center-for-threat-informed-defense / attack-workbench-frontend

An application allowing users to explore, create, annotate, and share extensions of the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base. This repository contains an Angular-based web application providing the user interface for the ATT&CK Workbench application.
Apache License 2.0
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[REQUEST] Auto-Reset Status to 'Needs Review' After ATT&CK Object Changes #561

Open erinehall opened 3 days ago

erinehall commented 3 days ago

Develop a feature that automatically resets the status to 'needs review' after changes have been made to ATT&CK Objects (including any Relationship additions, modifications, or deletions that are connected to those objects).

When changes are made to ATT&CK objects or their related relationships, there is no way to update the status to 'needs review', so that the Team Leads can review and approve these changes.

Solution: Develop a feature that automatically resets the status of ATT&CK objects to 'needs review' whenever changes are made, including relationship additions, modifications, or deletions that are connected to those objects.


  1. Automatically update an object's status to 'needs review' whenever an edit is saved.
  2. Ensure relationship changes (additions, deletions, or modifications) linked to an object also reset the status of the associated object.