celestiaorg / celestia-app

PoS application for the consensus portion of the Celestia network. Built using celestia-core (fork of CometBFT) and the cosmos-sdk
Apache License 2.0
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test: prepare proposal block data size #3584

Closed rootulp closed 1 week ago

rootulp commented 1 week ago

Closes https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/issues/3573

Note: we could add an explicit conditional at the end of prepare proposal like:

    if getSize(txs) > req.BlockDataSize {
        panic("the size of the proposal block data exceeds the block data size")

but I'm not sure that actually gets us much. Instead of panic'ing in celestia-core (like it does currently), it'll panic in celestia-app. Since this is a change to prepare proposal which has already been audited, I'm hesitant to add the conditional unless reviewers feel strongly that it is helpful.

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 week ago


The changes in prepare_proposal_test.go focus on renaming the variable accnts to accounts throughout the file. This involves updating all instances of the variable in function calls and array slices related to account information. The primary goal is to improve code readability and maintain consistency in naming conventions.


File Change Summary
app/test/prepare_proposal_test.go Renamed variable accnts to accounts throughout the file for consistency

Sequence Diagram(s)

(No changes made to control flow or interactions between components, so diagram generation was skipped.)

Assessment against linked issues

Objective Addressed Explanation
Unit test to ensure prepare proposal does not exceed BlockDataSize in ResponsePrepareProposal.BlockData.Txs (#3573) No new unit tests were added to address this specific requirement.

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cmwaters commented 1 week ago

Is this some form of defensive programming in the instance that we modify the algorithm such that there is a possibility that bytes are added and that therefore this test would catch it?

rootulp commented 1 week ago

Is this some form of defensive programming in the instance that we modify the algorithm such that there is a possibility that bytes are added and that therefore this test would catch it?

Unfortunately I don't think this test would actually catch it because it doesn't fuzz inputs into prepare proposal. If we wanted to be defensive then we would have to add the explicit check in prepare proposal (see PR description).

This PR is motivated by the last audit finding. It communicates the "intention" of prepare proposal but doesn't actually enforce any new constraints.

cmwaters commented 1 week ago

Yeah, I'm a little confused by it's existence. Are you saying it's there just to communicate to people that we don't expect PrepareProposal to somehow increase the bytes returned?

rootulp commented 1 week ago

Yea exactly

rootulp commented 1 week ago

Discussed with @cmwaters offline and we decided this informational audit finding should just be acknowledged and the unit test doesn't add much value.