centreon / centreon-nsclient-build

Source use to build the centreon NSClient agent
19 stars 3 forks source link

enh(build) use NSCP- stable #72

Closed ponchoh closed 2 years ago

ponchoh commented 2 years ago

use latest stable release instead of nightly

NSCP- SHA256: CA6A67FB01C1468F2B510FD2F9EB0750887DB3FB49A0302732C1421C85C6627C

NSCP- SHA256: DFE93C293F30586B02510D8B7884E4E177B93A5FEAD8B5DC6DE8103532E6E159

UrBnW commented 2 years ago is the latest "release", with interesting changelog : https://github.com/mickem/nscp/releases 0.5.3.x are given as pre-release.

ponchoh commented 2 years ago

Thank you @UrBnW in this case I wasn't able to successfully use the web interface on but works on


and for whatever reason they show this on their website


UrBnW commented 2 years ago

You're right @ponchoh, web server GUI is dead in 5.2.41 : https://github.com/mickem/nscp/issues/576. However, we don't really need it when used with Centreon Plugins. And good news is that the RestAPI properly works :

--ssl-opt='SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE'
--arg="warning=load>95 and core='total'"

So no need IMO to downgrade to 5.2.39. Hope dev will restart, as 5.2.41 is from 2018... And no more commit since 2019...

ponchoh commented 2 years ago

@UrBnW I agree. It does work, both releases are a mere two months apart. I will leave it to the owners to choose. Or.. or.. do we write our own 🤪?

UrBnW commented 2 years ago

Or.. or.. do we write our own 🤪?

Would be nice yes to have a (Centreon) maintained version of the Windows agent. A whole new agent, or a fork of (now almost dead) NSClient++. Could also be a lightweight agent which would simply receive centreon-plugins commands to run (and would return their results). Would however certainly be lighter to have the standard checks (cpu, memory, disks...) built into the compiled agent (rather than throwing-up perl for them). @garnier-quentin any thought on this new agent idea ? Perhaps this is something you already discussed internally ? Thx 👍

ponchoh commented 2 years ago

that was that... https://docs.centreon.com/pp/integrations/plugin-packs/getting-started/how-to-guides/windows-winrm-wsman-tutorial/