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Add-on submissions 22W13 #14

Closed DaveBowman2001 closed 2 years ago

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**Description:** (a short description to be shown on the addon download window)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Release date:** (The date this add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should contain a file called description.json)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Thumbnail:** (optional, by default will be the downscaled version of Image if present, so unless you want something different to show as a thumbnail, leave it empty)
**Additional metadata:** (optional, this can be anything that web supports. Link, image, audio, video, text, attributed text, cel URL, cel/celx scripts, embedded stuff (for example a YouTube video)...)

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the id to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template. For removal of add-ons, please attach the id too.

The id is part of the link to the add-on: For example, this addon below has an id of A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3 https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3

Check before uploading an add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that:

  1. files names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.


Title: Kepler-1649 Description: The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649/c Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-07-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Rogue planets Description: This addon adds 12 candidate rogue planets, wandering through space without orbiting any stars.

NOTE: When researching the rogue planet and going to it, you must zoom in to get a closer look.

List of rogue planets available in the addon, to help you find each one:

Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 - 2017) Demo Object Name: CFBDSIR 2149-0403 Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2019-10-11 Link to download: rogue planets.zip Image:

CFBDSIR 2149-0403: 20220405_124952

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Title: Rogue planets

Huh, is this from my old brown dwarf addon? I must have forgotten about it. Since it's derived from Celestia Origin's rogue planets addon, please credit Zemlyanin as well.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@SevenSpheres Yes, it is extracted from the brown dwarfs addon. I will update the credits.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Rogue Planets addon. Updated credits. ID: 16437BEC-3066-29D4-CFD9-BE32D78D35A8

Author(s): SevenSpheres, Zemlyanin

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 As the online list of addons within the app has now been removed and the web version has been added, I suggest you remove the separation of addons into categories by pages 1 and 2, to avoid confusion.

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 As the online list of addons within the app has now been removed and the web version has been added, I suggest you remove the separation of addons into categories by pages 1 and 2, to avoid confusion.

No it won’t be removed. Paging is needed to lower bandwidth for the server. Similarly I also enabled paging for comments.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Therefore, make the pagination better visible. Because I believe some people won't notice it being on the bottom.

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

I don’t think any change should be made. The addons are ranked alphabetically so a user would naturally scroll to bottom to find an add-on in the next page. It works the same way as in app addons, only that the webpage version does not automatically load the next page when the bottom item is displayed.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Everything is fine. In this case, let's wait for some opinions from Celestia users to see what can be improved.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: M 76 (Little Dumbbell Nebula) Description: The Little Dumbbell Nebula is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Perseus. It is estimated to be 2,500 light-years away from Earth. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: M 76 Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-14 Link to download: M76.zip Image: 20220406_143725

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: M 57 Ring Nebula (Sprite Model) Description: The Ring Nebula (also catalogued as Messier 57, and NGC 6720) is a planetary nebula in the mildly northern constellation of Lyra around 2,567±115 light-years away. Such a nebula is formed when a star, during the last stages of its evolution before becoming a white dwarf, expels a vast luminous envelope of ionized gas into the surrounding interstellar space. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: M 57 Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-20 Link to download: M57.zip Image: 20220406_144500

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: M 97 Owl Nebula (Sprite Model) Description: The Owl Nebula (also known as Messier 97 or NGC 3587) is a starburst ("planetary") nebula approximately 2,030 light years away in the northern constellation Ursa Major. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: M 97 Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-13 Link to download: M97.zip Image: 20220406_145007

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula (Sprite Model) Description: Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392) is a planetary nebula discovered by William Herschel in 1787. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Eskimo Nebula Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-10-14 Link to download: Eskimo Nebula sprite model.zip Image: 20220406_152430

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula) Description: Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392) is a planetary nebula discovered by William Herschel in 1787. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Eskimo Nebula Author(s): AstroBoy Release date: 2008-01-22 Link to download: Eskimo Nebula.zip Image: 20220406_152412

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Abell 10 addon. Updated image. ID: C184D154-C142-1668-844B-FFB092D9455E Image: 20220406_152444

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Abell 12 addon. Updated image. ID: 45694972-A6BA-5D2C-5B7B-0A03A2BFA4FF Image: 20220406_153208

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Deep Space Climate Observatory addon. Added COSPAR identification ID: 91732B8D-7602-F6FA-9653-92C05FE6BC68 Link to download: DSCOVR update.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Starlink addon. Updated image. ID: 0F2427F6-5205-7625-6937-1EB37A21FE26 Image: 155481617-8aa708be-a32e-4f42-9eb9-861b1d6e5ca7

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated 2022 NEOs addon. Added several new NEOs ID: 00A49425-F9E4-9E59-B578-27DDC0B3FE3D

Description: This addon adds 102 NEOs asteroids discovered in 2022.

NOTE: This is a frequently updated addon containing new discovered NEOs asteroids, so stay tuned!

Link to download: 2022 NEOs update 3.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Lucy addon. Added Metadata and minor addon improvements ID: 570B15DB-AAE1-5BF0-BDD1-4E0639CDEB32 Link to download: Lucy new update.zip

Additional Metadata: Lucy_spacecraft_lifted_to_dolly_operations_(KSC-20210908-PH-KLS01_0004)_(cropped) Lucy in launch configuration

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated New Horizons addon. Added more Metadata ID: 861D637B-5562-8A01-734A-3D6FEFA68185

Additional Metadata: 800px-New_Horizons_1 New Horizons before launch, 2005

@levinli303 Put this new image as the first of the existing Metadatas, to be in correct order.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Tau Bootis Description: Tau Bootis Ab is an exoplanet discovered in 1996 and located 51 light-years away from Earth. It is a hot Jupiter that is four times more massive than Jupiter and that orbits very close to its parent star. Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Early Years, 1988 - 2008) Demo Object Name: Tau Boo A Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-04-06 Link to download: tau-bootis.zip Image: 20220407_180413

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

Updated Vostok 1 to 6 addon. Added COSPAR identification ID: F6E31C15-D5A5-D203-F272-9688AFE4C300 Link to download: Vostok update.zip

description.json should be removed

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Vostok 1 to 6 addon. Added COSPAR identification ID: F6E31C15-D5A5-D203-F272-9688AFE4C300 Link to download: Vostok update.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Gliese 649 Description: Gliese 649 b is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 649 34 light-years away from Earth. The planet is similar to Saturn. Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 - 2017) Demo Object Name: Gliese 649 Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-04-08 Link to download: Gliese 649.zip Image: Gliese649b

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@SevenSpheres The unconfirmed exoplanets catalog addon created a duplicate of the exoplanet Pollux b (Thestias) in the Pollux addon. I believe this be happening with other exoplanets unconfirmed.

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

@SevenSpheres The unconfirmed exoplanets catalog addon created a duplicate of the exoplanet Pollux b (Thestias) in the Pollux addon. I believe this be happening with other exoplanets unconfirmed.

There are two things that could cause this: If the Pollux addon simply redefines the planet without using a Modify or Replace statement, or if the Pollux addon is being loaded before the unconfirmed exoplanets addon. Since Celestia loads addons in alphabetical order, the latter seems unlikely if the names of the addon folders are the addon IDs (the ID of the Pollux addon starts with "B", while the ID of the unconfirmed exoplanets addon starts with "0").

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

I believe that I will soon be working on an update for these unconfirmed exoplanet addons.

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Tested; I can't reproduce this issue. With the latest version of mobile Celestia, the latest version of the unconfirmed exoplanets addon, and the Pollux addon, I see only one Pollux b.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

I will make some changes soon. I also had problems with a duplicate in Gurren's recent addon KIC 10403228, so I couldn't make the submission to Celestia Mobile. Simply "Modify" is included in the ssc but on the second planet a duplicate was created. The first time I tested it, there was no such problem. Already in the second test time, it happened.

GurrenLagannTSS commented 2 years ago

I will make some changes soon. I also had problems with a duplicate in Gurren's recent addon KIC 10403228, so I couldn't make the submission to Celestia Mobile. Simply "Modify" is included in the ssc but on the second planet a duplicate was created. The first time I tested it, there was no such problem. Already in the second test time, it happened.

Hello, KIC 10403228/KOI-8007 addon creator here. I can't seem to reproduce your issue, and on top of that, no objects in the system seem to have the "Modify" parameter, but they all use "Replace". It works on both Windows and on Andrioid too.

GurrenLagannTSS commented 2 years ago

Update request to the FT Octanis addon. The planetary companion is misnamed, its actually 2MASS J21265040-8140293. The 2MASS J21121598-8128452 designation actually stands for one of the proposted stellar companions of FT Octanis. ID: C9F1EEAF-5EF6-58A8-9A47-29EE8CAA4705

Description: FT Octanis is a red dwarf about 111.38 light-years away in the constellation Octans. In 2009, a brown dwarf or a super-Jovian planet, named 2MASS J21265040-8140293, was spotted over 7,400 AU away from the star, later determined to be gravitationally bound to it. With an orbital period of 900,000 years, this makes its star system one of the largest ever found.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

I tested it again, and for me it worked correctly just without the unconfirmed exoplanets addon.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: KOI-8007 Description: KOI-8007 is a planetary system in the constellation Scorpio 440 light-years away from Earth. It is believed to have two planets in its orbit. The last planet must have an orbit similar to that of Neptune and also a possible ring system. Proposed Category: Unconfirmed Exoplanets Demo Object Name: KOI-8007 Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-04-07 Link to download: koi-8007.zip Image: Sisyphus-KIC10403228

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated Pollux addon. Updated Description. ID: B26ED397-40F0-4135-7337-065602E70542

Description: Thestias (Pollux b) is an unconfirmed exoplanet that would be orbiting the star Pollux in the constellation of Gemini 34 light-years away from Earth.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: K2-33 Description: K2-33b is a "hot Neptune" exoplanet discovered by the Kepler space telescope in 2016. The planet is 456 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Scorpio. It is a very young planet, estimated to be 9.3 million years old Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 - 2017) Demo Object Name: K2-33 Author(s): Release date: 2022-04-08 Link to download: K2-33.zip Image: Sisyphus-K2-33

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Updated IXPE addon. Added COSPAR identification ID: BAF07CD7-7C82-5059-2706-3A1E3332AB97 Link to download: IXPE UPDATE.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: NGC 6826 (Blinking Nebula) Description: Blinking Nebula (NGC 6826) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus. At its center is an O-type star. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Blinking Nebula Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-07 Link to download: Blinking Nebula.zip Image: 20220410_082413

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Abell 65 Description: Abell 65 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Sargittarius. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Abell 65 Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-13 Link to download: Abell 65.zip Image: 20220410_082357

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Abell 81 Description: Abell 81 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Cepheus. Proposed Category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Abell 81 Author(s): ttcz Release date: 2021-04-13 Link to download: Abell 81.zip Image: 20220410_082345

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Venera 15 and 16 Description: Venera 15 and 16 were two soviet space probes sent to the planet Venus in 1983. Both probes orbited Venus and mapped its surface. Communication with both probes was lost in 1985. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (1951 - 2000) Demo Object Name: Venera 15 Author(s): Jack Higgins, SpaceExplorer Release date: 2022-02-03 Link to download: Venera 15 and 16.zip Image: 20220410_100050

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Phobos-Grunt Description: Phobos-Grunt is a Russian space probe that aimed to collect samples from the surface of Mars' moon Phobos. It was launched November 8, 2011, but the rocket burn that was supposed to send the probe towards Mars failed, and Phobos-Grunt was stuck in Earth orbit. As a consequence, the mission failed and the probe crashed into Earth's atmosphere on January 15, 2012. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (2001 - 2020) Demo Object Name: Phobos-Grunt Author(s): toutatis, Art Blos Release date: 2019-08-05 Link to download: Phobos-Grunt.zip Image: 20220410_100212

GurrenLagannTSS commented 2 years ago

Title: PSR B0329+54 Description: PSR B0329+54 is a pulsar located approximately 3,460 light-years away in the constellation of Camelopardalis. In 2017, a long-period, terrestrial pulsar planet was found in the system. Proposed category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 - 2017) Demo Object Name: PSR B0329+54 Author(s): Vision, jmdollan, Mneme, Gurren Lagann, Frank Gregorio Release date: 22/09/2020 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZS0Rx9Zjc_sjDBBhl71smiTJaJAfFpkT/ Image: image

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Closing...continue to #17