centreborelli / satnerf

Satellite Neural Radiance Fields
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How can I run this code on the IAPRA MVS3DM dataset #19

Open jieeeeeeeeeee opened 1 year ago

jieeeeeeeeeee commented 1 year ago

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could provide me with some advice on how to run this code on the IAPRA MVS3DM dataset. Additionally, I tried running eval_s2p.py JAX_068 directly but encountered issues where the resulting MAE was 57.06 (Altitude MAE (mean alt fusion): 57.06578063964844), and the generated s2p DSM was incorrect. Would you happen to have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Thank you very much for your time and help!" s2p DSM: image

jieeeeeeeeeee commented 1 year ago

I run this script “python3 eval_s2p.py JAX_068 /mnt/cdisk/roger/Datasets/SatNeRF/root_dir/fullaoi_rpcs_ba_v1/JAX_068 /mnt/cdisk/roger/Datasets/DFC2019 /mnt/cdisk/roger/nerf_output-crops3/results --n_pairs 10“ The log of one pair is:

tile size: 799 829 total number of tiles: 1 (1 x 1)

discarding masked tiles... done 1 / 1 tiles Elapsed time: 0:00:14.115795

1) correcting pointing locally... done 1 / 1 tiles Elapsed time: 0:00:24.546816

2) correcting pointing globally... Elapsed time: 0:00:00.002054

3) rectifying tiles... done 1 / 1 tiles Elapsed time: 0:07:04.851527

4) running stereo matching... done 1 / 1 tiles Elapsed time: 0:01:52.922890

5) triangulating tiles... done 1 / 1 tiles Elapsed time: 0:00:02.788731

computing DSM by tile... done 1 / 1 tiles /data/qyj/miniconda3/envs/satnerf1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproj/crs/crs.py:141: FutureWarning: '+init=:' syntax is deprecated. ':' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6 in_crs_string = _prepare_from_proj_string(in_crs_string) ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_name: /data/qyj/miniconda3/envs/satnerf1/share/proj/proj.db lacks DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MAJOR / DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR metadata. It comes from another PROJ installation. ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_name: /data/qyj/miniconda3/envs/satnerf1/share/proj/proj.db lacks DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MAJOR / DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR metadata. It comes from another PROJ installation. Elapsed time: 0:00:00.461138

7) computing global DSM... Elapsed time: 0:00:00.470537

Total elapsed time: 0:09:40.159521

WBS111 commented 4 months ago

have you solve this problem? I found there is no root_dir/fullaoi_rpcs_ba_v1 path in the dataset. How can you run that command?