TEST_MYSQL_SERVICE_HOST   |         |
       | TEST_MYSQL_SERVICE_PORT   | 3306             |
       | TIMER_SERVICE_DATA_STORE  | test-mysql       |
    Then copy features/jboss-eap-modules/7/scripts/add-system-property.cli to /tmp in container
    And run /opt/eap/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=/tmp/add-system-property.cli in container
    And run script -c /opt/eap/bin/openshift-launch.sh /tmp/boot.log in container and detach
    And XML file /opt/eap/standalone/configuration/standalone-openshift.xml should contain value java:jboss/datasources/test_mysql on XPath //*[local-name()='xa-datasource']/@jndi-name
goldmann commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I like the example! I'll give it a proper review tomorrow, stay tuned!

kabir commented 5 years ago

I have never touched Python before, so if I went a bit too crazy with the kwargs, let me know how it could be done better :)

kabir commented 5 years ago

@goldmann @luck3y I added another commit for a problem I noticed in one of my tests

kabir commented 5 years ago

@goldmann I commented on the ones where I disagree, and will look into your 'with' comments and remove the debug stuff in the morning. Thanks for looking!

kabir commented 5 years ago

@goldmann I think I've fixed everything.

I made the 'should have x elements' step configurable as I had missed your last comment. It is in a separate (the last) commit though, so I can remove that if you no longer want it

goldmann commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this contribution and sorry it took so long!

kabir commented 5 years ago

Thanks! No problem, I am just fumbling around really so it is good to have some guidance in this area :)