celestiaorg / test-infra

Testing infrastructure for the Celestia Network
Apache License 2.0
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testground/infra/nightly: 160 light nodes dasing robusta #158

Closed Bidon15 closed 8 months ago

Bidon15 commented 1 year ago

Retrospectively, we learned that testground tests can be run against running testnets, like arabica Hence, we need to make sure that every night, we are spinning up latest main node and running light nodes against arabica testnet


To make the test-run without <block-height> we can start with curling the latest state of the robusta/arabica chains before starting our light nodes

As @liamsi mentioned, we need to make sure not to sync up more than 10-20k blocks Thus we can make the curl status more handy

Acceptance criteria

Test-case wise:

Infra wise:

ATM, we are ok with living up with only 20 min worker timeout in TG

Ref: #157

Bidon15 commented 1 year ago

@Bidon15 and @jrmanes to get the implementation of it once we get robusta-nightly

tty47 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Bidon15

Regarding this topic, we can start using the robusta-nightly environment for this kind of tests.

for security reasons, I've left the list in notion, you can find it here

Let me know when you have time to test it and I can join 😊


Jose Ramon Mañes

Bidon15 commented 1 year ago

Grooming 12/05/2023:

Moving to next sprint to test against robusta.

We need to discuss during sprint planning or whatever :

tty47 commented 1 year ago

having some issues while trying to execute tests against a private network (robusta-nightly)

the logs that I got:

May 18 14:43:23.482032  INFO   performing build for groups {"plan": "celestia", "groups": ["lights", "fulls"], "builder": "docker:generic"}
Step 1/26 : ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=golang:1.19.1
Step 2/26 : ARG RUNTIME_IMAGE=alpine
Step 3/26 : FROM ${BUILD_BASE_IMAGE} AS builder
 ---> 4f7c78c9b46f
Step 4/26 : ENV PLAN_DIR /plan
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0f237c7d79fd
Step 5/26 : ENV INFLUXDB_URL=http://influxdb:8086/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 8e9581080d9a
Step 6/26 : ENV SDK_DIR /sdk
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1438b5efab2f
Step 7/26 : RUN rm -rf ${PLAN_DIR} ${SDK_DIR} /testground_dep_lists
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 923c65d18650
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fe207c0f3d7c
Step 9/26 : ARG GO_PROXY=https://proxy.golang.org
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5946a9675d6f
Step 10/26 : ARG BUILD_TAGS
 ---> Using cache
 ---> cb772992e8bf
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6e1776322b29
Step 12/26 : ENV GOCACHE /go/cache
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dd052d93d654
Step 13/26 : COPY /plan/go.mod ${PLAN_DIR}/go.mod
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 05ca91e8bd1e
Step 14/26 : RUN echo "Using go proxy: ${GO_PROXY}"     && cd ${PLAN_DIR}     && go env -w GOPROXY="${GO_PROXY}"     && go mod download
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 41b9165eab94
Step 15/26 : COPY . /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9507c57df3b5
Step 16/26 : RUN cd ${PLAN_DIR}     && go env -w GOPROXY="${GO_PROXY}"     && CGO_ENABLED=${CgoEnabled} GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ${PLAN_DIR}/testplan.bin ${BUILD_TAGS} ${TESTPLAN_EXEC_PKG}
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bedef251eb22
Step 17/26 : RUN cd ${PLAN_DIR}   && go list -m all > /testground_dep_list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f13de5e19138
 ---> f13de5e19138
Step 18/26 : FROM ${RUNTIME_IMAGE} AS runtime
 ---> 5e2b554c1c45
Step 19/26 : RUN apk add --no-cache bash gcompat
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2eca1ab1feac
Step 20/26 : ENV PLAN_DIR /plan
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 449330f0a35a
Step 21/26 : ENV GOLOG_OUTPUT stdout
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b23538197b80
Step 22/26 : ENV HOME /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 17c05314261f
Step 23/26 : COPY --from=builder /testground_dep_list /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7585bbae9f54
Step 24/26 : COPY --from=builder ${PLAN_DIR}/testplan.bin /testplan
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9d5eaf31c26a
Step 25/26 : EXPOSE 9090 26657 26656 1317 26658 26660
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 217fe1b03f00
Step 26/26 : ENTRYPOINT [ "/testplan"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1bba63ab0f8b
 ---> 1bba63ab0f8b
[Warning] One or more build-args [PLAN_PATH] were not consumed
Successfully built 1bba63ab0f8b
Successfully tagged 361561574fd2:latest
May 18 14:43:23.574269  INFO   build completed {"default_tag": "361561574fd2:latest", "took": "0s"}
May 18 14:43:23.585747  INFO   got docker image id {"image_id": "1bba63ab0f8b"}
May 18 14:43:23.585784  INFO   tagging image   {"image_id": "1bba63ab0f8b", "tag": "celestia:1bba63ab0f8b"}
May 18 14:43:23.588673  INFO   build succeeded {"plan": "celestia", "groups": ["lights", "fulls"], "builder": "docker:generic", "artifact": "1bba63ab0f8b"}

but there's no action after this :S

Bidon15 commented 1 year ago

Moving this out to Q3 as we want to rewrite TG completely