centrifugal / centrifuge-dart

Dart (Flutter) client SDK for bidirectional communication with Centrifugo and Centrifuge-based server over WebSocket
MIT License
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A few more examples #9

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

At the moment the demo works :) I got it working after a few hours. Great stuff and well abstracted.

But i think that we should add an example that is little more data driven so its easier to play around with Centrifuge.

Use this as a basis. https://github.com/magicwave/mws_mqtt_client which currently uses: https://github.com/shamblett/mqtt_client Its for MQTT but is a good example.

It shows the server connected, and allows you to connect. Screenshot 2019-04-08 at 09 43 38

It allows you to make new channels / topics, so you can play around. Screenshot 2019-04-08 at 09 43 53

It allows you to test putting data into those channels and see it coming back.

Screenshot 2019-04-08 at 09 44 22

Maybe add login - it does not have it yet.

Then it would be good to add a few examples to really show off how powerful centrifuge can be !

Maybe we should host here ?

I can start on the following below:

  1. A Classic Chat app example.


  1. A real time document collaboration.



  1. A Cal App is a good example also
    • So peoples cals stay in sync on their many devices.
FZambia commented 5 years ago

@gedw99 I suppose everyone will be happy if you add one or more well crafted examples.

FZambia commented 4 years ago

fixed by @synw via #32