The current e2e test setup could be improved by refactoring to enhance code readability and maintainability. Specifically, several functions have an excessive number of arguments, which can be streamlined using options or by passing relevant structs. Additionally, passing the *knuu.Knuu struct to the testnet constructor would be a cleaner approach. This issue aims to address these points by refactoring the test suite to make it more idiomatic and manageable.
The current e2e test setup could be improved by refactoring to enhance code readability and maintainability. Specifically, several functions have an excessive number of arguments, which can be streamlined using options or by passing relevant structs. Additionally, passing the *knuu.Knuu struct to the testnet constructor would be a cleaner approach. This issue aims to address these points by refactoring the test suite to make it more idiomatic and manageable.
Originally posted by @cmwaters in