celestiaorg / celestia-app

PoS application for the consensus portion of the Celestia network. Built using celestia-core (fork of CometBFT) and the cosmos-sdk
Apache License 2.0
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test: adding big block tests to the main branch #3612

Open staheri14 opened 1 week ago

staheri14 commented 1 week ago

Part of #3557 Closes https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/issues/3614 Closes #3638 Closes https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/issues/3371

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 day ago


The updates introduce new functionality and enhancements to the benchmark package of the e2e testing suite. Notable changes include the addition of the CheckResults method for result validation, new test case functions for various block sizes and latency scenarios, defined constants for data sizes, and modifications to existing configurations to use descriptive constants for gRPC message sizes. These changes aim to improve clarity, correctness, and overall benchmarking capabilities.


Files Change Summary
test/e2e/benchmark/benchmark.go Added new imports for context, appconsts, and testnode packages. Introduced CheckResults method in BenchmarkTest struct.
test/e2e/benchmark/main.go Added new test cases: TwoNodeBigBlock8MB, TwoNodeBigBlock32MB, TwoNodeBigBlock8MBLatency, TwoNodeBigBlock64MB, LargeNetworkBigBlock8MB, LargeNetworkBigBlock32MB, and LargeNetworkBigBlock64MB.
test/e2e/benchmark/manifest.go Added summary method to the Manifest struct to generate summary strings.
test/e2e/benchmark/throughput.go Added bigBlockManifest variable. Introduced several new functions for benchmark tests with different block sizes and network configurations.
test/e2e/testnet/defaults.go Introduced new constants for data size conversions (MB, GB, MiB, GiB) and updated existing TxsimVersion constant.
test/e2e/testnet/node.go Updated PullRoundStateTraces to PullBlockSummaryTraces, reflecting changes in log messages and event types.
test/e2e/testnet/setup.go Modified MakeConfig and MakeAppConfig functions to set certain values using appropriate constants.
test/e2e/testnet/testnet.go Added additional logging during the synchronization process of genesis nodes.
test/txsim/run.go Replaced hardcoded gRPC message sizes with constants for better clarity.

Assessment against linked issues

Objective Addressed Explanation
Clarifying unit of grpcMaxRecvMsgSize/SendMsgSize (#3614)
Improve E2E Benchmark Test Correctness Verification to Avoid False Positives (#3638)

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staheri14 commented 1 day ago

The markdown linter issue should be resolved by #3639

staheri14 commented 1 day ago

I have tested all the benchmark tests in this branch. However, I made a few recent changes (a few hours ago) that I am still re-running tests for them to ensure they haven't caused any regression. I will mark the PR as a draft, but any early review is welcome!