centreon / centreon-archived

Centreon is a network, system and application monitoring tool. Centreon is the only AIOps Platform Providing Holistic Visibility to Complex IT Workflows from Cloud to Edge.
GNU General Public License v2.0
578 stars 240 forks source link

Openldap with SSL/TLS error #12057

Open c0c0163 opened 1 year ago

c0c0163 commented 1 year ago


# dpkg -l | grep centreon
ii  centreon                                                  22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          Centreon is a network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool,
ii  centreon-auto-discovery-server                            22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        This extension offers auto discovery on Centreon
ii  centreon-broker                                           22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Broker is a Centreon Engine/Nagios module that report events in
ii  centreon-broker-cbmod                                     22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        This module can be loaded by Centreon Engine.
ii  centreon-broker-core                                      22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        core holds Centreon Broker's default modules.
ii  centreon-broker-storage                                   22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Storage holds Centreon Broker's prefdata storage.
ii  centreon-central                                          22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          The package contains base configuration for Centreon Engine and Centreon Broker.
ii  centreon-clib                                             22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Clib is a common library for all Centreon products
ii  centreon-common                                           22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          Base package for all Centreon installations.
ii  centreon-connector                                        22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Connector provide a monitoring tools, compatible with
ii  centreon-connector-perl                                   22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Connector Perl provide embedded perl for Centreon Engine
ii  centreon-connector-ssh                                    22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Connector SSH provide persistante connection between checks.
ii  centreon-database                                         22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          Install a database server optimized for use with Centreon.
ii  centreon-engine                                           22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Engine is a monitoring engine, compatible with Nagios
ii  centreon-engine-extcommands                               22.04.1-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Engine External Commands allow to other applications to send
ii  centreon-gorgone                                          22.04.0-bullseye                                                           amd64        Centreon Gorgone.
ii  centreon-license-manager                                  22.04.0-bullseye                                                           amd64        This extension manage licenses of proprietary Centreon products.
ii  centreon-perl-libs                                        22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          This packages contains Centreon Perl libraries.
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-databases-mysql              20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-databases-postgresql         20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-docker-restapi               20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-jvm-actuator                 20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-monitoring-centreon-central  20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor Centreon Central server
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-monitoring-centreon-database 20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-monitoring-centreon-poller   20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-dns                 20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-ftp                 20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-http                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-ldap                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-ntp                 20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-snmp                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor any equipment with SNMP agent
ii  centreon-plugin-applications-protocol-x509                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor X509 certificates
ii  centreon-plugin-hardware-printers-generic-snmp            20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-hardware-servers-supermicro-bmc-snmp      20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-hardware-storage-qnap-snmp                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-hardware-ups-standard-rfc1628-snmp        20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-network-cisco-standard-snmp               20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor Cisco switches using SNMP
ii  centreon-plugin-network-switchs-alcatel-omniswitch-snmp   20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor Alcatel OmniSwitch using SNMP
ii  centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-local              20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor Linux server/equipment using local commands
ii  centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-snmp               20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-ssh                20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin to monitor Linux server/equipment using local commands
ii  centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-windows-snmp             20220810-062138-bullseye                                                   amd64        Centreon Plugin
ii  centreon-poller-centreon-engine                           22.04.7-bullseye                                                           amd64        This package add rights and default directories for a poller
ii  centreon-pp-manager                                       22.04.0-bullseye                                                           amd64        Install, update and manager your Plugin Packs with this Centreon extension.
ii  centreon-trap                                             22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          This package contains Centreon Trap engine
ii  centreon-web                                              22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          This package contains WebUI files.
ii  centreon-web-apache                                       22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          Centreon is a network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool,
ii  centreon-web-common                                       22.04.7-bullseye                                                           all          Centreon installation entry point.
ii  centreon-widget-engine-status                             22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-global-health                             22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-graph-monitoring                          22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-grid-map                                  22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-host-monitoring                           22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-hostgroup-monitoring                      22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-httploader                                22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-live-top10-cpu-usage                      22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-live-top10-memory-usage                   22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-ntopng-listing                            22.04.0-2                                                                  all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-service-monitoring                        22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-servicegroup-monitoring                   22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-single-metric                             22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets
ii  centreon-widget-tactical-overview                         22.04.0-bullseye                                                           all          Add homepage with Centreon Widgets

ldap configuration:


ldapsearch.log: TLS [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : trying url : ldap://XXXXXXX:389/ [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : use tls [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Error : Connect error [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : Credentials : cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx; [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Error : Can't contact LDAP server [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : Bind : Can't contact LDAP server [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : connection error [04/11/2022 08:04] LDAP Search : XML Output :

No TLS [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : trying url : ldap://XXXXXXX:389/ [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Connect : Credentials : cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx; [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : Base DN : ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx; [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : Filter : (&(uid=*)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)) [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : Size Limit : 60 [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : Timeout : 60 [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : 5 entries found [04/11/2022 08:17] LDAP Search : 5 [04/11/2022 08:39] LDAP Search : XML Output :

SSL [04/11/2022 08:18] LDAP Connect : trying url : ldaps://XXXXXXX:636/ [04/11/2022 08:18] LDAP Connect : Credentials : cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx; [04/11/2022 08:18] LDAP Error : Can't contact LDAP server [04/11/2022 08:18] LDAP Connect : Bind : Can't contact LDAP server [04/11/2022 08:18] LDAP Connect : connection error [04/11/2022 08:08] LDAP Search : XML Output :

c0c0163 commented 1 year ago
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_protocol_ldap.pl --plugin=apps::protocols::ldap::plugin --mode=login --hostname= --username='cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx' --password='xxxxxxx'
OK: Response time 0.002 second(s) | 'time'=0.002s;;;;
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_protocol_ldap.pl --plugin=apps::protocols::ldap::plugin --mode=login --hostname= --username='cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx' --password='xxxxxxx' --ldap-connect-options='scheme=ldaps'
OK: Response time 0.040 second(s) | 'time'=0.040s;;;;
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_protocol_ldap.pl --plugin=apps::protocols::ldap::plugin --mode=login --hostname= --username='cn=ldapbind,ou=users,ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx' --password='xxxxxxx' --tls
OK: Response time 0.061 second(s) | 'time'=0.061s;;;;