celiao / tmdbsimple

A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
582 stars 121 forks source link

Support for lists? #59

Closed htilly closed 4 years ago

htilly commented 5 years ago

Does it support get lists? For both Movies and TV Shows? I.e. my saved watchlists?


celiao commented 5 years ago

tmdbsimple supports these movie lists:

Would you like to contribute code and unit tests for get lists?

d762 commented 4 years ago

Easy way to manage seen movies...

def getmovie(genres=878, votecount=800, averagescore=5.5, fromdate='1970-01-01', page=500):
    discover = tmdb.Discover()
    kwargs = {'page': page, 'vote_count.gte': votecount, 'vote_average.gte': averagescore, 'release_date.gte': fromdate, 'with_genres': genres}
    response = discover.movie(**kwargs)
    pageint = discover.total_pages
    for i in range(1, pageint+1):
        kwargs = {'page': i, 'vote_count.gte': votecount, 'vote_average.gte': averagescore, 'release_date.gte': fromdate, 'with_genres': genres}   
        response = discover.movie(**kwargs) 
        numofres = len(discover.results)
        for p in range(1, numofres): listof.append(discover.results[p]['id']) 
    if len(listof) > 0: 
        num = random.randint(0, len(listof))
        with open("/home/icbosk/Programs/Videospider/list.txt", 'r') as f:
            content = f.readlines()
            content = [x.strip() for x in content]   
        if str(listof[num-1]) in content: 
            with open("/home/icbosk/Programs/Videospider/list.txt", 'a') as f: f.write(str(str(listof[num-1])+"\n"))
            return (listof[num-1])            
        print("No movie found! Change parameters!")
celiao commented 4 years ago

List Example

tmdbsimple currently implements TMDB v3, where lists of movies are supported. See https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/lists/get-list-details.

When TMDB v4 is implemented per #63, lists of both movies and TV series will be supported. See https://developers.themoviedb.org/4/list/get-list.

Import tmdbsimple

import tmdbsimple as tmdb
tmdb.API_KEY = '<your api key>'
SESSION_ID = '<your session id>'

Create List

kwargs = {
            'name': 'My List',
            'description': 'My list of movies',
lst = tmdb.Lists(session_id=SESSION_ID)
{'created_by': 'celiao',
 'description': 'My list of movies',
 'favorite_count': 0,
 'id': '7054530',
 'items': [],
 'item_count': 0,
 'iso_639_1': 'en',
 'name': 'My List',
 'poster_path': None}

Add Movie to List

{'created_by': 'celiao',
 'description': 'My list of movies',
 'favorite_count': 0,
 'id': '7054530',
 'items': [{'poster_path': '/f89U3ADr1oiB1s9GkdPOEpXUk5H.jpg',
   'popularity': 36.618,
   'vote_count': 17524,
   'video': False,
   'media_type': 'movie',
   'id': 603,
   'adult': False,
   'backdrop_path': '/ByDf0zjLSumz1MP1cDEo2JWVtU.jpg',
   'original_language': 'en',
   'original_title': 'The Matrix',
   'genre_ids': [28, 878],
   'title': 'The Matrix',
   'vote_average': 8.1,
   'overview': 'Set in the 22nd century, The Matrix tells the story of a computer hacker who joins a group of underground insurgents fighting the vast and powerful computers who now rule the earth.',
   'release_date': '1999-03-30'}],
 'item_count': 1,
 'iso_639_1': 'en',
 'name': 'My List',
 'poster_path': None}