cemerick / austin

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Add a `require` macro #20

Open cemerick opened 10 years ago

cemerick commented 10 years ago

It sucks to have to write a dummy ns form, just to compile/load some ClojureScript into the current REPL. ClojureScript should have a require form, just like Clojure (but of course only for REPL use, since require at runtime doesn't make sense in cljs). It doesn't yet, so add one (it has to be a macro) to Austin. This would allow you to write (require 'foo) on an Austin REPL, rather than (ns *your-current-ns* (:require foo)).

magomimmo commented 10 years ago


bellkev commented 10 years ago


tupton commented 9 years ago

I think this would be a great idea, too. I wondered about and ran into this when I was watching the demo video. I appreciate the explanation of why it doesn't work now, but it sure would be good to have a more convenient way to require your ClojureScript.

rather than (ns your-current-ns (:require foo))

Is there a shorthand way to refer to the current namespace so you can do this easily and quickly, or do you always need to explicitly provide a concrete namespace?