celoyd / wheather

Image-compositing scripts for filtering weather out of satellite images
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cube-drive.sh not able to find jpeg decoder #6

Open hallahan opened 10 years ago

hallahan commented 10 years ago

I'm attempting to run cube-driver.sh, and it does not look like PIL is not able to find the jpeg decoder that should be part of libjpeg-dev. I've tried to run this both on precise32 as well as precise64.

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant$ ./cube-driver.sh 0 3
sorting 30 images down to 8
sorting 30 images down to 8
sorting 30 images down to 8
Error: decoder jpeg not available
skipping slice/0/RRGlobal_r06c22.2012336.terra.1km.jpg
Error: decoder jpeg not available

Any ideas? This should be installed via Puppet...

celoyd commented 10 years ago

PIL can be pretty finicky. I found this, which suggests installing a jpeg library from source.