celo-org / optics-monorepo

🔮 OPTimistic Interchain Communication
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Dependency Dashboard #1037

Open renovate[bot] opened 10 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 10 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan Unavailable
npm @types/google-spreadsheet Unavailable
npm request Unavailable


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Detected dependencies

rust/agents/kathy/Cargo.toml - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `config 0.10` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `log 0.4.13` - `serde 1.0` - `serde_json 1.0` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `tokio 1.0.1` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `rand 0.8.3` - `paste 1.0.5`
rust/agents/processor/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.10` - `serde 1.0.120` - `serde_json 1.0.61` - `log 0.4.13` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `paste 1.0.5` - `prometheus 0.13` - `rusoto_s3 0.47.0` - `rusoto_core 0.47.0`
rust/agents/relayer/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.10` - `serde 1.0.120` - `serde_json 1.0.61` - `log 0.4.13` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `paste 1.0.5` - `prometheus 0.13` - `tokio-test 0.4.0`
rust/agents/updater/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.11.0` - `serde 1.0.120` - `serde_json 1.0.61` - `log 0.4.13` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `paste 1.0.5` - `prometheus 0.13` - `warp 0.3` - `hex 0.4.3` - `mockall 0.9.1`
rust/agents/watcher/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.10` - `serde 1.0.120` - `serde_json 1.0.61` - `log 0.4.13` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `paste 1.0.5` - `tokio-test 0.4.0` - `prometheus 0.13`
rust/chains/optics-ethereum/Cargo.toml - `serde 1.0.120` - `serde_json 1.0.61` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `anyhow 1` - `num 0.4` - `tokio 1.7.1` - `hex 0.4.3` - `prometheus 0.13` - `tracing-futures 0.2.5`
rust/optics-base/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.10` - `serde 1.0` - `serde_json 1.0` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `tracing-subscriber 0.2.15` - `paste 1.0.5` - `tracing-error 0.1.2` - `prometheus 0.13` - `warp 0.3` - `tracing-opentelemetry 0.13.0` - `opentelemetry 0.14.0` - `opentelemetry-jaeger 0.13.0` - `opentelemetry-zipkin 0.12.0` - `rusoto_core 0.47.0` - `rusoto_kms 0.47.0` - `lazy_static 1.4.0` - `once_cell 1.8.0`
rust/optics-core/Cargo.toml - `hex 0.4.3` - `sha3 0.9.1` - `lazy_static *` - `thiserror *` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `tokio 1.0.1` - `tracing 0.1.22` - `tracing-futures 0.2.4` - `serde 1.0` - `serde_json 1.0` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `prometheus 0.13.3` - `bytes 1` - `num 0` - `tokio 1.0.1`
rust/optics-test/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1.0.1` - `config 0.10` - `serde 1.0` - `serde_json 1.0` - `thiserror 1.0.22` - `async-trait 0.1.42` - `futures-util 0.3.12` - `color-eyre 0.5.0` - `mockall 0.9.1` - `rand 0.8.3` - `tracing 0.1.26` - `prometheus 0.13.3`
rust/tools/balance-exporter/Cargo.toml - `tokio 1` - `futures 0.3` - `metrics 0` - `metrics-exporter-prometheus 0` - `serde_json 1` - `serde 1` - `color-eyre 0` - `clap 3.0.0-beta.4` - `human-panic 1`
rust/tools/kms-cli/Cargo.toml - `clap 3.0.0-beta.5` - `color-eyre 0.5.11` - `hex 0.4.3` - `once_cell 1.8.0` - `rusoto_core 0.47.0` - `rusoto_kms 0.47.0` - `tokio 1.9.0` - `serde_json 1.0.66`
rust/tools/optics-cli/Cargo.toml - `color-eyre 0.5.11` - `hex 0.4.3` - `once_cell 1.8.0` - `rusoto_core 0.47.0` - `rusoto_kms 0.47.0` - `tokio 1.9.0` - `serde_json 1.0.66` - `structopt 0.3.23`
rust/Dockerfile - `rust 1.56` - `ubuntu 20.04`
tools/keymaster/Dockerfile - `python 3.9-bullseye`
typescript/contract-metrics/Dockerfile - `node 16.9.1`
.github/workflows/docker.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `docker/metadata-action v3` - `docker/login-action v1` - `docker/build-push-action v2`
.github/workflows/pputman-container-ci-cd-workflow.yaml - `celo-org/reusable-workflows v1.8` - `celo-org/reusable-workflows v1.8`
.github/workflows/rust.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions-rs/toolchain v1` - `Swatinem/rust-cache v1` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions-rs/toolchain v1` - `Swatinem/rust-cache v1` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions-rs/toolchain v1` - `Swatinem/rust-cache v1`
.github/workflows/solidity.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2`
solidity/optics-core/package.json - `@openzeppelin/contracts ^3.4.2` - `@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable ~3.4.2` - `@summa-tx/memview-sol ^2.0.0` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `ts-generator ^0.1.1` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ^2.0.1` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan ^2.1.2` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ^2.0.1` - `@typechain/ethers-v5 ^7.0.0` - `@typechain/hardhat ^2.0.1` - `chai ^4.3.0` - `eslint ^7.20.0` - `ethereum-waffle ^3.2.2` - `ethers ^5.4.4` - `hardhat ^2.0.8` - `hardhat-gas-reporter ^1.0.4` - `prettier ^2.2.1` - `prettier-plugin-solidity ^1.0.0-beta.5` - `solhint ^3.3.2` - `solhint-plugin-prettier ^0.0.5` - `solidity-coverage ^0.7.14` - `ts-node ^10.1.0` - `typechain ^5.0.0`
solidity/optics-xapps/package.json - `@openzeppelin/contracts ~3.4.2` - `@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable ~3.4.2` - `@summa-tx/memview-sol ^2.0.0` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ^2.0.1` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan ^2.1.2` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ^2.0.1` - `@typechain/ethers-v5 ^7.0.0` - `@typechain/hardhat ^2.0.1` - `chai ^4.3.0` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `eslint ^7.20.0` - `ethereum-waffle ^3.2.2` - `ethers ^5.4.4` - `hardhat ^2.0.8` - `hardhat-gas-reporter ^1.0.4` - `prettier ^2.2.1` - `prettier-plugin-solidity ^1.0.0-beta.5` - `solhint ^3.3.2` - `solhint-plugin-prettier ^0.0.5` - `solidity-coverage ^0.7.14` - `ts-node ^10.1.0` - `typechain ^5.0.0` - `typescript ^4.3.5`
typescript/contract-metrics/package.json - `optics-multi-provider-community ^0.1.21` - `@optics-xyz/ts-interface ^1.0.9` - `@types/bunyan ^1.8.7` - `@types/express ^4.17.13` - `@types/google-spreadsheet ^3.1.5` - `@types/node ^16.9.2` - `@types/plotly.js ^1.54.16` - `@types/request ^2.48.7` - `axios ^0.21.4` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `ethers ^5.4.7` - `express ^4.17.1` - `fs ^0.0.1-security` - `google-spreadsheet ^3.1.15` - `got ^11.8.2` - `moment ^2.29.1` - `nodeplotlib ^0.7.6` - `plotly.js ^2.5.1` - `prom-client ^14.0.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `ts-node ^10.2.1` - `typescript ^4.4.3` - `prettier ^2.4.1`
typescript/optics-deploy/package.json - `@ethersproject/experimental ^5.3.0` - `@optics-xyz/multi-provider ^0.0.4` - `@optics-xyz/ts-interface ^1.0.9` - `@types/node ^16.9.1` - `axios ^0.21.3` - `chai ^4.3.4` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `@types/chai ^4.2.21` - `ethers ^5.4.4` - `prettier ^2.3.1` - `ts-node ^10.1.0` - `typechain ^5.0.0` - `typescript ^4.3.2`
typescript/optics-provider/package.json - `@optics-xyz/ts-interface ^1.1.0` - `ethers ^5.4.6` - `@types/node ^16.9.1` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^4.33.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^4.33.0` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `eslint ^7.32.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^8.3.0` - `fs 0.0.1-security` - `prettier ^2.4.1` - `typescript ^4.4.3`
typescript/optics-tests/package.json - `@optics-xyz/deploy ^0.0.3` - `@optics-xyz/multi-provider ^0.0.4` - `@optics-xyz/ts-interface ^1.0.9` - `@types/node ^15.14.7` - `dotenv ^10.0.0` - `ethers ^5.4.7` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ^2.0.2` - `@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ^2.0.1` - `@typechain/ethers-v5 ^7.0.0` - `@types/chai ^4.2.18` - `@types/mocha ^8.2.2` - `chai ^4.3.4` - `ethereum-waffle ^3.3.0` - `ethers ^5.4.7` - `hardhat ^2.3.0` - `mkdirp ^1.0.4` - `prettier 2.3.0` - `ts-node ^10.0.0` - `typechain ^5.0.0` - `typescript ^4.3.2`
typescript/typechain/package.json - `@ethersproject/experimental ^5.3.0` - `@types/node ^16.10.2` - `typescript ^4.4.3` - `ethers ^5.4.4`
tools/keymaster/requirements.txt - `click ==8.0.1` - `python-json-config ==1.2.3` - `web3 ==5.22.0` - `prometheus-client ==0.11.0` - `backoff ==1.11.1` - `websockets >=10.0`