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new cli commands for viewing registered rpc urls #468

Open aaronmgdr opened 2 days ago

aaronmgdr commented 2 days ago



Describe the feature you would like


A command that when called shows rpc-urls



// by default show only those connected to elected validator groups
celocli network:rpc-urls  --node alfajores

// show all
celocli network:rpc-urls --registered --node mainnet


show just elected or all registered with a flag.

another flag for confirmed?

define registered

an account is registered as a validator in a validator group and has claimed an rpc-url.


| Name | RPC | Associated Address |
| clabs | forno.celo.org | 0xDe3d72Df1Ad6572c8bec8f66Ac6A884962225463 |
| Blockdaemon | celo.rpc.blockdaemon.xzy | 0x45d8170f30b0d408196Ab0e14AF47D77b18f0A38 |
| Blockdaemon | celo2.rpc.blockdaemon.xzy | 0xc8D1Dc1Ac8E0Ac039a8b1284ef687d557F812E5c


Add RPC url as a field to validator:list command.

although i think that command is already very full. im not sure how to make it fit. I think network:rpc-url is a logical place to look for such info.

aaronmgdr commented 2 days ago

call them "community rpc nodes" in the description