cemu-project / Cemu

Cemu - Wii U emulator
Mozilla Public License 2.0
6.65k stars 518 forks source link

Sonic Lost World crashes on start with newer version #1108

Closed Wronschien closed 4 months ago

Wronschien commented 4 months ago

Current Behavior

The game crashes quicky after loading on version 2.0-66

Expected Behavior

It should launch and play like on previous version 2.0-61 I don't know about versions between 2.0.61 and 2.0-66

Steps to Reproduce

Just start the game The 4 additional and required files must be placed in "mlc01\sys\title\0005001b\10056000\content"

System Info (Optional)

OS: Windows 10 GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT

Emulation Settings (Optional)

No response

Logs (Optional)

[12:45:59.035] ------- Init Cemu 2.0-66 (experimental) ------- [12:45:59.035] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x000001d5a8320000) [12:45:59.035] mlc01 path: E:/Vieux Jeux/Émulateurs/Cemu/mlc01 [12:45:59.035] CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
[12:45:59.035] RAM: 16304MB [12:45:59.035] Platform: Windows 10 Home (Build 9200) [12:45:59.035] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC [12:45:59.037] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [12:45:59.037] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [12:46:00.763] Mounting title 000500001012b100 [12:46:00.763] Base: E:/Vieux Jeux/Roms/Wii U/Sonic Lost World [ASNP8P] [Folder] [12:46:00.763] Update: E:/Vieux Jeux/Émulateurs/Cemu/mlc01/usr/title/0005000e/1012b100 [Folder] [12:46:00.763] DLC: E:/Vieux Jeux/Émulateurs/Cemu/mlc01/usr/title/0005000c/1012b100 [Folder] [12:46:00.776] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB) [12:46:00.782] Recompiler initialized [12:46:01.139] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend ------- [12:46:01.149] Vulkan instance version: 1.3 [12:46:01.199] Using GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT [12:46:01.199] Driver version: 23.12.1 (AMD proprietary shader compiler) [12:46:01.199] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 16 nonCoherentAtomSize 128 [12:46:01.199] Enable robust buffer access [12:46:01.209] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT() [12:46:01.209] Vulkan device memory info: [12:46:01.209] Heap 0 - Size 7920MB Flags 0x00000003 [12:46:01.209] Heap 1 - Size 7896MB Flags 0x00000000 [12:46:01.209] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000003 [12:46:01.209] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [12:46:01.209] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006 [12:46:01.209] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007 [12:46:01.209] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e [12:46:01.209] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x000000c1 [12:46:01.209] Memory 5 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x000000c6 [12:46:01.209] Memory 6 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x000000c7 [12:46:01.209] Memory 7 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x000000ce [12:46:01.209] Memory 8 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [12:46:01.209] Memory 9 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006 [12:46:01.209] Memory 10 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007 [12:46:01.209] Memory 11 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e [12:46:01.209] Memory 12 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x000000c1 [12:46:01.209] Memory 13 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x000000c6 [12:46:01.209] Memory 14 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x000000c7 [12:46:01.209] Memory 15 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x000000ce [12:46:01.209] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported [12:46:01.758] ------- Loaded title ------- [12:46:01.758] TitleId: 00050000-1012b100 [12:46:01.758] TitleVersion: v48 [12:46:01.758] TitleRegion: EU [12:46:01.758] Save path: E:/Vieux Jeux/Émulateurs/Cemu/mlc01/usr/save/00050000/1012B100/user/ [12:46:01.758] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/000500001012b100.bin [12:46:01.758] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/000500001012b100.ini [12:46:01.758] RPX hash (updated): 78278a63 [12:46:01.758] RPX hash (base): f47e17d7 [12:46:01.825] HID: Input packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 048d:5702 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 0483:5756 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 051d:0002 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.825] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.825] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.826] HID: Input packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1357:1000 [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1357:1000 [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 0a12:1004 [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 1532:0099 [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 0a12:1004 [12:46:01.826] HID: Input packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 048d:5702 [12:46:01.826] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -1) [12:46:01.826] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 046d:c52b [12:46:01.979] Loaded module 'sonic2013' with checksum 0xc5691a40 [12:46:01.979] RPL link time: 156ms [12:46:02.056] HLE scan time: 78ms [12:46:02.056] ------- Active settings ------- [12:46:02.056] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile) [12:46:02.056] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile) [12:46:02.056] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile) [12:46:02.056] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true [12:46:02.056] Strict shader mul: true [12:46:02.056] Async compile: true [12:46:02.056] Console language: 2 [12:46:02.186] ------- Activate graphic packs ------- [12:46:02.188] Applying patch group 'sonic2013' [12:46:02.188] Activate graphic pack: Sonic Lost World/Graphics [Presets: 1920x1080,854x480,16x] [12:46:02.189] Activate graphic pack: Sonic Lost World/Workarounds/Darkness [12:46:02.189] Applying patch group 'sonic2013' [12:46:02.189] Activate graphic pack: Sonic Lost World/Workarounds/Disable Light Scattering [12:46:02.189] ------- Init Audio backend ------- [12:46:02.189] DirectSound: available [12:46:02.189] XAudio 2.8: available [12:46:02.189] Cubeb: available [12:46:02.189] ------- Init Audio input backend ------- [12:46:02.189] Cubeb: available [12:46:02.189] ------- Run title ------- [12:46:02.457] Shader cache loaded with 356 shaders. Commited mem 109MB. Took 198ms [12:46:02.648] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.__gh_set_errno [12:46:02.648] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.OSCoherencyBarrier [12:46:02.656] Unsupported lib call: nn_olv.ctQ3_2nn3olv28UploadPostDataByPostAppParamFv [12:46:02.657] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: proc_ui.ProcUIInitEx [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.OSBlockThreadsOnExit [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.OSEnableForegroundExit [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.UCOpen [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.UCClose [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: nn_olv.ctQ3_2nn3olv18DownloadedPostDataFv [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: vpad.VPADInitGyroAccReviseParam [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: vpad.VPADInitGyroDirReviseParam [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: vpad.VPADInitGyroZeroDriftMode [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: vpad.VPADInitGyroZeroPlayParam [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: vpad.VPADSetGyroAngle [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: padscore.WPADRegisterAllocator [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: padscore.KPADDisableStickCrossClamp [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: padscore.WPADEnableURCC [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: padscore.KPADSetAccParam [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: padscore.KPADDisableDPD [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: nn_ac.InitializeQ2_2nn2acFv [12:46:02.661] Unsupported lib call: nsysnet.NSSLInit [12:46:02.662] Unsupported lib call: coreinit.FSSetStateChangeNotification [12:46:02.759] Unsupported lib call: gx2.GX2SetTVScale [12:46:02.855] Unsupported lib call: nn_act.FinalizeQ2_2nn3actFv [12:46:02.954] Unsupported lib call: nn_aoc.AOC_Initialize [12:46:03.290] Unsupported lib call: gx2.GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable [12:46:03.299] Unsupported lib call: gx2.GX2SetDRCEnable [12:46:03.299] Unsupported lib call: gx2.GX2SetTVEnable

Crashlog for Cemu 2.0-66 (experimental) Date: 07-03-2024 11:46:03

Stack trace

0x00007ff78f3b87f8 +0x004b87f8 Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f3b8cc9 +0x004b8cc9 Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f3b919d +0x004b919d Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff966f8de47 +0x0012de47 KERNELBASE.dll UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x00007ff9698754b0 +0x000a54b0 ntdll.dll memset 0x00007ff96985ca06 +0x0008ca06 ntdll.dll _C_specific_handler 0x00007ff9698723af +0x000a23af ntdll.dll _chkstk 0x00007ff9698214b4 +0x000514b4 ntdll.dll RtlRaiseException 0x00007ff969870ebe +0x000a0ebe ntdll.dll KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x00007ff78f2b4939 +0x003b4939 Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f35e9cc +0x0045e9cc Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f23f63b +0x0033f63b Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f24095b +0x0034095b Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f240fed +0x00340fed Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_getJumpTableBase 0x00007ff78f0f33cb +0x001f33cb Cemu.exe osLib_registerHLEFunction 0x00007ff78f0b744b +0x001b744b Cemu.exe gameMeta_getTitleId 0x00007ff78fe4d5be +0x00f4d5be Cemu.exe wxCheckTree::SetFocusFromKbd 0x00007ff967b57344 +0x00017344 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk 0x00007ff9698226b1 +0x000526b1 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart Exception 0x80000003 at 0x7ff78f2b4939(+0x3b4939) in module Cemu.exe cemu.exe at 0x7ff78ef00000

RAX=0000000000000002 RBX=000001d714c2fe50 RCX=0000000000000006 RDX=0000000000000000 RSP=00000059f19ff340 RBP=00000059f19ff450 RDI=000001d7168c1430 RSI=0000000000000500 R8 =0000000000000000 R9 =0000000000000001 R10=000001d714c2fe50 R11=0000000000000001 R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000011 R14=0000000000000001 R15=0000000000000001

Game info

Game: SONIC LOST WORLD TitleId: 000500001012b100 RPXHash: f47e17d7 (Update: 78278a63)

Active PPC instance

Not active

PPC threads

0e338c60 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread 0e4b0380 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0} 0e4b0a1c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1} 0e4b10b8 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2} 0e503e20 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread 0e0006fc Ent 00e09e2c IP 00e0407c LR 036b8f24 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1 1355cca8 Ent 036c0e9c IP 00e0968c LR 036c12ec WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name RsdxTickThread 2954e168 Ent 021e370c IP 00e0968c LR 02b516b4 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name NEX Main 28e88648 Ent 021dcc3c IP 00e0968c LR 021dcca8 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 95 Name Network 296f4430 Ent 02f6aec4 IP 00e096b0 LR 02f68a4c WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name NULL 296f3ac0 Ent 02f6aec4 IP 00e096b0 LR 02f68a4c WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name NULL 0e4a4bc0 Ent 00e09e6c IP 00e09e6c LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL 1039ee20 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0954c LR 02d43910 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 76 Name NULL 103bf768 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0954c LR 02d43910 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name NULL 1039a260 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0954c LR 02d43910 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 88 Name NULL 10395668 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0968c LR 02d43c48 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name NULL 2a7970d0 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0968c LR 02d43c48 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 87 Name NULL 103c76c8 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0954c LR 02d43910 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name NULL 103cc0c8 Ent 02d439c4 IP 00e0954c LR 02d43910 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name NULL 1356dcd8 Ent 036c0e9c IP 00e096a8 LR 036a7c10 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 94 Name MTBase0 1358e3a8 Ent 036c0e9c IP 00e096a8 LR 036a7c10 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 64 Name MTBase2 0e488260 Ent 00e09e70 IP 00e09e70 LR 00e00004 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback

Squall-Leonhart commented 4 months ago

Introduced by https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/commit/9398c0ca6b142ec92e297dd099bbcba7f22749b1