celguar / spp-classics-cmangos

SPP Classics repack with ike3 playerbots. Based on cmangos. Supports 1.12, 2.4.3, 3.3.5. Check "Releases" for installer
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bot buff #212

Closed Casidhey closed 7 months ago

Casidhey commented 8 months ago

May I ask how to obtain the same group buff as a robot

celguar commented 8 months ago

Hello, what buffs, what version?

Casidhey commented 8 months ago


Casidhey commented 8 months ago

I found that in a team, robots can refresh various world buffs, but I don't know how to trigger them to bless myself. Thank you for the author's creation. This is the best Vanilla Warcraft I have ever played.

Casidhey commented 8 months ago

I just want to know the trigger mechanism, because when I am alone outside the dungeon, I unexpectedly triggered various buffs on myself. I know that I can use code to add some buffs to myself, but I am curious about what conditions will be met to add these powerful buffs to myself, version 1.12. Thank you very much.

sarge816 commented 8 months ago

Anecdotally, I can tell you that the bots cheat and they are completely shameless about it. For example, in Arena, they get to use all sorts of consumables (flasks, food buffs, scrolls, etc.) that a normal player cannot. They also have all of their gear enchanted with the best, most expensive enchants, including enchants only available to enchanters on their own gear - even when they are not enchanters. There's more cheats, but you get the idea. So, what you might be experiencing is just the bots cheating, and I'm not sure you will be able to duplicate that for yourself. And I agree, the Vanilla and TBC modules of this repack are amazing.

HexedHemorrhage commented 8 months ago

In my limited experience there isn't always a way to naturally trigger getting a buff when a bot does. Sometimes everyone in town will get a buff except you (both in retail and private).

The actual command to give the world buffs I believe you're talking about should be .aura spellid. This assumes you have your account set as gm level 3. The spellid (or itemid, for any potential future issues) can usually be found online and is typically the numbers at the end of the URL (example - /?spell=22888, the 22888 would be for Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, so entering .aura 22888 would give you or the character selected the 2-hour long buff, no need to specify duration).

celguar commented 8 months ago

@Casidhey hello! They trigger it in their ai strategies. You can try use .bot self, then wait before buffs appear, and use it again to disable ai. Don't recommend using it near any vendors as ai might decide you need to sell some useless stuff

celguar commented 8 months ago

@sarge816 Yeah that is correct. That was done mostly to give them an edge in pvp and pve to improve people's experience in dungeon or have more challenge in pvp. You can disable or change all these buffs for any class/level combination in bots config

celguar commented 8 months ago

@Casidhey oh and in 1.12 we only added wbuffs for lvl 60, while in tbc we also added lower level consumes to bots to auto buff

sarge816 commented 8 months ago

@celguar No complaints here, I think the bots do a fine job in BGs and Arena, although I wish they would equip PVP gear when doing them.

Casidhey commented 8 months ago

@Celguar, thank you very much. It's amazing that you can turn yourself into an AI. I want to know what other unknown code commands are, all I know are those that are seemingly easy to obtain.