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Software: Latest: unknown #38

Closed srob1 closed 2 years ago

srob1 commented 2 years ago

I upgraded from 1.32 to 1.33, and did show info and got this:

NTP200> show info
Model:         NTP200
HW Rev:        8
SN:            164
Software       Running: 1.33, Latest: unknown
DC Power:      12.04
Power:         good
CPU Temp:      106.5 F
Temperature:   good
Memory:        89.6 / 256 MB
CPU:           2.8%
Uptime:        0 min

why is the latest version "unknown" and not 1.33 ?

srob1 commented 2 years ago

In the GUI it says "check-pending":

Running: 1.33 Latest: check-pending

(not sure why check-pending is hyphenated)

srob1 commented 2 years ago

Maybe we have different ideas of what "shortly after boot" means. I assume there was a reboot after the upgrade from 1.32 to 1.33, so I'm not sure why it didn't do a check after this reboot?

srob1 commented 2 years ago
NTP200> show info
Model:         NTP200
HW Rev:        8
SN:            164
Software       Running: 1.33, Latest: unknown
DC Power:      12.05
Power:         good
CPU Temp:      103.2 F
Temperature:   good
Memory:        85.1 / 256 MB
CPU:           3.5%
Uptime:        9 min
srob1 commented 2 years ago

20 minutes after reboot, still no check ?

NTP200> show info
Model:         NTP200
HW Rev:        8
SN:            164
Software       Running: 1.33, Latest: unknown
DC Power:      12.04
Power:         good
CPU Temp:      104.0 F
Temperature:   good
Memory:        85.3 / 256 MB
CPU:           3.0%
Uptime:        20 min
dave4445 commented 2 years ago

timer is random time between 5 and 65 minutes after boot, same goes for daily: random time betwen 1AM to 2AM