cemerick / austin

The ClojureScript browser-REPL rebuilt stronger, faster, easier.
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clojure.browser.repl breaks the browser's hashchange event #36

Open haywoood opened 10 years ago

haywoood commented 10 years ago

Here is the relevant code:

(def history (History.))

(events/listen history EventType/NAVIGATE
  (fn [e] (.log js/console "Route changed!")))

(.setEnabled history true)

With clojure.browser.repl required, this callback does not fire, but when I comment it out, all works swimmingly.

I have no idea why it would conflict with the hashchange event. Any ideas?

cemerick commented 10 years ago

Not off the top of my head, no.

FWIW, Austin will stop using clojure.browser.repl with #50, which may (should?) eliminate any side effects of its implementation.