centreon / centreon-clapi

Centreon CLAPI Module
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Error import the centreon_clapi_import_commands #368

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hey brothers,

i am testing to migrate my nagios configuration (version 4.2.1) to centreon (version 2.7.7) wich have already installed in my VM linux ubuntu 16.04 ... i have follow the instructions in this link: https://documentation-fr.centreon.com/docs/centreon/en/2.8.x/migration/nagiostocentreon.html (= Nagios Reader vers Centreon CLAPI). i have set this command: perl nagios_reader_to_centreon_clapi.pl --nagios_reader_to_centreon_clapi.pl --config /usr/local/nagios/etc --version 4 > /tmp/centreon_clapi_import_commands.txt: and then: /usr/local/centreon/bin/centreon -u admin -p admin -i /tmp/centreon_clapi_import_commands.txt

the command prompt return :

Line 1 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 2 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 3 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 4 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 5 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 6 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 7 : Resource is already tied to instance Line 8 : Resource is already tied to instance

Is it normal ? the result is shown in the figures centreon clapi nagios_reader_to_centreon_clapi file resource is already tied to instance

Thanks in advance. Best regards : )