cellannotation / CAS-LinkML

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Define Cypher queries for finding new terms. #5

Closed dosumis closed 4 months ago

dosumis commented 4 months ago

Query : Find leaf node CL terms with nested cell sets underneath

Cypher query for leaf nodes:

MATCH p=(c:Class:Cell)<-[:composed_primarily_of]-(s1)<-[:subcluster_of*..]-(s2) where not (c)<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-() return p

Example results from Sikemma:


Misses some potentially interesting cases where CL term is not leaf node.


However, without the leaf node clause, most datasets will return too much to review.

dosumis commented 4 months ago

Another case query we need: General term used for specific class.

e.g. T-Cell here:



MATCH p=(c:Class:Cell)<-[:composed_primarily_of]-(s1:Cluster) where (c)<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-() and not (s1)<-[:subcluster_of]-() return p

Looks promising - although might return quite a lot for review:

dosumis commented 4 months ago

Added to wrong repo. Different project.