cellannotation / cell-annotation-schema

General, open-standard schema for cell annotations
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Add a field for sorting of labels within a labelset for display #45

Open dosumis opened 8 months ago

dosumis commented 8 months ago

value: Int description: An integer used to indicate preferred sort order within a labelset for display.

BICAN needs this, but it strikes me as a more generally useful optional field, so maybe should go in general. @evanbiederstedt - any opinion on this?

CC @jeremymiller

evanbiederstedt commented 7 months ago

Feels very low priority imho

jeremymiller commented 7 months ago

Somehow I missed this two weeks ago. This (along with a color) is a requirement for some of the tools in BICAN/Allen. In those situations they are assigned automatically (I think alphabetically by default) if not provided. I don't feel strongly about whether they show up directly in CAS or whether tools just assign them if not provided.

dosumis commented 7 months ago

In those situations they are assigned automatically

We added this because, based on discussion in the call, there appeared to be strong demand to maintain specific order (not alphanumeric) during development of at least some taxonomies. In its absence the temptation is to engineer this by prepending names with a number, which is really bad for standardisation and sometimes ends up being used as an accession/ID.

evanbiederstedt commented 7 months ago

I would call this BICAN/Allen specific

If it catches on, we could use for CAP---at the moment, randomly assigned colors are used based on order in "the file".

dosumis commented 7 months ago

Sprint team agrees. We should add this field. Recommendation: if used on a labelset it should apply to all.
FOr consistency checking we should also add a boolean attached the labelset; ordered: True/False