I haven't been able to write tests yet due to the fact that I cooked my last surviving Arduino the other day, but I plan to write tests once my new one arrives. So far, I have connected it to a USB-to-TTL and have verified that writing works (blinking transmit light, nothing further).
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
P.S. Thanks for bringing Erlang style and concepts to Ruby with Celluloid! :smile:
Hi, I've created a gem (celluloid-io-serialport) that gives Celluloid::IO serial port support. It's available at: https://github.com/PrintToPeer/celluloid-io-serialport
I haven't been able to write tests yet due to the fact that I cooked my last surviving Arduino the other day, but I plan to write tests once my new one arrives. So far, I have connected it to a USB-to-TTL and have verified that writing works (blinking transmit light, nothing further).
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
P.S. Thanks for bringing Erlang style and concepts to Ruby with Celluloid! :smile: