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Add-on Submissions 22W39 #38

Closed DaveBowman2001 closed 1 year ago

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**ID:** (optional, use only to determine which addon in mobi to update)
**ID Requirement:** (optional, ID decides the order of loading, might need special requirement if an add-on has dependencies)
**Description (Plain Text)**: (plain text description of the add-on)
**Description (Rich)**: (optional, rich content description of the add-on which includes additional images, videos, tables etc. which also replaces the old Additional metadata format. If it is plain text, put it in Description (Legacy) and leave this empty)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/categories), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Author(s):** (optional)
**Release date:** (optional, The date this original add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Last Updated:** (optional, only for updating addons to keep track of their versions especially if it is regularly updated)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should NOT contain a file called description.json)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Disable comments**: (optional, by default, comments are not disabled)

For Updates to Existing Add-ons

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the id to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template. For removal of add-ons, please attach the id too.

The id is part of the link to the add-on: For example, this addon below has an id of A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3 https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3

Check Before Uploading an Add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that:

  1. File names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc. are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.
  6. All images need to be in JPEG (you either choose to screenshot in JPEG in Celestia or convert using tools)
  7. The add-on archive should not include system files or hidden files (macOS is notorious for adding hidden system files to archives, avoid using macOS's default archive utility) this issue is found in many add-ons @Anthony-B-Russo10 uploaded
  8. The add-on archive must have a flat folder structure (It should try to have fewer level of folders, do not do things like A/A/A) this issue is found in many add-ons @SpaceExplorer2008 uploaded


Title: Kepler-1649 Description (Legacy): The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649 Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-Jul-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Solar System: Comets

Announcing a better method for sending comets that I do, it will now be a catalog divided into parts. For example, 2P Encke to 8P Tuttle. It will not include comets visited by spacecraft, obviously, such as 9P/Tempel and 19P/Borrelly. It will no longer be necessary to install one comet at a time as before.

= @SpaceExplorer2008

Proposal to remove the "2P/Encke" addon

ID: 3143F5B4-EA57-6123-4491-4EC5A1F867A1 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "3D/Biela" addon

ID: 28233FB4-ED07-EB26-B49A-3DFA8D3F9694 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "4P/Faye" addon

ID: 92974542-243E-B8D3-2CF2-6011D41801A8 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "5D Brorsen" addon

ID: 4E54BE29-0010-A3BE-1BDB-60AB3BEA3AFD Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "6P/d'Arrest" addon

ID: 7914CB4B-D753-EE30-5747-75CBCFBB3E50 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "7P/Pons–Winnecke" addon

ID: 61B80591-69A5-9E3C-CE52-81094F9AEA9E Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "8P/Tuttle" addon

ID: 91ECF6DA-1F62-6CB6-EE49-F29F4DB9CCA9 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "10P/Tempel" addon

ID: 0818BFFB-1C0A-AAA5-3A90-AD87E802661B Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR" addon

ID: 1D334C27-F66D-C20E-0115-AE94733A42B9 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "12P/Pons-Brooks" addon ID: BF868BB1-4FCC-CFE9-2E52-5CCAACF86783 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "13P/Olbers" addon

ID: 49B340B3-A814-916D-27A5-B39AE7B500FA Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "14P/Wolf" addon

ID: 6F8C1E7B-619F-F955-E2CB-000EF979B00E Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "15P/Finlay" addon

ID: F91D26AA-B458-46B9-A69B-6CE1C2858111 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "16P/Brooks" addon

ID: 8AB7E4C3-20AD-4D2C-8E13-C6B5119EBE1F Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "17P/Holmes" addon

ID: 9BA9CEE1-8CA9-49A3-AE94-B93D14BB8717 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "18D/Perrine-Mrkos" addon

ID: B21D9B20-E711-463B-94DD-706518DEE0D3 Author(s): N/A

Proposal to remove the "20D/Westphal" addon

ID: 3230403A-27CB-48E6-99DA-0B56CBC63B62 Author(s): N/A

Title: Periodic Comets: 2P to 8P Description (Plain Text): This addon adds 7 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

Description (Rich): This addon adds 7 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

List of comets included in this addon:

Untitled 2P/Encke

Proposed Category: Comets Demo Object Name: 2P Encke Author(s): Art Blos Release date: 2022-Sept-19 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18d5-zNY7NC0I4qM-NZ_sC5rW2YI9rREb/view?usp=drivesdk Image: Untitled

Title: Periodic Comets: 10P to 18P Description (Plain Text): This addon adds 9 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

Description (Rich): This addon adds 9 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

List of comets included in this addon:

Untitled 17P/Holmes

Proposed Category: Comets Demo Object Name: 17P Holmes Author(s): Art Blos Release date: 2022-Sept-19 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18wfTfOHdP815y38SGLsRCImMuPcDkQnK/view?usp=drivesdk Image: Untitled

Title: Periodic Comets: 20D to 25D Description (Plain Text): This addon adds 6 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

Description (Rich): This addon adds 6 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

List of comets included in this addon:

Untitled 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Proposed Category: Comets Demo Object Name: 21P Giacobini-Zinner Author(s): Art Blos Release date: 2022-Sept-20 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1APeXCTXU15Q8BfT80Os3I79rcom3Rln5/view?usp=drivesdk Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "216 Kleopatra" addon. Jestr's custom texture for this asteroid has been added

ID: A0DC742F-5D04-07E5-A08D-2F74DAA6C33D Author(s): Art Blos, Greg Frieger, Jestr Release date: 2004-Aug-7 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-25 Link to download: 216 Kleopatra.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Image replacement to the "AB Pictoris" addon because the current image is the same as AB Aurigae's wallpaper

ID: 6BF6AEC5-6810-467C-A3E4-2C4B365C7770 Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "Double Asteroid Redirect Test" addon. Removed the asteroids Didymos and Dimorphos from the package as they became separate addons. Also a slight name correction to JVV's name from John Van Vliet to John van Vliet, in order for this addon to be listed alongside his other addons

ID: 35DD15C3-F872-8561-4302-45B7FD337221 Description (Plain Text): The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is a NASA/APL space mission aimed at testing a method of planetary defense against near-Earth objects (NEOs). As part of this test, it will intentionally crash on a small moon orbiting the asteroid Didymos (called Dimorphos) on 2022-Sept-26

NOTE: Requires the 65803 Didymos addon found in the "Asteroids & NEOs" category installed for this addon to fully work

Description (Rich): The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is a NASA/APL space mission aimed at testing a method of planetary defense against near-Earth objects (NEOs). As part of this test, it will intentionally crash on a small moon orbiting the asteroid Didymos (called Dimorphos) on 2022-Sept-26



Blastoff! SpaceX launches NASA's DART asteroid mission - YouTube Behind the Spacecraft: NASA's DART, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test - YouTube

Author(s): John van Vliet, Limax7, DaveBowman2001 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-17 Link to download: DART.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: EV Lacertae Description (Plain Text): EV Lacertae is a young red dwarf star about 16.48 light-years away in the constellation Lacerta. Although it can't be seen with the naked eye, it is the closest star in that region of the sky. Like Proxima Centauri, it can produce flares several times more powerful than those produced by our own Sun, for instance in April 2008, one such flare event is the largest known stellar flare ever recorded, which is thousands of times more powerful than the Carrington event from the Sun in 1859 Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: EV Lac Author(s): Gurren Lagann, SevenSpheres, Runar Thorvaldsen Release date: 2020-Oct-14 Link to download: EV Lacertae.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

The Plutonian Empire

The following are updates that adds missing planets to the following addons below:

Title: Binaria ID: 4A0B3E67-3EC2-4756-BA97-EC2724E96D08 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BTzuY_KBnSelOJ9m_AiE1YmWdfDuk2xS&authuser=plutonianempire%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs

Title: Cancer Centauri ID: 2A49A086-CD91-4616-8AF0-6610BCDA4523 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BTsSJzuIcrp3oWPszXZF6aQD30lIWh94&authuser=plutonianempire%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs

Title: Scorpi Centauri ID: 64D16D62-7B8B-4159-A532-EC476C789780 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BOU6jKme9yW1Atb2ZykBnIsEg37pfRIx&authuser=plutonianempire%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "Epsilon Indi" addon. Much improved textures plus some other changes.

ID: 30F41D71-0664-F9AD-2212-B056283F4F0A Description (Plain Text): Epsilon Indi is a K-type star with a pair of brown dwarfs orbiting it at a wide distance, about 11.87 light-years away in the constellation Indus. The primary star hosts one known planet, the Jupiter analogue Epsilon Indi Ab orbiting at about 11.5 AU, which was confirmed in 2018. This planet will be directly imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope in 2023. Demo Object Name: EPS Ind A Release date: 2020-Jul-13 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-21 Link to download: epsilonindi.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Gliese 229 Description (Plain Text): Gliese 229 is a nearby binary star system of a red dwarf star and a brown dwarf about 18.79 light-years away in the constellation Lepus. Two mini-neptunes are spotted orbiting the primary red dwarf star at a distance of 0.4-0.95 AU away from their host Proposed category: Exoplanets: G Demo Object Name: Gliese 229 A Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-Aug-7 Link to download: Gliese 229.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Propose renaming "HD 116434" to "HIP 65426 (by 星颜Crazy)"

ID: 7AF6F70F-759C-4228-AB7A-D18DCCDD1752 Name: HIP 65426 (by 星颜Crazy)

Title: HIP 65426 (by John van Vliet & SevenSpheres) Description (Plain Text): HIP 65426 is a young A-type main sequence star about 350 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. In 2017, a distant super-Jovian planet was discovered via direct imaging, and in 2022 it became the first exoplanet to be directly imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope. The star and planet are among 20 star systems that will receive formal names as part of the NameExoWorlds (2022) campaign.

Description (Rich): HIP 65426 is a young A-type main sequence star about 350 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. In 2017, a distant super-Jovian planet was discovered via direct imaging, and in 2022 it became the first exoplanet to be directly imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope. The star and planet are among 20 star systems that will receive formal names as part of the NameExoWorlds (2022) campaign. Untitled Untitled HIP 65426 and its planet as seen by JWST in different bands of infrared light

Proposed category: Exoplanets: H, I and J Demo Object Name: HIP 65426 Author(s): John van Vliet, SevenSpheres Release date: 2017-Jul-17 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-20 Link to download: hip65426.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: K2-39 Description (Plain Text): K2-39, is a K-type subgiant star about 1,008 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. A super-neptunian planet nearly the size of Saturn completes an single orbit once every 4.6 days at a distance of 9.52 million km from its parent star. The planet is predicted to be destroyed by orbital decay in the next 150 million years Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: K2-39 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-12 Link to download: K2-39.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: OGLE-2006-BLG-109L Description (Plain Text): OGLE-2006-BLG-109L is a red dwarf star about 4,925 light-years away in the constellation Scorpio. It has two gas giant planets, one of which is larger than Jupiter, that were discovered in 2006 through microlensing Proposed category: Exoplanets: O Demo Object Name: OGLE-2006-BLG-109L Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Jul-23 Link to download: OGLE-2006-BLG-109L.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Qatar-3 Description (Plain Text): Qatar-3 is a Sun-like star about 2,449 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda. A single gas giant planet slightly larger than Jupiter completes an orbit around its star once every 2.51 days Proposed category: Exoplanets: Q, R and S Demo Object Name: Qatar-3 Author(s): Pan-STARRS Release date: 2022-Sept-11 Link to download: Qatar-3.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: YSES 1 Description (Plain Text): YSES 1, also known as TYC 8998-760-1, is a young K-type pre-main sequence star about 309.45 light-years away in the constellation Musca. Estimated to be around 17 million years old, the star is the first known multiplanetary system discovered via direct imaging, where two super-jovian planets were spotted orbiting about 162 and 320 AU away from their host

Description (Rich): YSES 1, also known as TYC 8998-760-1, is a young K-type pre-main sequence star about 309.45 light-years away in the constellation Musca. Estimated to be around 17 million years old, the star is the first known multiplanetary system discovered via direct imaging, where two super-jovian planets were spotted orbiting about 162 and 320 AU away from their host

Untitled Untitled YSES 1, accompanied by its two giant exoplanets (marked in arrows)

Proposed category: Exoplanets: W, X, Y and Z Demo Object Name: YSES 1 Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Aug-31 Link to download: YSES-1.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Abell 48 Description (Plain Text): Abell 48 is a planetary nebula about 14,906 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. It is noteworthy among planetary nebulae for hosting a rare WN4-type star, which was once thought to be a true Wolf-Rayet star until 2010. Proposed category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Abell 48 Author(s): Trolligi, Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Jul-23 Link to download: Abell 48.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-452 (by SpaceExplorer) Description (Plain Text): Kepler-452 is a star similar to the Sun, though slightly more evolved, with a likely super-Earth in the habitable zone. The planet, Kepler-452b, was validated in 2015, but further research in 2018 and 2019 failed to confirm the planet with >99% confidence. Proposed Category: Exoplanets: Unconfirmed Demo Object Name: Kepler-452 Author(s): SpaceExplorer, SpaceStalker, Space Engine Release date: 2022-09-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16AVIFNeCCQWaRCYAwM6OcEFAk1JQ8vWw/view?usp=drivesdk Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16AxB-8O85bDLAhF_Zs6OTw7HPm3R2Qao/view?usp=drivesdk

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Update (Kepler-452) https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=86E1E9EC-ADF6-C370-CD40-A0C8A151F4E4 Title update ID: 86E1E9EC-ADF6-C370-CD40-A0C8A151F4E4

Title: Kepler-452 (by NASA)

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Juno Centaur, Lucy Centaur, Kepler Booster and 6Q0B44E Description (Plain Text): This addon adds 4 space debris objects. The Centaurs that propelled Juno and Lucy to heliocentric orbit, the Kepler Booster and the object 6Q0B44E.

Description: This addon adds 4 space debris objects. The Centaurs that propelled Juno and Lucy to heliocentric orbit, the Kepler Booster and the object 6Q0B44E.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DmsSIDYPlo6wXbdntl_fp2izBQWrC-3f/view?usp=drivesdk Lucy Centaur

Proposed Category: Spacecraft: Space Debris Demo Object Name: Lucy Centaur Author(s): Earth-And-Moon, toutatis Release date: 2022-09-18 Last Updated: 2022-09-24 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DiBniKTA1pUfGtNnsTmwUA5BMI2YA639/view?usp=drivesdk Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DmsSIDYPlo6wXbdntl_fp2izBQWrC-3f/view?usp=drivesdk

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Leo P Description (Plain Text): Leo P is a small, star-forming irregular galaxy located on the outskirts of the Local Group inside the nearby NGC 3109 group, with an incredibly pristine and low-metallicity environment. It is about 5.28 million light-years away in the constellation Leo

Description (Rich): Leo P is a small, star-forming irregular galaxy located on the outskirts of the Local Group inside the nearby NGC 3109 group, with an incredibly pristine and low-metallicity environment. It is about 5.28 million light-years away in the constellation Leo Untitled Untitled [RSH2013] 22 (potential TWUIN star) with Leo P's H II region in the background

Proposed category: Galaxies Demo Object Name: Leo P Author(s): Trolligi, Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Apr-28 Last Updated: 2022-Jul-18 Link to download: Leo P.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Periodic Comets: 27P to 66P Description (Plain Text): Description: This addon adds 40 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

Description: This addon adds 40 periodic comets as part of a periodic comets catalog.

List of comets included in this addon:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FdVTYGrY8THAv0eW7Qqe0x95_Nr3oxlA/view?usp=drivesdk 46P/Wirtanen

Proposed Category: Comets Demo Object Name: 46P Wirtanen Author(s): Art Blos Release date: 2022-09-25 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FP6_UpiLHxrz9_ZdJwJqkExR7EngDvzk/view?usp=drivesdk Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FdVTYGrY8THAv0eW7Qqe0x95_Nr3oxlA/view?usp=drivesdk

TheLostProbe commented 1 year ago

47 Ursae Majoris (Update) ID: D56586A7-E860-37E9-2BB3-B37C039F5E12 Description (Same as original, but with an update log): 47 UMa, also known as Chalawan, is a Sun-like star about 45 light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It became one of the first planetary systems ever discovered in 1996, where (as of 2010) three super-Jovians were found orbiting this star. In 2015, two of these planets were given formal names by the IAU, Taphao Thong (b) and Taphao Kaew (c)

Update log: V2: Overhaul of textures V1: Initial release, available here Last Updated: 2022-08-19 Link to download: 47 Ursae Majoris Remastered.zip Image: 47uma

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: SNR G353.6-0.7 Description (Plain Text): SNR G353.6-0.7 is a supernova remnant containing what remains of an ancient binary system of an aging, now-dying red giant and an accreting neutron star, where the old red giant is now shedding its outer layers and turning into a planetary nebula via a hot post-AGB star. It is located about 10,437 light-years away in the constellation Scorpio Proposed category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: SNR G353.6-0.7 Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-Aug-21 Link to download: SNR G353.6-0.7.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: MR 22 (Roberts 22) Description (Plain Text): Roberts 22, also known as MR 22 and AFGL 4104, is a protoplanetary nebula about 4,664 light-years away in the constellation Carina. Its central star is a post-AGB star that is once thought to be a Wolf-Rayet star Proposed category: Nebulae Demo Object Name: Roberts 22 Author(s): Trolligi, Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Jul-23 Link to download: MR 22.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Xi Aquilae Description (Plain Text): Xi Aquilae, also known as Libertas, is a yellow giant star about 183.52 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. Its superjovian planet, Fortitudo, is only 0.67 AU from its star and completes an orbit once every 136.75 days. Both the star and its planet received their formal names during the NameExoWorlds (2014) campaign Proposed category: Exoplanets: W, X, Y and Z Demo Object Name: Libertas Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Sept-1 Link to download: Xi Aquilae.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: TOI-1064 Description (Plain Text): TOI-1064 is a K-type main sequence star about 222.45 light-years away in the constellation Telescopium. It has two planets of identical size, but one is a superterran while the other is a neptunian, both of them orbiting within 14 million km from their star. Proposed category: Exoplanets: T, U and V Demo Object Name: TOI-1064 Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-Jul-26 Link to download: TOI-1064.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Danuri Description (Plain Text): The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), also known as Danuri, is South Korea's first mission to the Moon. Launched on top of a Falcon 9 (Block 5) in 2022-Aug-4, the orbiter is tasked with surveying lunar resources such as water ice, uranium, helium-3, silicon, and aluminium, and produce a topographic map to help select future lunar landing sites. It will arrive in a polar lunar orbit on 2022-Dec-16

Description (Rich): The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), also known as Danuri, is South Korea's first mission to the Moon. Launched on top of a Falcon 9 (Block 5) in 2022-Aug-4, the orbiter is tasked with surveying lunar resources such as water ice, uranium, helium-3, silicon, and aluminium, and produce a topographic map to help select future lunar landing sites. It will arrive in a polar lunar orbit on 2022-Dec-16 Untitled

KPLO Mission - YouTube Meet Danuri! Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter that SpaceX will launch - YouTube

Untitled Danuri (KPLO) being prepared for launch at Cape Canaveral, 2022-Jul-30

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Moon Demo Object Name: KPLO Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Sept-25 Link to download: Danuri.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: WX Centauri Description (Plain Text): WX Centauri, also known as WR 48c, is a cataclysmic binary star system about 8,628 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. Comprising of a blue giant star (once thought to be a Wolf Rayet star) and a white dwarf, their unstable nature makes them a possible progenitor for a Type Ia supernova in the future Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: WR 48c Author(s): Trolligi, Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Jul-23 Link to download: WX Centauri.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Sun Description (Plain Text): An artistic impression of the closest star to our home planet, the Sun itself, complete with moving solar prominences, more detailed sunspots, and an enhanced visualization of its corona Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: Sol Author(s): Runar Thorvaldsen, David Newby Release date: 2005-Jan-9 Last Updated: 2009-Sept-8 Link to download: Sun.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Space Station Freedom Description (Plain Text): Space Station Freedom was a NASA project to construct a permanently crewed Earth-orbiting space station in the 1980s. Although approved by then-US president Ronald Reagan himself, Freedom was never constructed nor completed as originally designed. In 1993, after several cutbacks, the project was merged with the Soviet/Russian Mir-2 to form what became the International Space Station program we know today.

NOTE: This addon shows the simple 3D model of Freedom as it was designed in 1990

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Conceptual Demo Object Name: Space Station Freedom Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Sept-23 Link to download: Space Station Freedom.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: THEMIS Description (Plain Text): The THEMIS mission began in February 2007 as a constellation of five NASA satellites (A to E) to study energy releases from Earth's magnetosphere known as substorms, magnetic phenomena that intensify auroras near Earth's poles. As of 2022, three of the satellites orbit the Earth within the magnetosphere, while two have been moved into orbit around the Moon since 2010. Those two (B and C) were renamed ARTEMIS after their arrival on the Moon. All satellites are still active (as of 2022)

NOTE: There are a total of five THEMIS satellites, three in Earth orbit and two in lunar orbit

Description (Rich): The THEMIS mission began in February 2007 as a constellation of five NASA satellites (A to E) to study energy releases from Earth's magnetosphere known as substorms, magnetic phenomena that intensify auroras near Earth's poles. As of 2022, three of the satellites orbit the Earth within the magnetosphere, while two have been moved into orbit around the Moon since 2010. Those two (B and C) were renamed ARTEMIS after their arrival on the Moon. All satellites are still active (as of 2022)


Untitled A THEMIS satellite in high Earth orbit

Untitled2 A THEMIS satellite (renamed ARTEMIS) in high lunar orbit

Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)
Mission Start Orbiting
THEMIS-A (Explorer 85) 2007-Feb-18Earth
THEMIS-B (ARTEMIS-P1/Explorer 86) Moon
THEMIS-C (ARTEMIS-P2/Explorer 87)
THEMIS-D (Explorer 88) Earth
THEMIS-E (Explorer 89)

The THEMIS satellites and their respective celestial locations

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Earth Science Demo Object Name: THEMIS-A Author(s): DaveBowman2001, EarthMoon, toutatis Release date: 2018-Jun-10 Last updated: 2022-Oct-8 Link to download: THEMIS.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "2 Pallas" addon. Jestr's custom texture for this asteroid has been added

ID: 0483CF05-AE7D-BC53-74E4-F4A0E38FD09D Author(s): Art Blos, Greg Frieger, Jestr Release date: 2004-Aug-8 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-17 Link to download: 2 Pallas.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "3 Juno" addon. Jestr's custom texture for this asteroid has been added

ID: C81C2C95-F090-D889-534F-E61F6AFA4B27 Author(s): Art Blos, Greg Frieger, Jestr Release date: 2004-Aug-7 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-17 Link to download: 3 Juno.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Proposal to rename the "Jason 1, 2 and 3" addon into "Jason 1 to 3" to follow the format of the other spacecraft addons with the same theme. Also a slight Description update

ID: DB3B7505-2EDA-41AD-9CFE-842072365101 Title: Jason 1 to 3

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "Mangalyaan-1" addon. Added an Ending date and orbital changes for the spacecraft after its recent decommissioning on Sept. 27th

ID: 117BCE94-1069-FC64-2705-E0027724B665 Description: Mangalyaan-1, known internationally as the Mars Orbiter Mission, is India's first interplanetary mission. Launched in 2013-Nov-5 aboard a PSLV rocket, it reached the Red Planet on 2014-Sept-24, just two days after the arrival of MAVEN. Originally planned to last for only six months, it continues to send scientific data from Mars for eight years until it lost contact with Earth on 2022-Sept-27 Last updated: 2022-Oct-2 Link to download: Mangalyaan-1.zip

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: K2-56 Description (Plain Text): K2-56, also known as BD+20 594, is a Sun-like star about 588.34 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. A massive planet about 16 times the mass and 2.2 time the radius of Earth was discovered. Its unusual characteristics classify the planet as a rare type of superterrans called "mega-Earth" rather than being a neptunian Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: K2-56 Author(s): SpaceStalker Release date: 2022-Aug-6 Link to download: K2-56.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-16 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-16, also known as KOI-1611, is a binary star system consisting of a K-type main sequence star and a red dwarf about 245.43 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. Both stars are orbited by a Saturn-sized planet within their (optimistic) habitable zone. It is the first circumbinary exoplanet that the Kepler Space Telescope has discovered, which was later dubbed as "Tatooine" in various popular science articles in 2011

NOTE: A fictional Earth-like moon around Kepler-16 b is included to visualize the planet's location in the system's optimistic habitable zone

Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-16 Author(s): QuantumJack1 Release date: 2022-Sept-19 Link to download: Kepler-16.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-21 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-21, also known as KOI-975, is a binary star system consisting of an F-type subgiant star and a red dwarf about 355 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. A superterran planet about five times the mass of Earth was spotted in a very close 2.8 day-long orbit around the larger subgiant star, likely causing its entire surface to melt in a global ocean of highly irradiated magma Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-21 A Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-12 Link to download: Kepler-21.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-64 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-64, also known as KOI-6464 and PH1, is a quadruple star system consisting of an F-type main sequence star, a Sun-like star and two red dwarf stars about 7,163 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. A gas giant planet about 2/3 the size of Saturn orbits two stars (components Aa and Ab) in the system. It is the first exoplanet discovered by the Planet Hunters project in 2012, and is the first known transiting exoplanet in a quadruple star system Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-64 A Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Aug-14 Link to download: Kepler-64.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-86 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-86, also known as KOI-3663 and PH2, is a Sun-like star about 1,133 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. A single Saturn-sized planet is found orbiting within the star's habitable zone. It is the second exoplanet ever discovered by the Planet Hunters project Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-86 Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Aug-14 Link to download: Kepler-86.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-289 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-289, also known as KOI-1353 and PH3, is an F-type main sequence star about 2,370 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It has three known planets, one Jovian and two neptunians, orbiting within 0.5 AU from their host star. This is the third planetary system ever discovered by the Planet Hunters project, and their first (and so far only) system with multiple planets known Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-289 Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Aug-14 Link to download: Kepler-289.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-440 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-440, also known as KOI-4087, is a K-type main sequence star about 990.39 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. In 2015, a single superterran planet was discovered, which is currently listed as an (optimistic) potentially habitable world as of 2021. Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-440 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-10 Link to download: Kepler-440.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-443 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-443, also known as KOI-4745, is a K-type main sequence star about 2,677 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It has a planet about 2.33 times the size of Earth that orbits within the star's habitable zone. Although nowadays thought to be more similar in composition to Neptune than Earth, it is still listed as a potentially habitable planet (as of 2021)

NOTE: This addon depicts Kepler-443 b as an Earth-like planet only

Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-443 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-10 Link to download: Kepler-443.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-561 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-561, also known as KOI-464, is a Sun-like star about 2,063 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It has a two known planets, one sub-neptune and one saturnian, orbiting within 0.28 AU, comparable to half the distance of Mercury to the Sun Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-561 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Aug-28 Link to download: Kepler-561.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Qatar-7 Description (Plain Text): Qatar-7, also known as Gaia-TROI-196, is an F-type main sequence star about 2,348 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda. A super-Jovian planet about 1.88 times the mass of Jupiter completes an orbit around its star once every 2.03 days Proposed category: Exoplanets: Q, R and S Demo Object Name: Qatar-7 Author(s): Pan-STARRS Release date: 2022-Sept-11 Link to download: Qatar-7.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: HD 10180 Description (Plain Text): HD 10180 is a Sun-like star about 127.22 light-years away in the constellation Hydrus. It is notable for having the same number of planets as our own Solar System, but the existence of only six of them are confirmed, the other two are still planet candidates as of 2022. The tally previously was as many as 9, but follow up studies for the innermost candidate (planet b) turns out to be a false positive

NOTE: This addon only includes textures for the six confirmed planets in this system. The remaining three will be uploaded later in two separate addons

Proposed category: Exoplanets: H, I and J Demo Object Name: HD 10180 Author(s): SpaceStalker Release date: 2022-Aug-6 Link to download: HD 10180.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Gliese 849 Description (Plain Text): Gliese 849, also known as Wolf 1329, is a nearby red dwarf star about 28.71 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. Two cold gas giants with the same mass as Jupiter are spotted orbiting this star Proposed category: Exoplanets: G Demo Object Name: Gliese 849 Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-Aug-10 Link to download: Gliese 849.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: HR 2562 Description (Plain Text): HR 2562, also known as HIP 32775, is an F-type main sequence star about 109.67 light-years away in the constellation Pictor. It has a companion that is either a massive super-jovian planet or a brown dwarf about 28 AU away from its star Proposed category: Exoplanets: H, I and J Demo Object Name: HR 2562 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-10 Link to download: HR 2562.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Methane Molecule Description (Plain Text): This adds two ball and stick models of a Methane Molecule in orbit around Earth. One is at the actual size of a Methane Molecule (being 0.38 nm) and one magnified 100000000x to accommodate for Celestia being unable to zoom in far enough to view an object in the nanometer range. Model sourced from World of Molecule's Jsmol 3D molecule viewer and converted from X3D to CMOD by Anthony_B_Russo10. Proposed category: Fictional: Demos Demo Object Name: Methane (x100000000) Author(s): Anthony_B_Russo10 Release date: 2022-Sept-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lMT_dZVdGunaK9B8oCEnMUKLbwiV6Kdu/view?usp=sharing Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "Epsilon Eridani (Ran) by SevenSpheres" addon. Various small changes and updates, most recently correcting the star's rotational parameters.

ID: EAB2F924-921A-7B0E-634E-98F3C252E07D Release date: 2020-Jul-13 Last Updated: 2022-Sept-21 Link to download: ran.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

@levinli303 When will you upload these addons?

SevenSpheres commented 1 year ago

Levin seems to have become inactive (no activity in 2 weeks according to his profile); celestia.mobi may need a new maintainer.