celestiaorg / celestia-app

PoS application for the consensus portion of the Celestia network. Built using celestia-core (fork of CometBFT) and the cosmos-sdk
Apache License 2.0
328 stars 261 forks source link

experiment: dynamic-timeouts-base #3620

Open cmwaters opened 3 days ago

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 days ago
Walkthrough ## Walkthrough The recent code updates introduce dynamic timeout tests, enable enhanced network experimentation features, and modify node configurations for improved networking. Key changes include adding new test cases and network experiments, enabling bit-twisting functionality, and altering default configuration values for network addresses. ## Changes | File Path | Change Summary | | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `app/test/dynamic_timeouts_test.go` | Added a test case for dynamic timeouts, setting up configurations and interacting with a test network. | | `go.mod` | Updated dependency version for `github.com/tendermint/tendermint`. | | `test/e2e/experiment/dynamic_timeouts.go` | Implemented a network experiment with 20 nodes running dynamic timeout tests, adjusting latencies, and saving performance data. | | `test/e2e/experiment/.../dynamic_timeouts.go` | Created a new program to set up and test a network with dynamic timeouts, logging height information until the test completes. | | `test/e2e/testnet/node.go` | Enabled bit twister functionality before starting nodes, with error handling. | | `test/util/testnode/config.go` | Modified `DefaultTendermintConfig` to use `` instead of `` for `GRPCListenAddress`. | | `test/util/testnode/full_node.go` | Changed `newLogger` to allow info messages instead of only errors. | | `test/util/testnode/network.go` | Updated `NewNetwork` function to accept an optional `validatorIndex` parameter for initializing files based on a provided index. | | `test/util/testnode/rpc_client.go` | Updated `DefaultAppConfig` to use `` instead of `` for GRPC address format. |

Recent review details **Configuration used: .coderabbit.yaml** **Review profile: CHILL**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 9475c4bcb9f9cb3f27c9be054201303526c11f2f and 2bae14a00720657ac1fcd4abb08cd64855142951.
Files ignored due to path filters (1) * `go.sum` is excluded by `!**/*.sum`
Files selected for processing (9) * app/test/dynamic_timeouts_test.go (1 hunks) * go.mod (1 hunks) * test/e2e/experiment/dymamic_timeouts.go (1 hunks) * test/e2e/experiment/dynamic_timeouts/dymamic_timeouts.go (1 hunks) * test/e2e/testnet/node.go (1 hunks) * test/util/testnode/config.go (1 hunks) * test/util/testnode/full_node.go (1 hunks) * test/util/testnode/network.go (1 hunks) * test/util/testnode/rpc_client.go (1 hunks)
Files not reviewed due to errors (2) * test/e2e/experiment/dynamic_timeouts/dymamic_timeouts.go (no review received) * test/e2e/testnet/node.go (no review received)
Files skipped from review due to trivial changes (2) * app/test/dynamic_timeouts_test.go * go.mod
Additional context used
GitHub Check: lint / golangci-lint
[failure] 94-94: Error return value of `n.Upgrade` is not checked (errcheck) --- [failure] 67-67: SA1019: node.Instance.SetLatencyAndJitter is deprecated: Use the new package knuu instead. (staticcheck)
Additional comments not posted (6)
test/util/testnode/full_node.go (1)
`56-56`: **Adjust Logging Level to Info** The logging level has been adjusted to allow info messages. This change will increase the verbosity of logs, which can be beneficial for debugging but may affect performance due to increased I/O operations. Ensure this change is aligned with the intended use cases and consider making this behavior configurable to adapt to different environments.
test/util/testnode/network.go (1)
`19-25`: **Flexible Network Initialization with Optional `validatorIndex`** The introduction of an optional `validatorIndex` parameter in the `NewNetwork` function is a positive change, enhancing the flexibility of network initialization. This allows for specifying different configurations for different validators, which can be particularly useful in testing scenarios involving multiple nodes. Ensure that this change is well-documented and that downstream code that relies on the default behavior is updated accordingly.
test/e2e/experiment/dymamic_timeouts.go (4)
`17-20`: **Well-handled error in main function.** The error handling and logging in the `main` function are correctly implemented, ensuring that any failures in the `Run` function are logged before the program exits. --- `23-108`: **Comprehensive error handling in Run function.** The `Run` function is well-structured with comprehensive error handling for each operation involved in setting up and running the network test. This includes handling errors for network creation, node setup, and during the test run.
GitHub Check: lint / golangci-lint
[failure] 94-94: Error return value of `n.Upgrade` is not checked (errcheck) --- [failure] 67-67: SA1019: node.Instance.SetLatencyAndJitter is deprecated: Use the new package knuu instead. (staticcheck)
--- `111-164`: **Efficient management of resources and error handling in saveStartTimes.** The `saveStartTimes` function efficiently manages file resources with proper error handling and resource cleanup. The use of defer for file closing and CSV writer flushing is a good practice. --- `166-204`: **Proper resource management in saveBlockTimes function.** The `saveBlockTimes` function correctly manages file resources and handles errors efficiently. The structured error handling ensures that any issues during the data gathering and writing process are caught and handled appropriately.
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