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Add-on Submissions 22W51 #46

Closed DaveBowman2001 closed 1 year ago

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**ID:** (optional, use only to determine which addon in mobi to update)
**ID Requirement:** (optional, ID decides the order of loading, might need special requirement if an add-on has dependencies)
**Description (Plain Text)**: (plain text description of the add-on)
**Description (Rich)**: (optional, rich content description of the add-on which includes additional images, videos, tables etc. which also replaces the old Additional metadata format. If it is plain text, put it in Description (Legacy) and leave this empty)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/categories), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Author(s):** (optional)
**Release date:** (optional, The date this original add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Last Updated:** (optional, only for updating addons to keep track of their versions especially if it is regularly updated)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should NOT contain a file called description.json)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Disable comments**: (optional, by default, comments are not disabled)

For Updates to Existing Add-ons

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the id to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template. For removal of add-ons, please attach the id too.

The id is part of the link to the add-on: For example, this addon below has an id of A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3 https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3

Check Before Uploading an Add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that:

  1. File names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc. are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.
  6. All images need to be in JPEG (you either choose to screenshot in JPEG in Celestia or convert using tools)
  7. The add-on archive should not include system files or hidden files (macOS is notorious for adding hidden system files to archives, avoid using macOS's default archive utility) this issue is found in many add-ons @Anthony-B-Russo10 uploaded
  8. The add-on archive must have a flat folder structure (It should try to have fewer level of folders, do not do things like A/A/A) this issue is found in many add-ons @SpaceExplorer2008 uploaded


Title: Kepler-1649 Description (Legacy): The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649 Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-Jul-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "S-IVB Apollo stages" addon. Authors correction and modified model/texture by pedro_jg in preparation for the upcoming Project Apollo (Part 4)

ID: 106292B4-8C00-E26E-2AA7-24DE5DB680E3 Description (Plain Text): This addon adds the S-IVB stages of the Saturn 1B and Saturn V rockets that propelled the Apollo missions to LEO, Skylab, and the Moon. About 7 out of 21 stages are included on this addon

NOTE: The names of these spacecraft are permanently hidden to simulate their status as inactive, defunct objects floating in space, but they can still be searched on Celestia itself upon entering the word "S-IVB"

Description: This addon adds the S-IVB stages of the Saturn 1B and Saturn V rockets that propelled the Apollo missions to LEO, Skylab, and the Moon. About 7 out of 21 stages with known orbital data are included on this addon:



Author(s): DaveBowman2001, Medusa, pedro_jg Release date: 2005-Dec-12 Last Updated: 2022-Dec-4 Link to download: S-IVB Apollo stages.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update/Proposal to rename the "2020 SO" addon into "Centaur-D". Added 20 other stages with the same design as 2020 SO

Title: Centaur-D ID: 009B34FB-F229-F520-6EE4-15B93F6EF42F Description (Plain Text): This addon adds the spent upper stages called the Centaur-D booster, which were in active service from 1962 to 1989. As of November 2022, only 21 such stages are added with known orbital data, More objects will be added in the near future

NOTE: The names of these spacecraft are permanently hidden to simulate their status as inactive, defunct objects floating in space, but they can still be searched on Celestia itself upon entering the word "Centaur"

Description (Rich): This addon adds the spent upper stages called the Centaur-D booster, which were in active service from 1962 to 1989. As of November 2022, a total of 21 objects were available below, more will be added in the near future:



Author(s): Thomas Guilpain, Art Blos, DaveBowman2001 Last Updated: 2022-Nov-22 Link to download: Centaur-D.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Centaur-III(5) ID Requirement: B Description (Plain Text): This addon adds the spent upper stages of missions launched from an Atlas V rocket called the Centaur-III(5) booster. As of November 2022, only 40 such stages are added with known orbital data, More objects will be added in the near future

NOTE: The names of these spacecraft are permanently hidden to simulate their status as inactive, defunct objects floating in space, but they can still be searched on Celestia itself upon entering the word "Centaur"

Description (Rich): This addon adds the spent upper stages of missions launched from an Atlas V rocket called the Centaur-III(5) booster. As of November 2022, a total of 40 objects were available below, more will be added in the near future:



Proposed category: Spacecraft: Space Debris Demo Object Name: 2021-093B Author(s): DaveBowman2001, EarthMoon, BrianJ, toutatis Release date: 2022-Sept-18 Last Updated: 2022-Nov-22 Link to download: Centaur-3(5).zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

From JVV's "just a random Earthlike planet with a NormalMap" on Discord

Title: Kepler-61 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-61, also known as KOI-1361, is a K-type main sequence star about 1,103 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. In 2013, a planet 2.15 times larger than Earth was discovered orbiting the star's habitable zone. However, subsequent analyses indicate that this planet has a very eccentric orbit that takes it outside the stellar HZ. These characteristics, in addition to now theoretically believed to be closer in composition to a warm neptunian rather a superterran, has led to its removal from the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog in 2021

Description (Rich): Kepler-61, also known as KOI-1361, is a K-type main sequence star about 1,103 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. In 2013, a planet 2.15 times larger than Earth was discovered orbiting the star's habitable zone. However, subsequent analyses indicate that this planet has a very eccentric orbit that takes it outside the stellar HZ. These characteristics, in addition to now theoretically believed to be closer in composition to a warm neptunian rather a superterran, has led to its removal from the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog in 2021


Untitled2 Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-61 Author(s): John van Vliet, 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-18 Last Updated: 2022-Nov-16 Link to download: Kepler-61.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Gaia14aae Description (Plain Text): Gaia14aae is a white dwarf star about 838.53 light-years away in the constellation Draco. It is surrounded by a dense protoplanetary disk and a brown dwarf/planet about the size of Jupiter Proposed category: Exoplanets: G Demo Object Name: Gaia14aae Author(s): Gurren Lagann, Vision, Cham Release date: 2022-Nov-7 Link to download: Gaia14aae.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: SDSS J122859.93+104032.9 Description (Plain Text): Also known as SDSS J1228+1040, it is a white dwarf star about 413.33 light-years away in the constellation Virgo. It is home to one of only two known asteroids discovered outside our Solar System, estimated to be about 126 km in diameter Proposed category: Exoplanets: Q, R and S Demo Object Name: SDSS 1228+1040 Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Nov-7 Link to download: SDSS 1228+1040.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: MOA-2010-BLG-477L Description (Plain Text): MOA-2010-BLG-477L is a white dwarf star about 6,491 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius. One superjovian planet orbiting at a distance of 2.79 AU from its star was discovered through microlensing Proposed category: Exoplanets: M and N Demo Object Name: MOA-2010-BLG-477L Author(s): Gurren Lagann Release date: 2022-Nov-7 Link to download: MOA-2010-BLG-477L.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: WD J0914+1914 Description (Plain Text): WD J0914+1914 is a white dwarf star about 1,504 light-years away in the constellation Cancer. It is surrounded by a compact spiral protoplanetary disk and a planet about 3/4 the size of Neptune Description (Rich): WD J0914+1914 is a white dwarf star about 1,504 light-years away in the constellation Cancer. It is surrounded by a spiral protoplanetary disk and a planet about 3/4 the size of Neptune

Untitled2 The debris disk around WD J0914+1914

Untitled2 The planet WD J0914+1914 b is only 10 million km away from its dead host star

Proposed category: Exoplanets: Demo Object Name: WD J0914+1914 Author(s): Gurren Lagann, Vision, Cham Release date: 2022-Nov-7 Link to download: WD J0914+1914.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-44 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-44, also known as KOI-204, is a G-type subgiant star about 4,009 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. A superjovian planet completes an orbit once every 3.25 days at a distance of 6.67 million km from its star Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-44 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Sept-24 Link to download: Kepler-44.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: KOI-2700 Description (Plain Text): KOI-2700 is a K-type main sequence star about 1,669 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. Its sole planet is one of the smallest exoplanets ever discovered, which is only slightly larger than our own Moon, where it completes a single orbit around its star once every 21.84 hours at a distance of 2.39 million km Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: KOI-2700 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Oct-4 Link to download: KOI-2700.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: TrES-5 Description (Plain Text): TrES-5, also known as TOI-3612, is a K-type main sequence star about 1,188 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. In 2011, a planet larger than Jupiter was found by the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES), the fifth and last such world discovered by this survey Proposed category: Exoplanets: T, U and V Demo Object Name: TrES-5 Author(s): 星颜Crazy Release date: 2022-Oct-23 Link to download: TrES-5.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Kepler-1049 Description (Plain Text): Kepler-1049, also known as KOI-2006, is a red dwarf star about 531.38 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. A rocky planet about 61% larger than Mars is only 5 million km away from its star, completing an orbit once every 3.27 days Proposed category: Exoplanets: K Demo Object Name: Kepler-1049 Author(s): Pan-STARRS Release date: 2022-Oct-30 Link to download: Kepler-1049.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "65803 Didymos" addon. Enhanced models, textures and other parameters.

ID: 2A604656-CB13-4C35-956F-5F1BAE810396 Description: 65803 Didymos is a 750-m wide near-Earth asteroid belonging to the Apollo group. Discovered in 1996, it has a small moon about 160 m in diameter, named Dimorphos, which is targeted by NASA's Double Asteroid Redirect Test (DART) mission to test planetary defense methods in September 2022.

NOTE: Download the DART addon to view the simulated impact of the spacecraft onto Dimorphos on 2022-Sept-26

Untitled2 Untitled2 The orbit of its moon, Dimorphos, before and after the DART impact, 2022-Sept-26.

Demo Object Name: Didymos Author(s): N3cronium, John van Vliet, fyr02, Askaniy Last Updated: 2022-Nov-22 Link to download: 65803 Didymos.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "DART" addon. This is to become fully compatible with the update patch to "65803 Didymos" above

ID: 35DD15C3-F872-8561-4302-45B7FD337221 Author(s): Limax7, John van Vliet, N3cronium Last Updated: 2022-Nov-22 Link to download: DART.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Luna 15 to 24 Description (Plain Text): The Luna Ye-8-5 spacecraft were a series of Soviet lunar landers that were designed to collect lunar samples robotically and send them back to Earth for analysis. Part of the overall Luna program, they were the first sample-return space probes ever launched and has successfully retrieved a total 301.1 g of lunar material across 3/11 successful missions from 1969 to 1976

Description (Rich): The Luna Ye-8-5 spacecraft were a series of Soviet lunar landers that were designed to collect lunar samples robotically and send them back to Earth for analysis. Part of the overall Luna program, they were the first sample-return space probes ever launched and has successfully retrieved a total 301.1 g of lunar material across 3/11 successful missions from 1969 to 1976 Untitled

<table class="luna-chart">
  <style>.satcom-chart th { text-align:center;position:static  } .luna-chart td { text-align:center }</style>
      <th colspan="6">Luna Program<br>(1959-Present)</th>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 15</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Crashed on Mare Crisium, notable for running in parallel with Apollo 11</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Cosmos 300</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Stranded in LEO after TLI burn failure</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Cosmos 305</strong></td>
      <td>1969-Oct-22</td><td colspan="2">1969-Oct-24</td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Stranded in LEO after TLI burn failure</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 16</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Landed on Mare Fecundidatis. First successful robotic sample-return mission</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 18</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Crashed on Terra Apollonius</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 20</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Landed on Terra Apollonius, just 1.8 km from Luna 18's crash site</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 23</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Hard-landed on Mare Crisium, failed to complete primary mission</i></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>Luna 24</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2"><i>Landed on Mare Crisium, last successful Soviet robotic space mission ever</i></td>

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Moon Demo Object Name: Luna 24 Author(s): Jack Higgins, DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2008-Jun-7 Last Updated: 2022-Dec-1 Link to download: Luna 15 to 24.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Tintin: Explorers on the Moon Description (Plain Text): This addon depicts a scene from the 1954 comic book "Explorers on the Moon", where Tintin is ready to rescue Captain Haddock from the gravitational forces of the asteroid Adonis.

Description: This addon depicts a scene from the 1954 comic book "Explorers on the Moon", where Tintin is ready to rescue Captain Haddock from the gravitational forces of Adonis. Untitled2 Untitled2 Untitled2

Proposed Category: Fictional: Crafts & Stations Demo Object Name: Haddock Author(s): lukr Release date: 2005-Sept-1 Last Updated: 2013-Jun-4 Link to download: haddock_tintin_rocket.zip Image: Untitled2

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: WMAP Description (Plain Text): The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) was a NASA spacecraft that measured the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation from 2001 to 2010. It was placed in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth Lagrange-2 point, and its findings helped advance our knowledge of the universe itself

Description (Rich): The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) was a NASA spacecraft that measured the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation from 2001 to 2010. It was placed in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth Lagrange-2 point, and its findings helped advance our knowledge of the universe itself


D-286: WMAP launch (30.6.01) - YouTube

Untitled Seven-year WMAP image of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation published in July 2010

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Space Telescopes Demo Object Name: WMAP Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Oct-12 Link to download: WMAP.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Update (Mercury) https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=55D37C62-DC85-852F-9772-5F99EB99CD6D  Updated for Celestia Origin texture. ID: 55D37C62-DC85-852F-9772-5F99EB99CD6D

Description (Plain Text):: This addon adds a new high quality texture to planet Mercury. Taken directly from Celestia Origin.

Description: This addon adds a new high quality texture to planet Mercury. Taken directly from Celestia Origin.



Author(s): RVS Release date: 2022-11-11 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yDSUNXxP_68vYruKwVJen0FxUgMaTg5c/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221111_160246.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Mercury (Enhanced color) Description (Plain Text): This addon adds, as an alternative surface, a Mercury texture with enhanced color.

Description: This addon adds, as an alternative surface, a Mercury texture with enhanced color.



Proposed Category Solar System: Mercury Demo Object Name:: Mercury Author(s): U.S. Geological Survey Release date: 2022-11-11 Link to download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yDbf8g4A4AwyBGEIOV0N9vIXuBeSfEz5/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221111_162209.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title:: Mercury Topography Description (Plain Text): This addon adds, as an alternative surface, a topographic map for the planet Mercury.

Proposed Category Solar System: Mercury Demo Object Name: Mercury Author(s): U.S. Geological Survey Release date: 2022-11-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14EwIQ_7rb9putc485BzYHClyd50zvgZa/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221118_103905.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Venus Surface Map Description (Plain Text): This addon adds a new high quality surface texture for the planet Venus, in false colors.

Description: This addon adds a new high quality surface texture for the planet Venus, in false colors.

20221205_111343.jpg Screenshot_20221206-093725_Celestia.jpg

Proposed Category: Solar System: Venus Demo Object Name: Venus Author(s): John van Vliet, CM1215 Release date: 2019-08-11 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H5X7MHhCrtxVl2g0IYlR3_nXgq6GZRf3/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221205_111343.jpg

Update Venus Express Removed zip file (full xyzv trajectories) to reduce addon size. ID: 2882017D-E666-93AF-BA49-17E33B4F9B71

Last Updated: 2022-12-14 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NDiCsM4HNMMgw5O775vDWvo5HGlW5KXz/view?usp=drivesdk

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Venus Topography Description (Plain Text): This addon adds, as an alternative surface, a topographic map for the planet Venus.

Proposed Category: Solar System: Venus Demo Object Name: Venus Author(s): U.S. Geological Survey Release date: 2022-12-06 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H6adsR1nZUUXHFQnAdQHAbRwImktTaii/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221205_111327.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: Earth Topography Description (Plain Text): This addon adds, as an alternative surface, a topographic map for the planet Earth.

Proposed Category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object Name: Earth Author(s): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Release date: 2022-12-07 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IEMSx6Py7JKrC5rq99NzHttIGzpz7iNt/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221207_101845.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Proposal to remove Jupiter's Rings ID: 368E4CAC-8C67-4351-454B-1E6BDF416BAF

Author(s): N/A

As now Jupiter's rings are in the default version, I believe this addon can be removed.

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Proposal to remove "Venus Surface Map (Solar System Scope"

ID: 2B0BEAE8-26E1-4CEC-A82D-76650748F9C8 Author(s): N/A

November Update to the "2022 NEOs" addon. 304 asteroids were added to the database

ID: 00A49425-F9E4-9E59-B578-27DDC0B3FE3D Description (Plain Text): This addon adds a catalog containing 1305 asteroids discovered in 2022. 1303 are NEOs and another 2 are main belt asteroids. Last Updated: 2022-Nov-20 Link to download: 2022_NEOs-11-20-2022.zip

Author correction for the "Earth's History" addon

ID: F86AC158-FD5E-409E-83A1-6FEB3120F4F8 Author(s): Askaniy, fyr02, jmdollan

Update to the "Minor Moons of Pluto" addon. Fixed orbital parameters. The trappistplanets parameters had an Epoch of 2002. Now the Epoch of 2015, to ensure accuracy in New Horizons flyby

ID: 1C96B314-2B26-D39A-7122-7AB98EFDB3B0 Demo Object Name: Nix Last Updated: 2022-Dec-02 Link to download: Minor Moons of Pluto.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Update (and fixed) 50000 Quaoar Added "Replace" parameter for Weywot (Quaoar's moon), as a duplicate of it was being created.

ID: 79003841-E8FA-6989-927D-98D06F85666B

Last Updated: 2022-11-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14xfd10Ri825eS9_RfULzQeCY98RKyLYE/view?usp=drivesdk

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Updated names and description of the following addons:

Update 1950 DA ID: 00AD7CD6-F84E-C5CB-A0D5-C96A81CB7D1E

Title: (29075) 1950 DA Description (Plain Text): (29075) 1950 DA is a near-Earth asteroid. It was discovered on February 23, 1950 by Carl A. Wirtanen. A few days after its discovery it was lost, but found again in December 2000. 1950 DA is 1.1 km in diameter. It once had the highest known probability of impacting Earth, but the estimated risk has been updated several times. It is estimated that in the year 2880 the chance of impact on Earth will be 1 in 8,300.

Update 1994 CC ID: 56739FD8-D50B-E6FC-AA54-258E4018079D

Title: (136617) 1994 CC Description (Plain Text): (136617) 1994 CC is a near-Earth asteroid discovered on February 3, 1994. Radar observations in 2009 allowed the discovery of two moons around the asteroid. It can also be recognized as a trinary asteroid system.

Update 1998 WT24 ID: E50FDDEF-E97B-4015-8ED4-F1253B751A31

Title: (33342) 1998 WT24 Description (Plain Text): (33342) 1998 WT24 is a near-Earth asteroid and potentially hazardous asteroid of the Aten group. It was discovered on November 25, 1998 by the LINEAR project. The 1998 WT24 orbit makes it cross the orbits of Mercury, Venus and Earth, and due to its low orbit inclination, it is capable of approaching all of these planets. This asteroid measures between 350 and 415 meters in diameter, and if it eventually collided with Earth it would cause devastation on a regional scale.

Update 1999 JV6 ID: B942A420-FA0E-0291-D832-3C1E8F79C171

Title: (85990) 1999 JV6 Description (Plain Text): (85990) 1999 JV6 is a near-Earth asteroid. It was discovered on May 13, 1999 by the LINEAR project. Radar images taken by the Arecibo Observatory and Green Bank in 2015 indicate that 1999 JV6 is a contact binary.

Update 2000 DP107 ID: 1625B1BC-331D-5906-80E2-C2BB56B962C1

Title: (185851) 2000 DP107 Description (Plain Text): (185851) 2000 DP107 is a near-Earth asteroid. It was discovered on February 29, 2000 by the LINEAR project. This asteroid also has a moon around it. It can also be recognized as a binary asteroid system. It was the target of the Japanese small probe PROCYON, launched as a secondary payload from Hayabusa2 on December 3, 2014. However, a failure of the PROCYON ion thruster prevented it from reaching the binary asteroid system.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Update Earth's History Small improvement in the description.

ID: F86AC158-FD5E-409E-83A1-6FEB3120F4F8

Description (Plain Text): An addon that brings a spectacular view of the history of our planet Earth, from 4.5 billion to 20 million years in the past. This addon adds 46 alternate surfaces for Earth, showing what our planet might have looked like at different times.

Description: An addon that brings a spectacular view of the history of our planet Earth, from 4.5 billion to 20 million years in the past. This addon adds 46 alternate surfaces for Earth, showing what our planet might have looked like at different times.


DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the "Surveyor 1 to 7" addon. New CMOD model and textures as part of Project Apollo (Part 4)

ID: 87F11016-16D9-0411-9149-6EA69F8CDF88 Last updated: 2022-Dec-7 Link to download: Surveyor 1 to 7.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: (8567) 1996 HW1 Description (Plain Text): (8567) 1996 HW1 is a near-Earth asteroid discovered on April 23, 1996. In 2008, observations made with the Arecibo Observatory revealed that it is a very elongated object and a contact binary.

Proposed Category: Asteroids & NEOs: Near-Earth Objects Demo Object Name: 1996 HW1 Author(s): Greg Frieger, Art Blos Release date: 2022-11-18 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14mIP2GWcic0TxwUwUeYANSKF6ooEKmBf/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221118_180441.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Update Moshup-Squannit ID: 3BD0DE85-37C2-E52F-EE6E-CC220DE711B9

Title: 66391 Moshup Description (Plain Text): 66391 Moshup (1999 KW4) is a near-Earth binary asteroid of the Aten group. It was discovered on May 20, 1999 by the LINEAR project. The smaller asteroid in the system, Squannit, is also often considered a small moon of the larger asteroid.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: (52760) 1998 ML14 Description (Plain Text): (52760) 1998 ML14 is a near-Earth asteroid about 1 km in diameter. It was discovered on June 24, 1998 by the LINEAR project. Soon after its discovery, it was observed by the Arecibo and Goldstone observatories. Proposed Category: Asteroids & NEOs: Near-Earth Objects Demo Object Name: 1998 ML14 Author(s): Greg Frieger, Art Blos Release date: 2022-12-02 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EyBHD2doynVGUMoLPfjkbLpm0VT1pROy/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221202_114059.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: (162421) 2000 ET70 Description (Plain Text): (162421) 2000 ET70 is a near-Earth asteroid discovered on March 8, 2000, by the LINEAR project. It is about 2.2 km in diameter. During a close approach to Earth in February 2012, it was observed by the Arecibo and Goldstone observatories, which made it possible to determine the asteroid's rotation and shape.

Proposed Category: Asteroids & NEOs: Near-Earth Objects Demo Object Name: 2000 ET70 Author(s): Greg Frieger, Art Blos Release date: 2022-12-05 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Exo3tdFOAh9Ee7vYctQIdAzGVqBc766k/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221202_114041.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Title: 2018 LA Description (Plain Text): 2018 LA was a small Apollo asteroid about 2.6-3.8 m (9-12 ft) that entered Earth's atmosphere on June 2, 2018, near the border of Botswana and South Africa. It was discovered just 8 hours before impact by the Mount Lemmon Survey.

NOTE: To see asteroid 2018 LA you must set the time in Celestia before 2018-Jun-02, 16:56:30 UTC

Proposed Category: Asteroids and NEOs: Near-Earth Objects Demo Object Name: 2018 LA Author(s): Art Blos Release date: 2022-12-06 Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvCbmbT5Uxhx-mpNfFcYRW_y7K6M__KY/view?usp=drivesdk Image: 20221202_114126.jpg

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

Updated names and description of the following addons:

For these updates, lev requested to have their IDs listed on the bottom so that he can update them easily

For example:


Now I learned how to do this. But for individual updates, it's not necessary, right? Only for multiple updates, like I'm doing over there with the asteroids?

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Yes, only for multiple updates...like mass renamings/removals or just minor updates collected together in a single post

Also (maybe just a little OCD on my part lol) any repost I make here, I delete their original copies from the previous closed issue

SevenSpheres commented 1 year ago

Updated description of 2MASS J1119-1137 for clarity, and removed statement that the Unconfirmed Exoplanets addon is a dependency since this addon fully replaces the candidate satellite.

ID: D063E245-E5A4-AAC9-FDD4-39328ECD5D3E Description (Plain Text): 2MASS J11193254-1137466, also known as TWA 42, is a planetary-mass binary consisting of two young L-type rogue planets or sub-brown dwarfs, about 86.1 light-years away in the constellation Crater. A single super-Earth-sized satellite may be orbiting the primary within its current "habitable zone", but its existence has yet to be fully confirmed.

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Tranquility Base Description (Plain Text): Tranquility Base is a name of the landing site given by Neil Armstrong himself shortly after Apollo 11 made the first crewed lunar landing on July 20, 1969. It is located on the southwestern corner of its namesake region, Mare Tranquillitatis

Description: Tranquility Base is a name of the landing site given by Neil Armstrong himself shortly after Apollo 11 made the first crewed lunar landing on July 20, 1969. It is located on the southwestern corner of its namesake region, Mare Tranquillitatis


Apollo 11 Descent: Film and LRO Imagery - YouTube Watch Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon

Untitled Buzz Aldrin beside the Passive Seismic Experiment Package, 1969-Jul-21

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Eagle LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Release date: 2022-Dec-14 Link to download: Tranquility Base.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Statio Cognitum Description (Plain Text): Statio Cognitum is a name given to the landing site of two US space missions located on the northern shore of Mare Cognitum, in itself within Oceanus Procellarum. Both Surveyor 3 and Apollo 12 explored this region in 1967 and 1969 respectively

Description: Statio Cognitum is a name given to the landing site of two US space missions located on the northern shore of Mare Cognitum, in itself within Oceanus Procellarum. Both Surveyor 3 and Apollo 12 explored this region in 1967 and 1969 respectively


Apollo 12 Lunar Landing - YouTube Apollo 12 First Steps - YouTube

Untitled Pete Conrad examining the Surveyor 3 lander about 163 m away from Apollo 12, 1969-Nov-20

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Intrepid LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Release date: 2022-Dec-13 Link to download: Statio Cognitum.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Fra Mauro Highlands Description (Plain Text): The Fra Mauro Highlands is a widespread hilly geological area thought to have formed from ejecta created by the impact that formed Mare Imbrium about 4.25 billion years ago. Originally planned to be visited by Apollo 13 in April 1970, it was extensively explored by Apollo 14 in February 5, 1971

Description: The Fra Mauro Highlands is a widespread hilly geological area thought to have formed from ejecta created by the impact that formed Mare Imbrium about 4.25 billion years ago. Originally planned to be visited by Apollo 13 in April 1970, it was extensively explored by Apollo 14 in February 5, 1971 Untitled

Apollo 14 in 24fps: Landing, Moonwalk & Liftoff - YouTube Alan Shepard Hits A Golf Ball on the Moon - YouTube

Untitled Alan Shepard, the first American in space back in 1961, saluting the flag during Apollo 14, 1971-Feb-5

Untitled Apollo 14 on the Moon, 1971

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Antares LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Link to download: Fra Mauro Highlands.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Hadley-Apennine Description (Plain Text): Hadley-Apennine is a region located on the eastern edge of Mare Imbrium on a lava plain known as Palus Putredinis and bordered by the Montes Apenninus range to the east, and Hadley Rille to the west. It served as the landing site of Apollo 15 in July 30, 1971

Description: Hadley-Apennine is a region located on the eastern edge of Mare Imbrium on a lava plain known as Palus Putredinis and bordered by the Montes Apenninus range to the east, and Hadley Rille to the west. It served as the landing site of Apollo 15 in July 30, 1971


Apollo 15 in 60fps: Lunar Landing - YouTube APOLLO 15 Hammer and Feather [stabilized] (1971) - YouTube

Untitled Jim Irwin saluting the flag during Apollo 15, 1971-Jul-31

Untitled Jim Irwin and the first Apollo Lunar Rover on the Moon, 1971-Jul-31

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Falcon LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Release date: 2022-Dec-12 Link to download: Hadley-Apennine.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Descartes Highlands Description (Plain Text): Descartes Highlands is a mountainous area located near the impact crater of the same name. The site is dominated by the Cayley Plains in the west and the Descartes formation in the east. It was visited by the crew of Apollo 16 in April 21, 1972

Description: Descartes Highlands is a mountainous area located near the impact crater of the same name. The site is dominated by the Cayley Plains in the west and the Descartes formation in the east. It was visited by the crew of Apollo 16 in April 21, 1972


Apollo 16 Lunar Landing - YouTube APOLLO 16 Grand Prix - Speed Corrected, Sound, Stabilized [HD source] (1972/04/21) - YouTube

Untitled John Young saluting the flag during Apollo 16, 1972-Apr-21

Untitled Charlie Duke left a photograph of his family on the Moon during Apollo 16

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Orion LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Link to download: Descartes Highlands.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Taurus-Littrow Description (Plain Text): Taurus–Littrow is a valley located on the southeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, where it served as the landing site of Apollo 17 in December 11, 1972

Description: Taurus–Littrow is a valley located on the southeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, where it served as the landing site of Apollo 17 in December 11, 1972 Untitled

Apollo 17 Landing HD - YouTube Apollo 17 Lunar Liftoff HD (Inside and Outside view) - YouTube

Untitled Eugene Cernan saluting the flag during Apollo 17, 1972-Dec-11

Untitled Partial panorama of Taurus-Littrow and Apollo 17

Untitled Harrison Schmitt working beside Tracy's Rock during Apollo 17, 1972-Dec-13

Proposed category: Solar System: Earth and the Moon Demo Object: Challenger LEM Author(s): John van Vliet Release date: 2022-Dec-12 Link to download: Taurus-Littrow.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Polar Operational Environmental Satellite Description (Plain Text): The Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) was a series of polar orbiting weather satellites funded by the NOAA and EUMETSAT with the intent of improving the accuracy and detail of weather analysis and forecasting. From 1978 to 2009, a total of 16 POES satellites were launched, with only three that are still operational as of 2022

Description: The Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) was a series of polar orbiting weather satellites funded by the NOAA and EUMETSAT with the intent of improving the accuracy and detail of weather analysis and forecasting. From 1978 to 2009, a total of 16 POES satellites were launched, with only three that are still operational as of 2022


<table class="poes-chart">
  <style>.satcom-chart th { text-align:center;position:static  } .poes-chart td { text-align:center }</style>
      <th colspan="3">Polar Operational Environmental Satellites<br>(1978-2009)</th>
      <td><strong>POES-1 (TIROS-N)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-2 (NOAA-6)</strong></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>POES-3 (NOAA-B)</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2">Satellite lost in a launch failure</td>
      <td><strong>POES-4 (NOAA-7)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-5 (NOAA-8)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-6 (NOAA-9)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-7 (NOAA-10)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-8 (NOAA-11)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-9 (NOAA-12)</strong></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>POES-10 (NOAA-13)</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2">Satellite lost in an electrical failure</td>
      <td><strong>POES-11 (NOAA-14)</strong></td>
      <td rowspan="2"><strong>POES-12 (NOAA-15)</strong></td>
      <td colspan="2">Currently in standby mode since 2019</td>
      <td><strong>POES-13 (NOAA-16)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-14 (NOAA-17)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-15 (NOAA-18)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>POES-16 (NOAA-19)</strong></td>

Timeline of the POES program, 1978-Present

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Earth Science Demo Object: NOAA-19 Author(s): DaveBowman2001, toutatis, gironde Last updated: 2022-Oct-29 Link to download: POES.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: TERRIERS Description (Plain Text): TERRIERS, also known as Explorer 76 and STEDI-2, is a student-built satellite intended to study the Earth's ionosphere. Although launched successfully by a Pegasus-XL rocket in 1999-May-18, its batteries were unable to recharge when it cannot track the Sun and therefore lost contact just two days later, resulting in a mission failure. As of 2022, it is still in orbit as a derelict object Proposed category: Spacecraft: Earth Science Demo Object: TERRIERS Author(s): TERRIER, DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2005-Mar-20 Last updated: 2022-Oct-29 Link to download: TERRIERS.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi Description (Plain Text): The Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi (CSSHQ) is the first Chinese reusable spacecraft. Little is known about the spacecraft itself due to its military nature, but unofficial reports indicate that it is a spaceplane of the Shenlong program which it is claimed that it shares similar designs and purpose with the Boeing X-37B

Description: The Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi (CSSHQ) is the first Chinese reusable spacecraft. Little is known about the spacecraft itself due to its military nature, but unofficial reports indicate that it is a spaceplane of the Shenlong program which it is claimed that it shares similar designs and purpose with the Boeing X-37B


<table class="csshq-chart">
  <style>.satcom-chart th { text-align:center;position:static  } .csshq-chart td { text-align:center }</style>
      <th colspan="3">Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi<br>(2020-Present)</th>
      <td><strong>Shenlong 1 (CSSHQ-1)</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Shenlong 2 (CSSHQ-2)</strong></td>

Timeline of CSSHQ/Shenlong missions, 2020-Present

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Technology Demonstrators Demo Object: CSSHQ-2 Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Nov-19 Link to download: CSSHQ.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: Intelsat-VI ID Requirement: E Description (Plain Text): The Intelsat VI-series were the sixth generation communications satellites built by the Hughes Aircraft Company for the Intelsat Corporation. From 1989 to 1991, a total of five satellites, each weighing 4,330 kg, were launched into GEO. One satellite (Intelsat 603) was left stranded in LEO after a launch failure in 1990, where it was subsequently rescued during the maiden flight of Space Shuttle Endeavour in May 1992

NOTE: Requires the Space Shuttle addon installed in order to view Intelsat 603

Description: The Intelsat VI-series were the sixth generation communications satellites built by the Hughes Aircraft Company for the Intelsat Corporation. From 1989 to 1991, a total of five satellites, each weighing 4,330 kg, were launched into GEO. One satellite (Intelsat 603) was left stranded in LEO after a launch failure in 1990, where it was subsequently rescued during the maiden flight of Space Shuttle Endeavour in May 1992


Untitled An Intelsat-VI satellite in geosynchronous orbit

Untitled STS-49 (Endeavour) and Intelsat 603

Mission Start End
Intelsat 602 1989-Oct-272013-Jul
Intelsat 603 1990-Mar-142015-Feb
Intelsat 603 was stranded in LEO until it was reboosted by STS-49 (Endeavour) on 1992-May-14
Intelsat 604 1990-Jun-232006-Apr-6
Intelsat 605 1991-Aug-142009-Jan
Intelsat 601 1991-Oct-292011-Oct

Timeline of every Intelsat-VI satellite, 1989-2015

Untitled Intelsat 603 being installed by its new booster by the three astronauts of STS-49, 1992-May-13

Proposed category: Spacecraft: Communications Satellites Demo Object: Intelsat 603 Author(s): DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Nov-24 Link to download: Intelsat VI.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Update to the Tiangong Space Station addon. Added the temporary versions of the two expansion modules, Mengtian and Wentian, so that it won't get barraged by impatient commenters anymore while we wait for Tom's proper updates for this addon lol

ID: BA5FBDDC-FEEA-F437-FC8E-1DF31AD6E4FB Description (Plain Text): Tiangong is a modular space station that has been constructed and completed by China from 2021-2022. It has an orbital mass of 60 tons, roughly about 1/5 the mass of the ISS and have the same size as Mir. As of December 2022, about four long-term Shenzhou expeditions have stayed aboard the station, each staying about six months aboard starting with the second expedition Author(s): Thomas Tarrants (Sirius_Alpha), DaveBowman2001 Last updated: 2022-Dec-14 Link to download: Tiangong Space Station.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Title: INSAT-3E Description (Plain Text): INSAT-3E is the fourth satellite to be launched in the INSAT-3 series. It is an Indian communications satellite designed for providing high-speed communication, television, VSAT & tele-education services. It was launched in 2003 and it continued operations in GEO until it was decommissioned in April 2014 Proposed category: Spacecraft: Communications Satellites Demo Object: INSAT-3E Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2018-Jul-18 Link to download: INSAT-3E.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 1 year ago

@DaveBowman2001 Why don't you put Apollo 18 in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project addon itself?