Open umbrablade opened 2 weeks ago
Hello, assuming you have bots in repack, and botting also refers to you letting some program control your game to automate it, and the fact that bots can be AFK and you can be AFK I don't really get what are you asking about
Sorry for not elaborating... i'm looking for a way to disable automatically going afk while botting my own character, so I can have it quest while I am not at my desk. It goes afk and I constantly have to take it out of (away) when PC has the command .bot self applied to it... sorry I am new to this.
you would have to use some script that sends keyboard commands to not let your game send afk status.
' Anti-AFK for single or multiple WoW sessions
' --------------------------------------------
' coded by Corleone, 12/2013
' Assign 2 keys of your choice in WoW for sideward moving to the left and to the right,
' or use your already predefined keys.
' Alter those keys in the user config section below (in quotation marks!) as described:
' i.e. "A" for left, "D" for right,
' or as presetted here as an example "%{left}" = ALT+left arrow, "%{right}" = ALT+right arrow
' Special keys are SHIFT = +, CTRL = ^, ALT = %
' Non-ASCII keys have to be enclosed in curly brackets { }, i.e. "^{F12}" for CTRL-F12
' You can find more keycodes here:
' This VBS script accepts a numeric value of milliseconds as start parameter for the repetition time.
' Default value is 200000 milliseconds if no parameter is passed.
' The script closes automatically when no more WoW instances are running and the iteration expires.
On Error Resume Next
' ########################### begin user config
strStepLeft = "%{left}"
strStepRight = "%{right}"
' ########################### end user config
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set args = WScript.Arguments
num = args.Count
if num = 0 then
n = 200000
n = args(0)
end if
strComputer = "."
strExeName = "Wow.exe"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process")
numCount = 0
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
If Instr(1, objProcess.Name, strExeName) then
numCount = numCount + 1
End If
If numCount = 0 then
Exit Do
End If
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
colPID = objProcess.processID
colName = objProcess.Name
If Instr(1, colName, strExeName) then
WshShell.AppActivate colPID
WshShell.sendkeys "/r"
WshShell.AppActivate colPID
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
End If
Wscript.sleep n
MsgBox "No running WoW instance found. Terminating AntiAFK now.",0,"AntiAFK VBS"
save as .vbs
Hello, thank you so much for the quick response! When I get to my PC I will try this out. Just want to say thank you all for this open source project, I have really been enjoying using the repack! Means a lot to all of us WoW enthusiasts. :-)
All the best. Umbrablade
I don't really know script well, and don't want to mess with DB, but is there an easy way to opt out of going afk while botting, like a gm command? can't find anything in config files, and doesn't seem to be a command while im in gm mode...
Thanks :)