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Lifecycle States & Transitions #3

Open thedrow opened 3 years ago

thedrow commented 3 years ago

State Machine

I defined an hierarchical state machine to model the lifecycle of the actor. Other states and transitions between them may be added in the future.

The transitions library allows you to append callbacks to the different events of the state machine. Please refer to their documentation if you'd like to find out which callbacks are available and their order of execution.

The following diagram defines the fundamental actor states and how to transition between them: Actor Lifecycle State Machine


The state machine has states which define where the actor is during his lifecycle.

The following tables describes all current states:

Actor State Machine

State Name Description
initializing The initial state of the actor when created.
initialized The state of the actor when we start it for the very first time
starting The state of the actor immediately after calling actor.start()
starting -> dependencies_started The state of the actor after all of the actor's dependencies have been started
starting -> resources_acquired The state of the actor after all resources have been acquired
starting -> tasks_started The state of the actor after all tasks have been started
started The state of the actor after it has finished all startup activities
started -> running The state of the actor when all tasks are running
started -> paused The state of the actor when all tasks are halted without shutting down the entire actor
started -> running -> healthy The state of the actor when the actor is functioning properly
started -> running -> degraded The state of the actor when the actor is not functioning properly but is still able to perform some of its duties
started -> running -> unhealthy The state of the actor when the actor is temporarily not functioning
stopping The state of the actor immediately after calling actor.stop()
stopping -> tasks_stopped The state of the actor after all tasks have been stopped
stopping -> resources_released The state of the actor after all resources have been released
stopping -> dependencies_stopped all of the actor's dependencies have been stopped
stopped The state of the actor after it has finished all shutdown activities
crashed The state of the actor after an exception was raised during startup or shutdown

Actor Restart State Machine

State Name Description
ignore A special state which is ignored by the Actor
restarting The state of the actor once it has begun restarting
restarting -> stopping The state of the actor while stopping during a restart
restarting -> starting The state of the actor while starting during a restart
restarted The state of the actor after it has been restarted



Triggers are the API the state machine exposes to trigger a transition between states.

The following triggers are already defined: Trigger Name Description
initialize() Initializes the actor without starting it
start() Starts the actor
pause() Pauses the actor's tasks without shutting it down completely
resume() Resumes the actor's tasks after it has been paused
stop() Stops the actor
restart() Restarts the actor
report_error() Report that an error has occurred while starting or stopping the actor
report_warning() Report an issue with the actor which interferes with some of the actor's functionality
report_problem() Report an issue with the actor which causes the actor to be temporarily malfunctioning
recover() Recover from a degraded or unhealthy states


The after transition callback allows us to progress the state machine until the desired state by repeatedly calling the start() or stop() triggers until the desired state is reached. We use the before transition callbacks to manage the lifecycle of the actor.

The following table describe what the current side effects from transitions: From State To State Description
starting starting -> dependencies_started Before this transition, all the actor's dependencies are transitioned to the started state
starting -> dependencies_started starting -> resources_acquired Before this transition, all the actor's resources are acquired
starting -> resources_acquired starting -> tasks_started Before this transition, all the actor's tasks are started
stopping -> tasked_stopped stopping -> resources_released Before this transition, all the actor's resources are released
stopping -> resources_released stopping -> dependencies_stopped Before this transition, all the actor's dependencies are transitioned to the stopped state

The rest of the transitions have no use currently other than stepping into the next step. In the future we will introduce a public API to let the users use them.


MicahLyle commented 3 years ago


The crashed state is currently not in use, it is pending the completion of pytransitions/transitions#485 or another solution.

At the time of this comment, you have that unchecked, but it looks like the issue is resolved. Is crashed in use or intended to be in use?

thedrow commented 3 years ago

We need to use the new on_exception hook instead of rolling our own implementation.