celestiaorg / knuu

Integration Test Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Consider renaming TestScope field in knuu struct for more clarity #456

Open mojtaba-esk opened 6 days ago

mojtaba-esk commented 6 days ago

currently in knuu options and systemDependencies there is a TestScope fdield:

type Options struct {
    K8sClient    k8s.KubeManager
    MinioClient  *minio.Minio
    ImageBuilder builder.Builder
    TestScope    string
    ProxyEnabled bool
    Timeout      time.Duration
    Logger       *logrus.Logger

type SystemDependencies struct {
    ImageBuilder builder.Builder
    K8sClient    k8s.KubeManager
    MinioClient  *minio.Minio
    Logger       *logrus.Logger
    Proxy        *traefik.Traefik
    TestScope    string
    StartTime    string

to avoid confusion, let's rename it to Scope. There is also a DefaultTestScope() func that needs to be renamed too.