celestiaorg / celestia-app

Celestia consensus node
Apache License 2.0
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golangci-lint misspell isn't warning on all typos #931

Closed rootulp closed 10 months ago

rootulp commented 2 years ago


https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app#misspell reports that there are in this repo even though we have misspell enabled


It looks like golangci-lint's misspell isn't flagging us on typos that misspell has caught. To confirm, I installed misspell and ran it locally:

$ misspell .
docs/architecture/adr-004-qgb-relayer-security.md:88:218: "custumization" is a misspelling of "customization"
docs/architecture/adr-004-qgb-relayer-security.md:394:33: "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
proto/qgb/genesis.proto:17:39: "persistant" is a misspelling of "persistent"
third_party/proto/tendermint/crypto/proof.proto:30:49: "nessecary" is a misspelling of "necessary"
third_party/proto/confio/proofs.proto:48:57: "collission" is a misspelling of "collisions"
x/payment/spec/docs.md:146:57: "contians" is a misspelling of "contains"
x/qgb/types/genesis.pb.go:71:39: "persistant" is a misspelling of "persistent"


rootulp commented 10 months ago

hmm no more issues identified at https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app#misspell so maybe it's working now? Closing until we find other issues.