Create the Request page (dynamic route to view an individual request) and all the necessary API routes etc. Also, implement the connections with the Sublets page discussed on the call w Cem:
In sublets page, clicking on a listing in the active or confirmed tab should take user to the requests page for that listing
In the past tab, clicking on the listing will take the user to the request page for the most recent request, and users can also click on an individual request from the accordion to visit the request page for that request
In the past tab, don't show active bids. Also replace the "highest offer" text with "offer(s) rejected"
In the active tab, show the user's offer instead of the highest offer (this info will be in the request object)
In the confirmed tab, show the accepted offer instead of the highest offer (info also in request object)
Create the
page (dynamic route to view an individual request) and all the necessary API routes etc. Also, implement the connections with theSublets
page discussed on the call w Cem: