celo-org / dappkit-web-starter

7 stars 5 forks source link

New feature Deposit and Withdrawal #1

Open abdulbarik opened 3 years ago

abdulbarik commented 3 years ago

Hi @eelanagaraj Thank you for publishing this repo, its really cool to test with Valora app. I am just wondering if you have other features like deposit, withdrawal, Borrow etc in roadmap and can get in time to integrate it with our system.

eelanagaraj commented 3 years ago

Hey @abdulbarik great to hear! This is just an example for getting started with dappkit-web (web apps on mobile devices). You can currently create and sign custom transactions (not just limited to transfers as in this example). If you have questions about what others are building on Celo (including lending/savings apps, among others) as well as find out more about features that'll be supported in Valora, come join us on discord! :)

abdulbarik commented 3 years ago

Hi @eelanagaraj I was trying to test it with Expo Go iPhone simulator. while preparing build I am getting following error:

Failed building JavaScript bundle. Unable to resolve module net from /node_modules/@celo/contractkit/lib/kit.js: net could not be found within the project. I installed net package manually then again getting new error for crypto

Can you please help me out to this issue?

eelanagaraj commented 3 years ago

Hey @abdulbarik, this repo is specifically for running apps in a mobile browser on your device, so ideally should not be used with Expo Go. For that, the dappkit-trufflebox tutorial is better, but we are currently trying to fix some known issues with that on iPhone Expo Go (currently works with android). Feel free to track progress on that issue: https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/issues/7481

abdulbarik commented 3 years ago

@eelanagaraj I think there is issue with this line the ! should not be there


eelanagaraj commented 3 years ago

@abdulbarik is there an issue you are running into with this? It is to fix a typescript compile error, and we check that the address exists before entering the block

abdulbarik commented 3 years ago

Hi @eelanagaraj No, I am not getting any error, it was due to some other code. Please ignore above comment.

I was trying to join discord the link you shared above but it seems invalid. It would be great if you can share again and we can discuss or I can collaborate over there. I am already connected with Josh over email, but on discord we can join and discuss the integration.

eelanagaraj commented 3 years ago

Hi @abdulbarik, here's a new invite link. Hope to see you there!