center-for-threat-informed-defense / security-stack-mappings

🚨ATTENTION🚨 The Security Stack Mappings have migrated to the Center’s Mappings Explorer project. See README below. This repository is kept here as an archive.
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update to ATT&CK v12 #176

Open MoD01 opened 1 year ago

MoD01 commented 1 year ago


I tried to upload the Azure and GCP json from your official website to the ATT&CK Navigator:

Then I hit the export Button on the Navigator and re-imported. When prompted, I choose yes, upgrade to ATT&CK Navigator v12 for both of the files. I need a common version because otherwise I cannot run a comparison with the Attack Navigator between the two Azure&GCP.

The GUI (Attack Navigator) represents the content correctly but when I hit export in the Navigator and then directly re-import that export, some entries in the matrix disappear (e.g. in Azure the Phishing in the third row is completely empty). I verified that this issue is not present after exporting/importing when I choose "no" to not upgrade to ATT&CK Navigator v12.

But by not upgrading to a common Version I cannot use the Mitre Att&ck Navigator comparison feature.

PS: I need the export because I wrote a python script that deleted everything but the features in the "protect" category, so I can compare the two cloud providers. Thatwhy I am dependent of the export/import feature. PPS: Before I wrote the python script, I studied your github Tool section. You have a nice option in your python script to filter on --category Protect but unfortunately this is only for direct console output. It is not possible to have the Navigator JSON exporten with a filter for "only category=protect". Would be nice if this is possible - so I would not need my own python script.

mehaase commented 1 year ago

I am able to reproduce the problem, but unsure what the root cause is. I noticed that if I open the layer without upgrading to v12 then the data is captured fine, so I suspect this is an issue/limitation with the way Navigator upgrades layers. Azure is v8 → v12 and GCP is v10 → v12. @clemiller can you weigh in on this?

Ideally we will get the mappings updated to v12 this year, but no firm timeline on that.

mehaase commented 1 year ago

@MoD01 I talked with @clemiller (who knows the Navigator tool much better than I do) and I think the solution is to use the Navigator upgrade wizard to copy annotations over from the old versions to new. This document explains how to handle annotations:

Here's a screenshot showing the process e.g. for T1189 Drive-by Compromise. You can click the "Show annotated techniques only" checkbox to make this process faster.

Screen Shot 2023-01-04 at 11 48 09 AM