cenkalti / kuyruk

⚙️ Simple task queue for Python
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Run multiple worker #67

Closed nathan30 closed 4 years ago

nathan30 commented 4 years ago


I found in an old document (v3.0-beta) and I found a Master subcommand. If I understand it well, it could runs multiple worker at the same time.

Is there an option like this in the latest version of Kuyruk ?

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Version 1 of Kuyruk had master subcommand but it is removed in version 2 to simplify the code. I recommend using supervisord for managing multiple processes.

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Version 1 of Kuyruk had master subcommand but it is removed in version 2 to simplify the code. I recommend using supervisord for managing multiple processes.

It could be used with Kuyruk or it replace it ?

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Yes, it can be used with Kuyruk. See http://supervisord.org/

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it can be used with Kuyruk. See http://supervisord.org/

Perfect, I manage to use it and it's works. Just an issue, don't really know if it's linked to Kuyruk. I have set supervisor to have 10 process in parralel. No issue, but after some tests, my 10 Kuyruk process became 20... Any ideas?

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

@nathan30 How do you count the number of Kuyruk processes?

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

@nathan30 How do you count the number of Kuyruk processes?

Using htop or ps aux | grep kuyruk

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Can you post the program section in supervisord config please?

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Can you post the program section in supervisord config please?

Here it is :


And here is the content of service.sh :

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/
export MAGICK_TMPDIR=/tmp/OpenCapture/
export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata/

cd /opt/maarch/OpenCapture/ || exit
/usr/local/bin/kuyruk --app src.main.OCforMaarch worker
cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Nothing seems unusual.

By any chance, do you use multiprocessing module in your task code or forking manually?

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Nothing seems unusual.

By any chance, do you use multiprocessing module in your task code or forking manually?

No, just use Threading process to run mutliple little function in parralel but no manual fork or multiprocessing module use :/

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

After some other test I found something weird. When I run ps aux | grep kuyruk I have the following return : http://i.imgur.com/uclo6It.png with 10 result. But when I launch htop : http://i.imgur.com/FOft9yE.png with 14 results.. I didn't understand :joy:

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Maybe you are seeing threads. By default htop also show threads. You can hide them by pressing F2, switching to "Display options" menu and selecting "Hide userland process threads".

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Maybe you are seeing threads. By default htop also show threads. You can hide them by pressing F2, switching to "Display options" menu and selecting "Hide userland process threads".

Okay, this works, it was thread on htop. But I didn't really understand what is this "threads" using the same command. I just tried to start my vm, just launch supervisord without running other things. And I have those "threads" running on htop, is that normal ? (Kuyruk was just launched, not run)

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's normal. Kuyruk creates several threads internally.

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's normal. Kuyruk creates several threads internally.

Okay I understand. But after process all the "queue", why Kuyruk threads stay alive ?

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Those thread are not related with the processing of messages from queues.

They are used to implement features such as --max-load flag and --max-run-time flag.

You can read the source code to learn more detail: https://github.com/cenkalti/kuyruk/blob/master/kuyruk/worker.py

nathan30 commented 4 years ago


I reopen this issue because I see something weird. I set supervisor to run 3 Kuyruk process. I manage to launch ~10 process. the 3 first are run well with Supervisor but when the process is ended, it doesn't run the other one. It is normal?

Thanks in advance

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

Hi @nathan30, I don't know the details of your setup. I think you should debug this yourself. If you can send me a reproducible bug report about Kuyruk I'll be happy to help.

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

I finally manage to get it working. But I have another issue. If I restart Supervisor, it will create another X Kuyruk process. What can I do to kill the Kuyruk processes when Supervisor is stopped of restarted ?

Thanks in advance

cenkalti commented 4 years ago

It depends on how you restart supervisor. I presume you are using systemctl restart supervisor command.

Supervisor acts on following signals: http://supervisord.org/running.html#signal-handlers

If you kill it without waiting for it to shutdown gracefully, then you may see duplicate processes.

Also Kuyruk responds to signals in following way: https://kuyruk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/worker.html

Usually, it is a good practice to send a SIGTERM to a process to terminate itself gracefully, wait for some time, then kill it with SIGKILL if it still alive. This approach may change depending on the nature of the application.

You should look at Supervisor and systemd options to setup your system. http://supervisord.org/configuration.html#program-x-section-values (See stopsignal and stopwaitsecs options) https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html#ExecStop=

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the links. I looked at it and try a lot of configuration into my supervisor conf but without success, I stil have new process and the old ones each time I restart supervisor. Do you have any working example ?


cenkalti commented 4 years ago

No, I don't have an example at the moment. How do you restart supervisor?

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

I used to restart it with systemctl but finally I found supervisorctl to restart properly :)

nathan30 commented 4 years ago

EDIT : Finally even with supervisorctl reload or restart all, the workers stay alive ...