Adding an option to search the website for documents that include key words / phrases - to help users quickly access information that they want on any particular subject.
Search could return any documents that contain the phrase / words searched for. Ideally return the list of documents in hierarchical order (i.e. policy topic ssummary, country, scenario, descriptors, IS, CS...).
This could exist on the iFEED Results main page - below the country selector for example. With text "Search iFEED result documents for topic of interest".
Adding an option to search the website for documents that include key words / phrases - to help users quickly access information that they want on any particular subject.
Search could return any documents that contain the phrase / words searched for. Ideally return the list of documents in hierarchical order (i.e. policy topic ssummary, country, scenario, descriptors, IS, CS...).
This could exist on the iFEED Results main page - below the country selector for example. With text "Search iFEED result documents for topic of interest".