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Set up CI #15

Closed thedrow closed 3 years ago

thedrow commented 3 years ago

It's time we start continuously testing this repository to ensure we don't break anything in the future.

ahopkins commented 3 years ago

Why nox and not tox? Why not try and keep it similar to celery?

auvipy commented 3 years ago

can github action parse nox files?

auvipy commented 3 years ago

Why nox and not tox? Why not try and keep it similar to celery?

nox provide python file like syntax https://nox.thea.codes/en/stable/tutorial.html :D if this goes well we might consider changing celery too.

ahopkins commented 3 years ago

I don't profess to be an expert. I only setup one package on GH actions about a month or two ago. But it seems similar enough to doing GL or Travis where you are defining the container that runs everything in. So, as long as the environment is setup, I see no reason why it couldn't run nox.

thedrow commented 3 years ago

nox allows us to programmatically introduce network partitions using blockade or something like seaworthy. tox-docker is far less flexible.

thedrow commented 3 years ago

@ahopkins If you think tox is what we should be using in the future, now's the time to make the argument for it.

ahopkins commented 3 years ago

I am not familiar with blockade or seaworthy. I have used tox-docker with success.

My comment was based upon two things: (1) celery uses tox, and (2) tox is widely known and adopted in the Python community (not really a reason to shirk it). If the idea is to use this as an experiment before switching celery, then go for it. I have no objection.

thedrow commented 3 years ago

@ahopkins Very large projects like salt and urllib3 use nox. There's no reason not to try it. If it works well, we can replace tox with nox without fear.

auvipy commented 3 years ago

just sharing a thing from my little knowledge reading with github action doc so far, even without tox/nox we can run CI/CD in github action using their built-in features as well. [doing that in django-activity-stream & might try in celery projects]