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[BUG] error.Wrap does not work as expected with multi nested errors #420

Open mojtaba-esk opened 3 weeks ago

mojtaba-esk commented 3 weeks ago

The error.Wrap is expected to wrap the underlying errors to enhance debugging process. However, it does not.


Wrapping err: error adding 'bit-twister-d762d88e' to traefik proxy for service 'iperf-server-147940a5': error creating Traefik middleware: middlewares.traefik.io "strip-iperf-server-147940a5-9009-2b438e6d" is forbidden: unable to create new content in namespace 20240605-132813-220 because it is being terminated

Full error: error adding 'bit-twister-d762d88e' to traefik proxy for service 'iperf-server-147940a5'