Tally incoming problems (e.g. send a String to an endpoint expecting DataTO)
Tally exception types
Keep last 10 exceptions (or "groups") for introspection
Explore way to "link over" to invoked service (use "jump host" and the deep-link anchor)
Add info about the three props on incoming messages: Interactive, Audit, Persistent. They should probably all be same value for a given sender, so it should not explode the number of entries.
On an endpoint, make some kind of differentiation whether incoming messages are "directly from init", i.e. we're the first receiver of the Mats flow, or whether we're are part longer out. Maybe "init REQUEST" vs. "REQUEST"?
Moved here from duplicate #88
Include some text "Statistics are from MatsFactory startup, which was yyyy-mm-dd, xyz hours ago"
Include stages with DLQs and Olds at top, in a table, over Factory Summary, if present.
Include DLQs, Olds and num msgs as a single column in table, summing up stages.
Thousand separator for all integers: Incoming messages (both sum, and list), and the "out of observations".
Make ToC at top, for easy navigation
.. and make every "node" deep-linkable (anchor)
More "colorization" based on timings, i.e. green, blue, orange, red, "burning".
Moved here from duplicate #88