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News Submissions 3 #48

Closed DaveBowman2001 closed 10 months ago

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

Continued from #33... HTML File: Week 52, 2022 - The Official Project Sisyphus Trailer.txt

Week 52, 2022: The Official Project Sisyphus Trailer

Project Sisyphus - Texturing Every Exoplanet (In Celestia) - YouTube

Trolligi has created an official trailer for Project Sisyphus on YouTube! Launched in March 15, 2020 by Gurren Lagann, its long-term goal is to texture every single exoplanet known, despite the ever-growing count of newly confirmed planetary systems, for Celestia.

As of December 19, 2022 around 425 out of 3,991 confirmed planetary systems have been successfully textured (accounting to 10.62% of all known systems), and is continually growing thanks to many add-on developers across the globe! Around 274 of these are currently available for download on Celestia Mobile, on the Exoplanets category. This figure does not include rogue planets, unconfirmed and disproven exoplanets

You can follow the progress of this amazing project on the Celestia Forums here


Spaceforcetrump commented 1 year ago

How can you donate money here? Greetings from Sydney

levinli303 commented 1 year ago

How can you donate money here? Greetings from Sydney

You can be come a Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/celestiamobi

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 1, 2023 - Newest Addons of the Week.txt

Week 1, 2023: Newest Add-ons of the Week

A Happy New Year, everyone! These are the newest and updated add-ons available for download starting Week 52, 2022 to Week 1, 2023 (December 19, 2022 - January 7, 2023) by category


Untitled The planets of Kepler-283 to scale




Untitled The complete fleet of the Toutatis Program, 2018-2048


Hypothetical & Disproven

Untitled OGLE-2013-BLG-0723L and its (disproven) planet


Untitled Messier 17, also known as the Omega Nebula

Solar System

Untitled 4179 Toutatis is a well-known large near-Earth asteroid





Untitled A full stack of the Apollo spacecraft in low lunar orbit



Untitled The two massive stars of HD 228766

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File = Week 2, 2023 - Soyuz MS-23 to Launch Uncrewed, Extending ISS Expedition to a Full Year.txt

Week 2, 2023: Soyuz MS-23 to Launch Uncrewed, Extending ISS Expedition to a Full Year

soyuz_ms-22 Animation of Soyuz MS-22 leaking off coolant in 2022-Dec-15

On January 11, 2023 Roscosmos ultimately decided to launch Soyuz MS-23 without a crew by February 20th to replace Soyuz MS-22, which was concluded to be unsafe for crew return after suffering a coolant leak on 2022-Dec-15 caused by orbital debris or micrometeoroid strike. The current seven-person crew aboard the ISS are all perfectly safe despite the incident. This will also be the first time an uncrewed Soyuz spacecraft replaced another one in orbit since the Soyuz 32 and Soyuz 34 missions aboard Salyut 6 in 1979

soyuz-ms-22 The crew of Soyuz MS-22(From left) Rubio, Prokopyev and Petelin

For context, Soyuz MS-22 launched to the ISS on 2022-Sept-21, with Sergei Prokopyev, Dmitri Petelin, and Frank Rubio as part of the station's Expedition 67/68 crew. The original crew of Soyuz MS-23 (Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub and Frank Rubio) were subsequently reassigned to Soyuz MS-24. Since another replacement Soyuz spacecraft would not be available for another seven months, the MS-22 crew will inadvertently become the fourth crew to stay aboard the ISS for an entire year when they finally return to Earth aboard MS-23 on September 2023

You can download the International Space Station and Soyuz addons to see their current status in Celestia

Source: SpaceNews

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File = Week 3, 2023 - Newest Addons of the Week.txt

Week 3, 2023: Newest Add-ons of the Week

These are the newest and updated add-ons available for download starting Week 2 to 3 (January 8 - 21, 2023) by category


Untitled Kepler-1513 b and its moon




Untitled A fictional nearby ocean planet named Seranna

Hypothetical & Disproven

Untitled 75 Ceti's other nonexistent planets, c and d


Untitled Barnard's Loop covering the entire constellation of Orion


Solar System

Untitled Artist's impression of the nucleus of C/2022 E3 (ZTF)



Untitled ERBS, the first satellite deployed directly from the Shuttle's payload bay


DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 5, 2023 - Comet C2022 E3 (ZTF) makes its Closest Approach to Earth in 50,000 Years.txt

Week 5, 2023: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) makes its Closest Approach to Earth in 50,000 Years!

Untitled C/2022 E3 (ZTF) as seen from Danville, California (Image credit: Bob Schiff)

On February 1, 2023 a comet known as C/2022 E3 (ZTF) passes by Earth at a distance of 42 million km, which is the comet's closest encounter with our planet in the last 50,000 years! Simulations of its orbital trajectory from JPL HORIZONS show that this will be the last time we'll ever see this comet up close as it will be ejected from the Solar System altogether and become an interstellar object in the future

Untitled Latest orbital parameters of C/2022 E3 from JPL's Small-body Database, showing a hyperbolic trajectory

Untitled Untitled Current position in the night sky as of 2022-Feb-3

It was the fifth comet discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) in March 2022. According to TheSkyLive website, the comet is positioned on the constellation Camelopardis, and has an apparent magnitude of 4.00, which is barely visible in the naked eye but easily observable with small binoculars (as of 2023-Feb-3)

You can download the C/2022 E3 (ZTF) addon to see its current location in Celestia

Source: Space.com

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 6, 2023 - Newest Addons of the Week.txt

Week 6, 2023: Newest Add-ons of the Week

These are the newest and updated add-ons available for download starting Week 4 to 6 (January 22 - February 11, 2023) by category


Untitled Pr0201 b and its star


Solar System

Untitled 2023 BU shortly after making the fourth closest asteroid flyby to Earth, 2023-Jan-27






Untitled Shenzhou 5, the first Chinese crewed spaceflight in history, 2003-Oct-15


DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 12, 2023 - Newest Addons of the Month.txt

Week 12, 2023: Newest Add-ons of the Month

These are the newest and updated add-ons available for download starting Week 7 to 12 (February 12 - March 26, 2023) by category


Untitled Montage of every single NameExoWorlds (2022) candidate on Celestia




Untitled A space elevator/rotovator anchored above Syrtis Major on Mars

Solar System

Untitled C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), could it become the Great Comet of 2024?





Untitled A French Earth observations satellite called the Pleiades-HR



Untitled A hypervelocity carbon star known as Wray 15-811


DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 14, 2023 - The Crew of Artemis 2 is Officially Announced.txt

Week 14, 2023: The Crew of Artemis 2 is Officially Announced!


On April 3, 2023 NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) announced the four astronauts who will venture around the Moon on Artemis II, the first crewed mission on NASA’s path to establishing a long-term presence at the Moon for science and exploration through Artemis. The agencies revealed the crew members Monday during an event at Ellington Field near NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston through a YouTube livestream.

Artemis_2_map_march_2023 Planned mission profile of Artemis 2

Artemis 2 will be the first crewed mission under NASA's Artemis Program, which is planned to be a 10-day mission to test out the Orion spacecraft's capabilities in high Earth orbit first, then sets out on a lunar free-return trajectory that takes it within 7,400 km from the lunar surface before returning to Earth. Scheduled for launch on November 2024 (as of March 2023), this mission will become the first crewed spaceflight to go to the Moon since Apollo 17 in 1972

You can download the Project Artemis addon to view NASA's future Moon-to-Mars program in Celestia

Source: NASA

The Crew of Artemis 2

Artemis_2_Crew_Portrait Official portrait of the crew of Artemis 2. They are (From left, Top) Koch, Glover, Hansen and (Bottom) Wiseman



NOTE: The (numbers) indicate the total number of spaceflights each person above has undertaken during this mission

levinli303 commented 1 year ago

i plan to publish this a bit later, giving the current one a little more exposure.

DaveBowman2001 commented 1 year ago

HTML File: Week 15, 2023 - Europe's First Mission to Jupiter Successfully Launches!.txt

Week 15, 2023: Europe's First Mission to Jupiter Successfully Launches!

Untitled JUICE lifts off from ELA-3 during the penultimate flight of the Ariane 5 rocket, 2023-Apr-14

On April 14, 2023 the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) orbiter is successfully launched atop the penultimate flight of the Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana. The successful launch marks the beginning of an ambitious voyage to uncover the secrets of the ocean worlds around giant planet Jupiter

image It is now on an eight-year journey that involves three Earth flybys and one Venus flyby to gain enough energy to reach the largest planet of the Solar System. JUICE is expected to arrive by July 2031 and will become the fourth spacecraft to enter orbit around Jupiter after Galileo, Juno and Europa Clipper.

This spacecraft is available for download on Celestia here

Source: European Space Agency

Highlights for JUICE (as of 2023-Apr-15)

Juice Launch Livestream - YouTube Official livestream of the launch of JUICE, 2023-Apr-14

Untitled JUICE being mounted on its Ariane 5 rocket, 2023-Apr-1

Untitled Leaving Earth shortly after launch, 2023-Apr-14

Untitled Celestia simulation of JUICE orbiting on Jupiter, 2031-2034

Untitled Planned trajectory of JUICE towards Jupiter, 2023-2031

levinli303 commented 1 year ago

We have this type of h3, but i think we should remove this. <h3 class="typography-tout">Solar System</h3>

now please just use h3/h4/h5/h6 for hierarchies

I've updated all existing articles to remove usage of "typography-tout"

DaveBowman2001 commented 10 months ago

HTML File: Week 35, 2023 - India Becomes Fourth Country to Land on the Moon.txt

Week 35, 2023: India Becomes Fourth Nation to Land on the Moon

cover_image Chandrayaan-3 on the clean room before launch, 2023-Jun-23

On August 23, 2023 the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-3 mission lands successfully on a region between the Manzinus C and Simpelius N craters, marking India the fourth country to successfully land on the Moon. Launched in July 14, 2023 the mission is a repeat of its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2, of which the latter's lander was destroyed on its landing attempt in 2019. The landing site was named Shiv Shakti Point, and is located on 69.367621°S 32.348126°E. A few days prior, the Russian Luna 25 lander was lost after a programming error during its descent orbit insertion caused it to crash to the lunar surface

Both the lander (Vikram-2) and the rover (Pragyan-2) are designed to study the lunar surface for 14 Earth-days, and are expected to cease operations by lunar nightfall (NET Sept 4th). Like its predecessor, the orbiter portion will continue to study the Moon for a long period of time, at least 6 months or longer

Source: SpaceNews

Highlights for Chandrayaan-3 (as of 2023-Aug-31)

Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing LIVE Telecast - YouTube Official livestream of Chandrayaan-3's landing, 2023-Aug-23

cover_image The landing site, Shiv Shakti, as seen from the orbiter of Chandrayaan-2, 2023-Aug-23

103048676 Pragyan-2 being deployed from Vikram-2, 2023-Aug-24

cover_image Vikram-2 on the lunar surface as seen from Pragyan-2, 2023-Aug-30

levinli303 commented 10 months ago

i think it is better to make separate issues now.

there is an improvement that i made. edits to these news submission is easier. you can make change to this repository https://github.com/celestiamobile/celestia-mobi-content-localization to make edits.

DaveBowman2001 commented 10 months ago
