The key crossing:island=* is used to specify whether a pedestrian crossing has a refuge island (also known as pedestrian island).
This key supersedes the former tag crossing=island.
This is because a crossing island is orthogonal to the rest of the crossing key classification (see also this section on the wiki).
It would be great to see crossing=island removed from the crossing field options, and have a crossing:island field added, similarly to the tactile paving field (i.e. switching between "unknown", "yes" and "no").
As explained in the wiki:
This is because a crossing island is orthogonal to the rest of the
key classification (see also this section on the wiki).It would be great to see
removed from the crossing field options, and have acrossing:island
field added, similarly to the tactile paving field (i.e. switching between "unknown", "yes" and "no").