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Cemu - Wii U emulator
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[Bug] WUA compression in title manager does nothing #1105

Closed rehtlaw closed 4 months ago

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

Current Behavior

Confirming the wua compression dialog, only a short progress bar is shown that quickly disappears with no new file being created. I only tested this with a Splatoon Gamedump + Update. The game runs just fine when booting the files I'm trying to compress.

Expected Behavior

For a .wua file to be created with both the game and update files inside.

Steps to Reproduce

(AppImage and Windows version through wine of 2.0-66 were tested)

bezza191 commented 4 months ago

Im having the same issue, but specifically with Yoshi's Woolly World

bezza191 commented 4 months ago

Im having the same issue, but specifically with Yoshi's Woolly World

Fixed the issue on my end by redecrypting the game/update and then retrying

mundodisco-argentina commented 4 months ago

Current Behavior

Confirming the wua compression dialog, only a short progress bar is shown that quickly disappears with no new file being created. I only tested this with a Splatoon Gamedump + Update. The game runs just fine when booting the files I'm trying to compress.

Expected Behavior

For a .wua file to be created with both the game and update files inside.

Steps to Reproduce

(AppImage and Windows version through wine of 2.0-66 were tested)

  • Open title manager
  • Select a game that's stored as a folder
  • Select "Convert to compressed Wii U archive (.wua)"

@rehtlaw, please test WUA conversion with CEMU 2.0-54 (just download it in another folder and copy "keys.txt" from the other one). I have tested every single preliminar CEMU version and the error happens since release 2.0-55 onwards.

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

Current Behavior

Confirming the wua compression dialog, only a short progress bar is shown that quickly disappears with no new file being created. I only tested this with a Splatoon Gamedump + Update. The game runs just fine when booting the files I'm trying to compress.

Expected Behavior

For a .wua file to be created with both the game and update files inside.

Steps to Reproduce

(AppImage and Windows version through wine of 2.0-66 were tested)

  • Open title manager
  • Select a game that's stored as a folder
  • Select "Convert to compressed Wii U archive (.wua)"

@rehtlaw, please test WUA conversion with CEMU 2.0-54 (just download it in another folder and copy "keys.txt" from the other one). I have tested every single preliminar CEMU version and the error happens since release 2.0-55 onwards.

yup can confirm, 2.0-54 can create the archive, but trying to run it crashes the emulator.

mundodisco-argentina commented 4 months ago

@rehtlaw So... Have you ever been able to create a working WUA file? If so, with which software / version? And did you use a game in "folder format" as source? I could never do it... In old Cemu releases (prior to 2.0-52), I cannot make Cemu to detect games in folder format. With Cemu 2.0-52 up to 2.0-54, conversion starts but resulting file is corrupted. And with Cemu after 2.0-55, conversion never starts. And I don't know any other software to make WUA files...do you?

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

All my existing .wua files have been created on older versions of 2.0 using games in the folder format. I just tried compressing my copy of Splatoon with the original 2.0 release for Windows and the resulting .wua file works perfectly fine, but I do remember compressing other games that were in the same format with later versions too, but I've done that a while back already.

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

OK I just did some testing: 2.0-52 is the first version that creates broken .wua archives. It's also the first version that seems to recognize gamefolders as both folders and NUS. It doesn't matter if I select the folder or the NUS entry in the title manager, both result in a bad .wua archive.

Exzap commented 4 months ago

I had to delete some comments as they mentioned a piracy tool.

I tried creating a wua file from a NUS (.app) dump just now on 2.0-67 and that worked for me and created a functioning wua file. That said, NUS to wua conversion is not very well tested so there may indeed be bugs somewhere.

The mentioned 2.0-52 release added support for game titles in NUS (.app) format, see #981. What I could see happening is that Cemu detects an incomplete or broken NUS dump in your game folder now whereas the older versions would ignore it and always use the folder dump.

Also this isn't obvious but it doesn't matter which type (WUD, NUS or game folder) of the title you right click in the title manager for conversion. Cemu will always try to be smart about which titles to source from and currently the only way to guarantee it's not using the NUS title for wua conversion is by removing it from the game folder. So maybe try that and see if that helps?

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

Yup, all the .app files were still inside the folders. After deleting them all from both the base game and update, it compressed the game without problems and also resulted in a functioning archive.

mundodisco-argentina commented 4 months ago

@Exzap when you say you tried vith version 2.0-67, is it because you made some changes in the code? If that is the case, you confirm then that this feature (wua conversion) was not working right, don't you?

And @rehtlaw what do you mean with "after removing all .app files"? Did you delete all .app files from your games folders (leaving just .h3 and title. files??) So, *.app files are not useful?? Why are there, then? I think I am confused...

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

the .app files were still there right next to the content, code etc. folders from the conversion process from NUS to a regular folder structure, and because they were still there, the wua compression failed.

rehtlaw commented 4 months ago

I consider this issue resolved now. I guess if there is a thing to actually fix, it would be to make sure only the correct files are being compressed? This did feel more like user error than an actual fault in the program tho.

aeithales commented 1 month ago

Comportamento Atual

Confirmando a caixa de diálogo de compactação wua, apenas uma pequena barra de progresso é mostrada e desaparece rapidamente sem que nenhum novo arquivo seja criado. Eu só testei isso com um Splatoon Gamedump + Update. O jogo funciona perfeitamente ao inicializar os arquivos que estou tentando compactar.

Comportamento esperado

Para que um arquivo .wua seja criado com o jogo e os arquivos de atualização dentro dele.

Passos para reproduzir

(AppImage e versão Windows através do wine de 2.0-66 foram testados)

  • Abra o gerenciador de títulos
  • Selecione um jogo armazenado como uma pasta
  • Selecione "Converter para arquivo compactado do Wii U (.wua)"

@rehtlaw, teste a conversão WUA com CEMU 2.0-54 (basta baixá-lo em outra pasta e copiar "keys.txt" da outra). Testei todas as versões preliminares do CEMU e o erro ocorre desde a versão 2.0-55 em diante.

thank you, last version not doing nothing, i'm losing 30min trying fix it