cenkalti / putio.py

A python wrapper for put.io APIv2
MIT License
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Support for /files/get-download-links #47

Closed thiagofigueiro closed 5 years ago

thiagofigueiro commented 5 years ago

I noticed that the "Download links" action on the the web ui makes a POST request to https://api.put.io/v2/files/get-download-links, however this isn't documented in https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/putio/putio/2.6.3#/files and isn't currently available in this client.

When writing a client to synchronise data locally it would be useful to have this available so one doesn't need to traverse the directories and filter for VIDEO on all files.

cenkalti commented 5 years ago

The endpoint is undocumented because it is not part of the public API.

If you don't want to traverse, you can pass -1 as parent_id param. This will return all files. There is a hard limit of 1000 on the number of entries returned from this endpoint. Please add per_page=1000 parameter to get a cursor in response. Also you can filter file types by passing file_type=VIDEO param.

Example httpie command:

http get 'https://api.put.io/v2/files/list' "Authorization: token $PUTIO_TOKEN" parent_id==-1 per_page==2 file_type==VIDEO