Closed dagda1 closed 9 years ago
If I look at the generated unit-test.js
goog.addDependency("base.js", ['goog'], []);
goog.addDependency("../cljs/core.js", ['cljs.core'], ['goog.string', 'goog.array', 'goog.object', 'goog.string.StringBuffer']);
goog.addDependency("../clojure/string.js", ['clojure.string'], ['cljs.core', 'goog.string', 'goog.string.StringBuffer']);
goog.addDependency("../cemerick/cljs/test.js", ['cemerick.cljs.test'], ['cljs.core', 'clojure.string']);
goog.addDependency("../test/ical.js", ['test.ical'], ['cljs.core', 'cemerick.cljs.test']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/debug.js", ['reagent.debug'], ['cljs.core']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/impl/reactimport.js", ['reagent.impl.reactimport'], ['cljs.core']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/impl/util.js", ['reagent.impl.util'], ['cljs.core', 'reagent.debug', 'clojure.string', 'reagent.impl.reactimport']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/ratom.js", ['reagent.ratom'], ['cljs.core']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/impl/batching.js", ['reagent.impl.batching'], ['cljs.core', 'reagent.debug', 'clojure.string', 'reagent.impl.util', 'reagent.ratom']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/impl/component.js", ['reagent.impl.component'], ['cljs.core', 'reagent.debug', 'reagent.impl.util', 'reagent.impl.batching', 'reagent.ratom']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/impl/template.js", ['reagent.impl.template'], ['cljs.core', 'reagent.debug', 'clojure.string', 'reagent.impl.component', 'reagent.impl.util', 'reagent.impl.batching', 'reagent.ratom']);
goog.addDependency("../reagent/core.js", ['reagent.core'], ['reagent.impl.template', 'cljs.core', 'reagent.impl.component', 'reagent.impl.util', 'reagent.impl.batching', 'reagent.ratom']);
goog.addDependency("../i_cal/core.js", ['i_cal.core'], ['cljs.core', 'reagent.core']);
The cemerick test files folder is not there:
Are you using :optimizations :none
? If so, I'd suggest using :simple
or :whitespace
at a minimum, just so you can have a single JS file to load and not have to worry about loading goog base, etc.
Thanks for the response.
I am really struggling to get this set up.
My cljsbuild test section looks like this:
{:id "test"
:source-paths ["src"
:compiler {
:pretty-print true
:preamble ["react/react.min.js"]
:externs ["react/externs/react.js"]
; :libs ["public/js/drawer.js" "public/js/uuid.js" "public/js/compress.js"]
:output-dir "target/"
:output-to "target/ical-test.js"
:optimizations :none}}
Am I right in saying, I should execute the tests with the following?
lein with-profile test cljsbuild test
When I execute this command, I get this output:
Running ClojureScript test: unit-tests
SyntaxError: Parse error
SyntaxError: Parse error
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: target
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cemerick
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cemerick
Any pointers as to what I am doing wrong would be most appreciated.
My test-commands section looks like this:
:test-commands {"unit-tests" ["phantomjs" :runner
If you want to use :optimizations :none
(see the last line of the cljsbuild fragment you supplied above) then you'll have to follow this advice:
Alternatively, follow cemerick's advice and switch to using :optimizations :simple
Effectively a dupe of #75.
This is very similar to #68
I was referencing
com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.1
and I rolled back to 0.3.0.I then had to update my test-commands to include the ```goog/base.js" file:
I now get this error:
Do I need to add another file to test-commands and if so, which file?