celest-dev / celest

The Flutter cloud platform
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The command line tries to use the dart command #98

Closed g123k closed 3 months ago

g123k commented 3 months ago


I would like to try celest, but as soon as the start command, I have the following error:

➜ celest start  
Enter a name for your project (androidmakers_schedule) androidmakers_schedule
⠧ Generating project... (0.6s)
⠧ Generating project... (1.4s)Failed to run `pub get`. Please run `/Users/g123k/fvm/versions/stable/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart pub get` manually in /Users/[...]/celest and try again.

And if I try the command, here is the error:

Because XXX depends on flutter_test from sdk which doesn't exist (the Flutter SDK is not available), version solving failed.

Flutter users should use `flutter pub` instead of `dart pub`.
dnys1 commented 3 months ago

Hi @g123k 👋

This is by design currently as we don't compile the Flutter SDK into your server code. Would package:test work for your use case instead of flutter_test?

g123k commented 3 months ago

I have recreated the project this morning, and the problem has changed:

Resolving dependencies... 
Because celest_backend depends on celest_core >=0.3.0-dev.1 which requires the Flutter SDK, version solving

Flutter users should use `flutter pub` instead of `dart pub`.

You can try the following suggestion to make the pubspec resolve:
* Try updating the following constraints: dart pub add celest:^0.2.0 celest_core:^0.2.1 http:^1.2.1 dev:lints:^3.0.0 dev:test:^1.25.2
dnys1 commented 3 months ago

@g123k currently, the dart command in your PATH must point to the version from the Flutter SDK. Can you confirm by running which dart and update your PATH if it's pointing to a non-Flutter Dart (e.g. Homebrew)?

I'm working on a fix for this, so it should be a temporary measure.

g123k commented 3 months ago

Yes, my dart command is in the Flutter SDK

dnys1 commented 3 months ago

Okay, thanks for confirming. I'll look into it some more!

dnys1 commented 3 months ago

This has been fixed in v0.3.10! You can run celest upgrade to get the changes.

Please let me know if you face any more issues.