cengiz-pz / godot-ios-inapp-review-plugin

Godot in-app review plugin enables access to Apple App Store's in-app review functionality.
MIT License
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Build issue #1

Open chrisdugne opened 4 weeks ago

chrisdugne commented 4 weeks ago

Hello! thanks for providing an iOS plugin once more;

I'm using godot 4.2.2, and the install from the AssetLib to have the iOS/plugin files. I have checked the plugin in both project settings and iOS export parameters.

Now building the app on XCode sends:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "ClassDB::bind_methodfi(unsigned int, MethodBind*, bool, char const*, Variant const**, int)", referenced from:
      InappReviewPlugin::_bind_methods() in InappReviewPlugin.a(godot_plugin_class.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Do you have any tips ? Is there a mismatch with my godot version and then the godot headers provided in the AssetLib ?

cengiz-pz commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @chrisdugne, it sounds like you are using the release version of the plugin binary for a debug export. If you replace the following line:


in your InappReviewPlugin.gdip file to the following


your issue should be resolved.

I haven't yet tested this, but I'm told that "InappReviewPlugin.xcframework" will do the trick as well since Godot's export system automatically switches the binary depending on the export type. Once I reunite with my Mac sometime next month, I'll verify and publish an update.