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Add-on Submissions 22W29 #26

Closed DaveBowman2001 closed 2 years ago

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**ID:** (optional, use only to determine which addon in mobi to update)
**ID Requirement:** (optional, ID decides the order of loading, might need special requirement if an add-on has dependencies)
**Description (Legacy)**: (plain text description of the add-on)
**Description**: (optional, rich content description of the add-on which includes additional images, videos, tables etc. which also replaces the old Additional metadata format. If it is plain text, put it in Description (Legacy) and leave this empty)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/categories), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Author(s):** (optional)
**Release date:** (optional, The date this original add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Last Updated:** (optional, only for updating addons to keep track of their versions especially if it is regularly updated)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should NOT contain a file called description.json)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Thumbnail:** (optional, by default will be the downscaled version of Image if present, so unless you want something different to show as a thumbnail, leave it empty)
**Disable comments**: (optional, by default, comments are not disabled)

For Updates to Existing Add-ons

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the id to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template. For removal of add-ons, please attach the id too.

The id is part of the link to the add-on: For example, this addon below has an id of A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3 https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3

Check Before Uploading an Add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that:

  1. File names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc. are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.
  6. All images need to be in JPEG (you either choose to screenshot in JPEG in Celestia or convert using tools)
  7. The add-on archive should not include system files or hidden files (macOS is notorious for adding hidden system files to archives, avoid using macOS's default archive utility) this issue is found in many add-ons @Anthony-B-Russo10 uploaded
  8. The add-on archive must have a flat folder structure (It should try to have fewer level of folders, do not do things like A/A/A) this issue is found in many add-ons @SpaceExplorer2008 uploaded


Title: Kepler-1649 Description (Legacy): The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649 Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-Jul-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: Untitled

For New Categories

If a New Addon does not fit into any existing category, you can propose a new one by following the format below:

**ID:** (optional, use only for updating an existing category)
**Short Name**: (used when context about parent category is given somewhere)
**Full Name**:
**Parent**: (N/A if it is a root category)
**Children**: (N/A if it is a leaf category, you might want to change children's short names to be concise)
**Image**: (must be about 3000 * 1000 pixels in size in order for the whole image to fit)
**Add-ons**: (If it's a split category, provide a list of existing add-ons to move onto the proposed new category)

Example: For Parent Category Full Name: Exoplanets Description: Artistic Impressions of real exoplanets arranged by confirmation status and discovery years Children: Early Years, Kepler Era, TESS Era, Unconfirmed Image: image

Example: For Children Category Short Name: Unconfirmed Full Name: Exoplanets: Unconfirmed Description: These addons depict the star systems whose planets were spotted but is yet to be confirmed by follow-up observations Parent: Exoplanets Image: image

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Sub-Categories for "Planets & Moons"

Short Name: Venus Full Name: Planets & Moons: Venus Description: Venus is the 2nd planet in the Solar System, and the 2nd brightest naked-eye object in the night sky. It is physically Earth's twin in every way, but its dense atmosphere and hellish landscape rules out any form of life that could survive Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Earth and the Moon Full Name: Planets & Moons: Earth and the Moon Description: Earth is the 3rd planet in the Solar System and (so far) the only known place in the Universe that can support life. A large rocky planet, it is orbited by a single natural satellite, the Moon, which (as of 2022) is the furthest place in the Solar System that humans have actually set foot on Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Mars Full Name: Planets & Moons: Mars Description: Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System. In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war. It is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, and various surface features such as impact craters, valleys, dunes, and polar ice caps. It also has two small and irregularly shaped moons, Phobos and Deimos Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Jupiter Full Name: Planets & Moons: Jupiter Description: Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant consisting of 80 known moons (as of 2021). It is named after the Roman god Jupiter, the king of the gods. Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Saturn Full Name: Planets & Moons: Saturn Description: Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with only 1/8 the average density of Earth. It is famous for its extensive ring system and 83 known moons (as of 2021). It is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Uranus Full Name: Planets & Moons: Uranus Description: Uranus is the 7th planet in the Solar System. An ice giant, its existence was not known until it is discovered by William Herschel through his telescope in 1781. As of 2022, there are a total of 27 moons known to orbit Uranus Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Neptune Full Name: Planets & Moons: Neptune Description: Neptune is the 8th planet in the Solar System. An ice giant, its existence was not known until 1846 when it is discovered through mathematical predictions made independently by J. C. Adams and U. LeVerrier. It is home to 14 known moons (as of 2022) Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Others Full Name: Planets & Moons: Others Description: A collection of Solar System addons that does not fit in any specific subcategory Parent: Planets & Moons Image: Untitled Add-ons:

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Syncom IV/Leasat ID Requirement: 1E to Z Description (Legacy): The Leased Satellite (Leasat) program, also known as Syncom-IV, were the first satellites designed to be specifically launched by a Space Shuttle. Weighing 3.4 tons and measuring 6.17 m when fully deployed, these satellites provided communications for the US military and its allies during the later years of the Cold War. Designated internally as HS-381 satellites, a total of four were built (with an additional spare) by Hughes Communications, each one launching from 1984 to 1990. All satellites were decommissioned into their respective graveyard orbits since 2015

NOTE: Requires the Space Shuttle addon found in the "Spacecraft (1951-2000)" category

Description: The Leased Satellite (Leasat) program, also known as Syncom-IV, were the first satellites designed to be specifically launched by a Space Shuttle. Weighing 3.4 tons and measuring 6.17 m when fully deployed, these satellites provided communications for the US military and its allies during the later years of the Cold War. Designated internally as HS-381 satellites, a total of four were built (with an additional spare) by Hughes Communications, each one launching from 1984 to 1990. All satellites were decommissioned into their respective graveyard orbits since 2015



Mission Start End
Leasat 2 (Syncom IV-2) 1984-Aug-301996
Launched from STS-41-D (Discovery)
Leasat 1 (Syncom IV-1) 1984-Nov-081994
Launched from STS-51-A (Discovery)
Leasat 3 (Syncom IV-3) 1985-Apr-121996
Launched from STS-51-D (Discovery), stranded in LEO before being repaired by the crew of STS-51-I (Discovery)
Leasat 4 (Syncom IV-4) 1985-Aug-271985-Sept
Launched from STS-51-I (Discovery), failed shortly afterwards
Leasat 5 (Syncom IV-5) 1990-Jan-092015-Sept-24
Launched from STS-32 (Columbia)

Untitled Bill Fisher repairing the crippled Leasat 3 satellite during STS-51-I (Discovery), 1985-Sept-1

Proposed category: Spacecraft (1951-2000) Demo Object Name: Leasat 5 Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2021-Aug-15 Last update: 2022-Jul-16 Link to download: Syncom-IV (Leasat).zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename "Millenium Falcon" to "Millennium Falcon"

Title: Millennium Falcon ID: F0FF25C4-CD08-51E4-D92E-5A15201E06B9

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Since I posted this right after the last issue was closed.

Title: Celestia Spaceships Description (Legacy): This add-on places four hyper-drive spaceships within our Solar System. The ships are named Celestia 1, Celestia 1A, Celestia 1B and the Celestia 2. To view these ships, simply use the Solar System Browser under Celestia's built-in Navigation menu. The Celestia 1 orbits the Earth, and the others are placed in orbits around the Sun. Feel free to modify the SSC files to place the ships is any location you wish. See the Read-me file for instructions. The ships are based on the Orion Space Plane from the movie 2001, a Space Odyssey, and were designed by Jestr and Frank Gregorio. You can use in conjunction with Celestia-ED's cockpit feature to get both an exterior view and interior view of your Celestia hyper-drive craft. Please note that the data and texture files are not really necessary for these ships, but are included from Frank's original work. Description: This add-on places four hyper-drive spaceships within our Solar System. The ships are named Celestia 1, Celestia 1A, Celestia 1B and the Celestia 2. To view these ships, simply use the Solar System Browser under Celestia's built-in Navigation menu. The Celestia 1 orbits the Earth, and the others are placed in orbits around the Sun. Feel free to modify the SSC files to place the ships is any location you wish. See the Read-me file for instructions. The ships are based on the Orion Space Plane from the movie 2001, a Space Odyssey, and were designed by Jestr and Frank Gregorio. You can use in conjunction with Celestia-ED's cockpit feature to get both an exterior view and interior view of your Celestia hyper-drive craft. Please note that the data and texture files are not really necessary for these ships, but are included from Frank's original work. Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 17 59 AM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 18 29 AM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 20 06 AM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 20 56 AM

Proposed category: Fictional: Other Demo Object Name: Celestia 1 Author(s): Frank Gregorio, Jestr Release date: 2006-11-11 Last Updated: 2008-03-25 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9t__9la8eFh-LVMp9OGgr8zF0s8Z-s1/view?usp=sharing Image: Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 17 59 AM

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Title: Portal 2 cores Description (Legacy): This add-on places Wheatley and the Space Core in orbit around the moon. It also puts Rick and the Fact Core in their own orbits around Earth. Description: This add-on places Wheatley and the Space Core in orbit around the moon. It also puts Rick and the Fact Core in their own orbits around Earth. Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 42 17 AM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 40 31 AM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 41 43 AM image image

Proposed category: Fictional: Other Demo Object Name: Wheatly Author(s): cubicApoc Release date: 2011-07-14 Last Updated: 2022-07-16 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1etTV652Nk0YlFGxI6P_0HuSkqdHIjKio/view?usp=sharing Image: Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12 42 17 AM

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Pluto 3D Description (Legacy): This addon adds a 3D model for the dwarf planet Pluto, based on data from New Horizons spacecraft. Description: This addon adds a 3D model for Pluto, based on data from New Horizons spacecraft.



Proposed Category: Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) Demo Object Name: Pluto Author(s): Greg Frieger Release date: 2022-07-17 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x6vY4DRM2Jycu4HzA-ZLW0jf2PsL-bDy/view?usp=drivesdk

Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wrP_6V8KrTLHwIPpHIE6ho21TFUQq3oh/view?usp=drivesdk

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Charon 3D Description (Legacy): This addon adds a 3D model for Pluto's moon Charon, based on New Horizons spacecraft data. Description: This addon adds a 3D model for Pluto's moon Charon, based on New Horizons spacecraft data.



Proposed Category: Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) Demo Object Name: Charon Author(s): Greg Frieger Release date: 2022-07-17 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x53YY6kaagjegNlkPLzWgVVhiD9DlcSy/view?usp=drivesdk

Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wz9Bbrj7OqwgEctNB2yrW9CGy8m5VJ__/view?usp=drivesdk

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Description (Legacy): The WISE observatory, also known as Explorer 92, is a NASA infrared telescope which performed an all-sky infrared survey from 2009-2011 which afterwards put into hibernation mode. Upon reactivating in 2013, it is repurposed to search for asteroids that could collide with Earth, thus renaming into NEOWISE. Aside from discovering the first known Y-type brown dwarfs and thousands of asteroids, it also discovered many comets, one of which became the Great Comet of 2020, which also bears the same name.

Description: The WISE observatory, also known as Explorer 92, is a NASA infrared telescope which performed an all-sky infrared survey from 2009-2011 which afterwards put into hibernation mode. Upon reactivating in 2013, it is repurposed to search for asteroids that could collide with Earth, thus renaming into NEOWISE. Aside from discovering the first known Y-type brown dwarfs and thousands of asteroids, it also discovered many comets, one of which became the Great Comet of 2020, which also bears the same name. Untitled

WISE Launch - YouTube WISE and the Celestial Treasure Hunt - YouTube

Untitled The WISE observatory's first light image, in the direction of the constellation Carina, 2010-Jan-6

Untitled Discovery image of the object (red) that became known as C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), a.k.a. the Great Comet of 2020

Proposed category: Spacecraft (2001-2020) Demo Object Name: WISE Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Jul-17 Link to download: WISE.zip Image: Untitled

ghost commented 2 years ago

I've turned Celestia back on for three months and now Earth is missing two moons. Can someone tell me more? greetings from Austria

ghost commented 2 years ago

I wish you all a nice Sunday. Greetings from Austria

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Title: Portal 2 cores Author(s): cubicApocalypse, w0rldbuilder

These are the same person. Please use the name "cubicApoc" since that's what's used on his other addons.

I've turned Celestia back on for three months and now Earth is missing two moons. Can someone tell me more? greetings from Austria

Anthony's hypothetical bodies addon has been split up into several addons. The additional moons around Earth are most likely in the Theia addon. (Are you Peter592?)

ghost commented 2 years ago

Titel: Portal 2 Kerne Autor(en):cubicApocalypse, w0rldbuilder

Dies sind die gleichen Personen. Bitte verwenden Sie den Namen "cubicApoc", da dieser auch für seine anderen Addons verwendet wird.

Ich habe Celestia für drei Monate wieder eingeschaltet und jetzt fehlen der Erde zwei Monde. Kann mir jemand mehr sagen? Grüße aus Österreich

Anthonys Add-On für hypothetische Körper wurde in mehrere Add-Ons aufgeteilt. Die zusätzlichen Monde um die Erde sind höchstwahrscheinlich im Theia -Addon enthalten. (Sind Sie Peter592?)

No I'm not. The two moons are missing namely moon 1 and 2

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Title: Portal 2 cores Author(s): cubicApocalypse, w0rldbuilder

These are the same person. Please use the name "cubicApoc" since that's what's used on his other addons.


SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

No, it's not fixed. The author list should be just "cubicApoc", without also listing his old username as if it's a different author.

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Well fixed now.

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Title: Future Earth Description (Legacy): To see it, you have to go in the Time/Reset Time and set the year 2998. This add-on shows relative fantasy space rendering, not the real Earth image.

Some facts about the three texture map of this add-on: -The Earth surface map shows the consequences of the greenhouse effect: entire countries, important cities (like Venice or new York) under meters of water. -The Earth Night map shows a probable but fictional future aspect of the night side: very big cities, but recent:after the ice caps disasters, a very large number of cities will be rebuilt. -The cloud map, based on the Stormy Earth add-on, shows the consequences of the pollution: a very big CO2-H2O cloud cap, like Venus, but a bit smaller.

Note: This addons puts another Earth over top of the actual Earth rather then replacing the Earth resulting in objects in Low Earth Orbit being inside the Future Earth. Description: To see it, you have to go in the Time/Reset Time and set the year 2998. This add-on shows relative fantasy space rendering, not the real Earth image.

Some facts about the three texture map of this add-on: -The Earth surface map shows the consequences of the greenhouse effect: entire countries, important cities (like Venice or new York) under meters of water. -The Earth Night map shows a probable but fictional future aspect of the night side: very big cities, but recent:after the ice caps disasters, a very large number of cities will be rebuilt. -The cloud map, based on the Stormy Earth add-on, shows the consequences of the pollution: a very big CO2-H2O cloud cap, like Venus, but a bit smaller.

Note: This addons puts another Earth over top of the actual Earth rather then replacing the Earth resulting in objects in Low Earth Orbit being inside the Future Earth. Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 8 55 04 PM Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 8 56 13 PM

Proposed category: Fictional: Other Demo Object Name: Future Earth Author(s): Hal Bowman Release date: 2008-12-11 Last Updated: 2016-10-27 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1asUrqoLshx3LjvLQpTG3-2qmzBZFfXvn/view?usp=sharing Image: Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 8 55 04 PM

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Mars (1969-1972) Description (Legacy): The "Red" Planet as seen by the Mariner probes during their visit in 1969 (Mariner 6 and 7) and 1972 (Mariner 9). The first ever global maps of Mars are made in B&W due to the probes lacking a color camera at the time. These maps were obtained digitally from The Planetary Society site Proposed category: Planets & Moons: Mars Demo Object Name: Mars Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Jul-18 Link to download: Retro Mars.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: 1908 Tunguska meteor Description (Legacy): The Tunguska event was a 12 megaton explosion that occurred over the vast sparsely-populated taiga of Siberia, Russia near the Tunguska River in 1908-Jun-30. Although it did not hit the surface, it was the largest known impact event in recorded history, theorized to have been caused by a small asteroid or cometary fragment about 50-60 m in diameter

NOTE: To view this event, adjust your current Date/Time on or before 1908-Jun-30

Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: Tunguska Author(s): Medusa Release date: 2004-Nov-4 Link to download: 1908 Tunguska meteor.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@DaveBowman2001 There's a newer version of this addon in Celestia Origin, I was going to do it in the next few days, as I'm short on time now.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

This older one had a fireball effect and a custom model (i.e. not asteroid-small.cmod) included so I decided to put this one instead of the Celestia Origin version.

I will revisit the CO one and merge with the older iteration if the trajectory of the latter is much more refined than the former

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

The fireball has a problem, when it appears the meteor simply disappears, probably because it doesn't work well on mobile. As for the trajectory, at the moment of impact, it's only a difference of 11 meters between Medusa's and CO's version, so years before impact this varies in kilometers.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

See in the screenshot, when the fireball appears, the meteor disappears: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yZfUWHuT2R_zGdOYktec3lc54M6VCdie/view?usp=drivesdk

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 From what I saw recently, you are accepting page translation contributions on the mobi site. Could you provide a link to where the translations are made and how this should be done?

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

See in the screenshot, when the fireball appears, the meteor disappears: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yZfUWHuT2R_zGdOYktec3lc54M6VCdie/view?usp=drivesdk

Hmm...that's weird. The model and fireball should have disappeared instantly at the same time once they've reached their Ending dates. I will hide the Tunguska submission temporarily until this was resolved

@levinli303 From what I saw recently, you are accepting page translation contributions on the mobi site. Could you provide a link to where the translations are made and how this should be done?

You should post this on #7, not here

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

I didn't know before where the exact place to send translations was. But thanks.

Anthony-B-Russo10 commented 2 years ago

Venus_0.1 (1).zip Terraformed Venus

In order to submit an addon for Levin to add to mobi, you have to use the template the DaveBowman posted in the first comment on this issue.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@Anthony-B-Russo10 What do you mean?

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

@Anthony-B-Russo10 What do you mean?

Read the very first comment on top. The template is literally posted there

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Additional Sub-Categories for "Fictional"

This is a proposal to split the Fictional: Others subcategory into three to sort out addons originally assigned there for future submissions

Short Name: Celestial Comparisons Full Name: Fictional: Celestial Comparisons Description: This category consists of addons of REAL objects but are compared to each other for educational purposes Parent: Fictional Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Others (Spaceships) Full Name: Fictional: Others (Spaceships) Description: This category lists all fictional spacecraft that are not part of any worldbuilding project and major science-fiction franchises Parent: Fictional Image: Untitled Add-ons:

Short Name: Others (Celestial Objects) Full Name: Fictional: Others (Celestial Objects) Description: Independently-produced fictional star systems, and standalone scifi concepts for our own Solar System are included here Parent: Fictional Image: Untitled Add-ons:

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Replace the entire image gallery from the "Rosetta" addon's Description with these images (merged some originals into the following below), while retaining the YouTube links from the previous iteration:

ID: 77DCDAB9-5C56-208C-ADAC-56F51AD6512F Description: Untitled Rosetta before and during launch on an Ariane 5 rocket, 2004

Untitled The celestial objects encountered by Rosetta during its cruise to comet 67P, 2004-2014

Untitled Philae's view of "Agilkia" (left) and "Abydos" (right), which are its initial and final landing sites respectively, 2014-Nov-12

Untitled Philae spotted on "Abydos" by Rosetta on 2016-Sept-2, just 28 days before the spacecraft's mission was terminated

Author(s): DaveBowman2001, toutatis Release date: 2018-Sept-28 Last Updated: 2022-Mar-12

ghost commented 2 years ago

@Anthony-B-Russo10Wie meinst du das?

Lesen Sie den allerersten Kommentar oben. Die Vorlage wird dort buchstäblich veröffentlicht


DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: QuikSCAT Description (Legacy): QuikSCAT was a NASA Earth observation satellite that operated from 1999-2018. Its primary mission was to measure the surface wind speed and direction over the ice-free global oceans. Observations from QuikSCAT had a wide array of applications, and contributed to climatological studies, weather forecasting, meteorology, oceanographic research, marine safety, commercial fishing, tracking large icebergs, and studies of land and sea ice, among others Proposed category: Spacecraft: 1951-2000 Demo Object Name: QuikSCAT Author(s): gironde Release date: 2018-May-31 Link to download: QuikSCAT.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Earth Observing-1 Description (Legacy): (plain text description of the add-on) Description: (optional, rich content description of the add-on which includes additional images, videos, tables etc. which also replaces the old Additional metadata format. If it is plain text, put it in Description (Legacy) and leave this empty) Proposed category: (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/categories), or suggest a new one) Demo Object Name: (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command) Author(s): (optional) Release date: (optional, The date this original add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here) Last Updated: (optional, only for updating addons to keep track of their versions especially if it is regularly updated) Link to download: (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should NOT contain a file called description.json) Image:

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Göktürk-2 Description (Legacy): Göktürk-2 is a Turkish reconnaissance satellite launched in 2012-Dec-18 aboard a Long March 2D rocket. It is the second satellite owned by Turkey after RASAT. It remains in active operations (as of 2022) Proposed category: Spacecraft: 2001-2020 Demo Object Name: Gokturk-2 Author(s): gironde Release date: 2018-Jul-29 Link to download: Göktürk-2.zip Image:

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Göktürk-2 Description (Legacy): Göktürk-2 is a Turkish reconnaissance satellite launched in 2012-Dec-18 aboard a Long March 2D rocket. It is the second satellite owned by Turkey after RASAT, and it remains in active operations (as of 2022) Proposed category: Spacecraft: 2001-2020 Demo Object Name: Gokturk-2 Author(s): gironde Release date: 2018-Jul-29 Link to download: Göktürk-2.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Earth Observing-1 Description (Legacy): Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) is a NASA satellite created to develop and validate a number of instrument and spacecraft bus breakthrough technologies. It was intended to enable the development of future Earth imaging observatories that will have a significant increase in performance while also having reduced cost and mass. This satellite operated from 2000-2017, and is expected to burn up into the atmosphere sometime in 2056 Proposed category: Spacecraft: 1951-2000 Demo Object Name: EO-1 Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2018-Jun-1 Last Updated: 2020-Aug-24 Link to download: Earth Observing-1.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Huh, that's odd. Seems like you can't unhide nor delete comments once they were declared hidden

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Alternative proposal for splitting the "Fictional: Others" category:

Short Name: Demos Full Name: Fictional: Demos Description: Test/demo addons, such as size comparisons. Parent: Fictional Image: [will find one later] Add-ons:

Short Name: Others Full Name: Fictional: Others Description: This category hosts various fictional addons that are not part of a worldbuilding project of sci-fi franchise with its own category. Parent: Fictional Image: [keep current image] Add-ons:

Some other fictional addons, in particular the Stargen ones, could also be moved to the "Demos" category, but I think they're fine where they are.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Where can you write suggestions about how the solar system used to be?

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

In regard to uploading addons, or something else? This GitHub repository's issues are for submitting addons and other content for the celestia.mobi website, not general discussion.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Syncom I to III Description (Legacy): The early Syncom satellites were 68-kg cylindrical spacecraft about 0.71 m in diameter. With the exception of Syncom I (which failed prematurely before reaching target orbit), these were the very first spacecraft ever sent into geosynchronous (Syncom II) and geostationary orbits (Syncom III) respectively. All satellites were launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA from 1963-1964, and the latter two satellites remain in operation until 1969.

Description: The early Syncom satellites were 68-kg cylindrical spacecraft about 0.71 m in diameter. With the exception of Syncom I (which failed prematurely before reaching target orbit), these were the very first spacecraft ever sent into geosynchronous (Syncom II) and geostationary orbits (Syncom III) respectively. All satellites were launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA from 1963-1964, and the latter two satellites remain in operation until 1969. Untitled

Syncom I to III
Mission Start End
Syncom I 1963-Feb-14
Mission failure, lost contact shortly before reaching target orbit
Syncom II 1963-Jul-261969
First spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit
Syncom III 1964-Aug-191969-Apr
First spacecraft in geostationary orbit, having an orbital inclination of 0°

Proposed category: Spacecraft: 1951-2000 Demo Object Name: Syncom II Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Jul-20 Link to download: Syncom I to III.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Yep, I confirm that the custom model for the Tunguska meteor doesn't fully work on 1.7.0 and Mobile, so asteroid-small.cmod was substituted instead. Both the original and Celestia Origin's versions of its trajectory is virtually the same. Here's the resubmission

Title: 1908 Tunguska meteor Description (Legacy): The Tunguska event was a 12 megaton explosion that occurred over the vast sparsely-populated taiga of Siberia, Russia near the Tunguska River in 1908-Jun-30. Although it did not hit the surface, it was the largest known impact event in recorded history, theorized to have been caused by a small asteroid or cometary fragment about 50-60 m in diameter

NOTE: To view this event, adjust your current Date/Time on or before 1908-Jun-30, 00:12 UTC

Proposed category: Comets Demo Object Name: Tunguska meteor Author(s): Medusa, gradius_fanatic Release date: 2004-Nov-4 Last Updated: 2022-Jul-20 Link to download: 1908 Tunguska meteor.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update to the "2013 Chelyabinsk meteor" addon. Added fireball effects derived from Tunguska

ID: 7D87CEBE-DBF6-203B-0A4C-C771F369123A Last Updated: 2022-Jul-20 Link to download: 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor.zip

ghost commented 2 years ago

In Bezug auf das Hochladen von Addons oder etwas anderem? Die Probleme dieses GitHub-Repositorys dienen dem Einreichen von Addons und anderen Inhalten für die celestia.mobi-Website, nicht der allgemeinen Diskussion.

Thanks so much

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Authors correction to the "Buran" addon

ID: 1BE2453B-69DB-06F7-B2EB-1A3F3E54AB7B Author(s): ElChristou, Runar Thorvaldsen

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

Title: Mars (1969-1972) @DaveBowman2001 image cannot have text @SpaceExplorer2008 your add-ons need to have flat folder hierarchy in the archive, and if you want to include 2 images, add a Description.

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

@SevenSpheres so I actually already changed to what @DaveBowman2001 proposed before seeing yours. if you want to change again, please discuss before posting.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Is there already an addons where the earth and Pandora are in the same orbit. @levinli303

ghost commented 2 years ago

@SevenSpheres Also habe ich mich eigentlich schon auf das geändert @DaveBowman2001 Sie haben vorgeschlagen, bevor Sie sich wieder ändern wollen, diskutieren Sie bitte vor der Veröffentlichung.

Pluto is missing.

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Is there already an addons where the earth and Pandora are in the same orbit. @levinli303

No. There is an addon for Pandora, you can modify the files to put it next to Earth yourself.

Pluto is missing.

Are you in the Solar System? Try selecting Sol, then selecting Pluto.