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Refactor CIp3 functions into @celo/claims #15

Open aaronmgdr opened 8 months ago

aaronmgdr commented 8 months ago

Currently Contractkit has a folder called identity with functions and methods for making cip3 metadata claims.

it doesn't feel like core part of contract kit.

Furthermore the @celo/identity package which is ostensibly part of social-connect has functions related to cip3 not social-connect


move the functions to new @celo/claims package which will be reponsible for soley for cip3 actions.

how this helps

by moving cip3 functions out of @celo/identity (and social-connect commands to new cli) celocli will not need to depend on celo/identity which due to the 2 monorepo having cross dependencies leads to issues



arthurgousset commented 8 months ago

Thanks for sharing 💯

Currently Contractkit has a folder called with functions and methods for making metadata claims.

Could you link to that folder for reference? Would love to take a look. Thanks!

aaronmgdr commented 8 months ago

Thanks for sharing 💯

Currently Contractkit has a folder called with functions and methods for making metadata claims.

Could you link to that folder for reference? Would love to take a look. Thanks!


mcortesi commented 8 months ago

i'd check metadata-crawler, since i think this is not longer used and potentially could be archived, so not sure if it's a good home for identity pkg.

cc @lvpeschke @alecps

aaronmgdr commented 8 months ago

@mcortesi In that case maybe all this could just be deleted.

I looked a few months ago and the crawler was used I think by blockscout?

AFAIK this is the code that allows validators to name themselves (or really any address to have a name associated with it)

lvpeschke commented 8 months ago

metadata-crawler should be removed, but I'm not yet clear on all the dependencies; this means we should not add to it if it can be avoided.

aaronmgdr commented 8 months ago

i think i wasnt clear here. Im not proposing to add to metadata crawler, im proposing a new package that IF metadata crawler lives would probably be its neighbour

lvpeschke commented 8 months ago

Then I'm not opposed, detangling pieces that don't need to be mixed together makes it easier to kill them off one by one. :)

arthurgousset commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the link @aaronmgdr. It looks like contractkit/src/identity relates to:

arthurgousset commented 8 months ago

+1 to

detangling pieces that don't need to be mixed together

aaronmgdr commented 8 months ago

Ok so CIP-3 related functions can move to @celo/metadata-claims,

CIP-8 functions are either marked deprecated or just straight up removed (how aggressive do we want to be)