celery / django-celery-results

Celery result back end with django
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Task name, args, and kwargs are not being saved #406

Closed panatale1 closed 10 months ago

panatale1 commented 10 months ago

I am using Python 3.11, Django 4.1.8, celery 5.2.7, and django-celery-results 2.5.1, with postgresql as the database and rabbitmq as the message broker.

When I run a task, task name, args, and kwargs are not being added to the TaskResult instance.

I'm using the standard add test task

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10 47 23

def add(x, y):
    return x + y
yanhuixie commented 10 months ago

look at #376

panatale1 commented 10 months ago

@yanhuixie Thank you. I had thought I set that setting, but turns out I'd made a typo. All good now.