celestiaorg / celestia-node

Celestia Data Availability Nodes
Apache License 2.0
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Error: node: failed to start: unexpected EOF #3518

Closed DasRasyo closed 2 days ago

DasRasyo commented 1 week ago

Celestia Node version



Ubuntu, 20.04- 22.04

Install tools



No response

Steps to reproduce it

This bug was introduced with the new update. Since the beginning of Mocha-4 network my node was working fine. After this update (v0.13.7) I saw the following in the logs;

celestia[2850189]: Level Done celestia[2850189]: Error: node: failed to start: unexpected EOF

Then it restarts and got the same logs again.

The execstart line in the service file had the following:

--keyring.accname my_celes_key \ --core.ip \ --core.rpc.port 26657 \ --core.grpc.port 9090 \ --p2p.network mocha\ --metrics.tls=true \ --metrics \ --metrics.endpoint otel.celestia-mocha.com

I removed the default flags here. I left only --core.ip, --p2p.network and metric flags in the flags. And the problem was fixed, the node started working again.

--core.ip :26657 --p2p.network mocha --metrics.tls=true --metrics --metrics.endpoint otel.celestia-mocha.com

Expected result

Node is expected to keep running

Actual result

celestia[2850189]: Level Done celestia[2850189]: Error: node: failed to start: unexpected EOF

Relevant log output

celestia[2850189]: Level Done
celestia[2850189]: Error: node: failed to start: unexpected EOF


My mainnet bridge nodes were not affected. Only Testnet nodes were affected. Removing the flags I mentioned above from the startup line fixed the problem.

Our conversations on Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/638338779505229824/920642717057421393/1253670566896861204

eric-collazo commented 5 days ago

Hi! We had the same issue, and got solved changing the rpc from full.consensus.mocha-4.celestia-mocha.com to rpc-mocha.pops.one. No need to change any flags for us.

renaynay commented 4 days ago

@DasRasyo and @eric-collazo can you please share some more logs prior to the EOF ?

DasRasyo commented 3 days ago

@eric-collazo I didn't change RPC

@renaynay I cannot reproduce the same error now

eric-collazo commented 3 days ago

Same for me, can't reproduce it anymore

renaynay commented 2 days ago

awesome! closing for now. feel free to reopen if it happens again.